sock porn for knitting voyeurs.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fall knitty, q stockings and a contest

q stockings, my new pattern :)
published in fall knitty 2007
additional q stocking pics here in my flickr stream

Yall have no idea how hard it was to keep quiet about this pair of stockings! I breaknecked to get the second done recently (8 days), and liked the completed pair so much I actually bought a skirt (!!!) to wear them with :)

So, let's keep the happiness rolling...

Since contests make me happy, and etsy makes me happy... time for another etsy contest! For those of you who are new to my blog, Etsy is an online marketplace where crafters and artists can sell their handmade work. I try to feature various etsy artists I've purchased from every week here on my blog for "etsy fridays," and have picked a small sampling of favorite stores to give gifts and gift certificates from.


$27 gift certificate to

There is a lot of beautiful jewelry on Etsy, but I am just smitten when it comes to LORiOLA's work. She is a glass artist with a great eye for color, a sense of humor about her art and a steady hand when it comes to creating scrollwork in molten glass. I truly believe each of her pieces is a work of art and I'm thrilled to own several different types.


$20 gift certificate to

I go on and on about Pigeonroof Studios, but it's not without good reason. She hand dyes yarn and roving for spinning in some of the most exciting colors I've seen on etsy (outside as well), and sells a good variety of handspun yarn for those wanting to try to knit with handspun. I am *captivated* by her eye for and application of color across fiber mediums.


$18.50 gift certificate to

I have bought pounds of handmade soap from etsy for myself and loved ones, and Frost Fish Cove Soaps is my favorite vendor. Their molded, cold process soaps come in a wide variety of scents and ingredients that are foamy, cleansing and a luxury to use. I never thought I could be so excited about soap until finding handmade soaps, but I am and Frost Fish has made me a convert.


3 sets to 3 winners: tissue cozy and keyfob set by
donated by Jen and Wendy of Piddleloop :)

You guys know how I feel about Piddleloop's fabric bags for storing my knitting projects, but did you know they make other awesome fabric creations as well? I didn't until Jen sent me this tissue cozy and keychain set; turns out the Piddleloop team makes lots of things for their local retail markets they we don't see in their etsy store. Here's your chance to see for yourself the excellent handwork that goes into all of their products-- and really, I didn't know I needed to carry kleenex with me til I started, and now I can't stop. It makes me feel like supermom.


custom made Chrysanthemums on Black pouch by
donated by Satomi of JapaneseHandmadeEtc, photo courtesy of her store

You know how much I love my Japanese Handmade Etc box bag pouches for sock knitting (see all SIX of mine here, here and here)... they are the perfect travel size for a sock, hang lightly on the wrist for walking and knitting, are heavily interfaced and reversible so no wayward dpns can poke thru, and really just seem made for housing small knitting projects. They are perfect for non-knitters as well (my son uses his for carrying important toddler boy treasures in, mom likes hers for carrying small essentials like a wallet and keys), and I'm still amazed at how well and with what detail they are put together.

Sorry for leaving this off my original post! :(


$10 gift certificate to

Creative Apples, by sheer volume alone, is my favorite greeting card seller on etsy. She is a photographer with a huge range, and her work looks awesome mounted on the large blank cards I buy hand over fist. Her shop is full of subject matter (superhero toys, foliage and flowers, cupcakes, robots...) and she will make any image from her flickr stream into a card or print. The choices there are huge and even more varied, so it's no wonder why I have and send so many.


$10 gift certificate to

I have been a fan of time2cre8 ever since opening up my own etsy store. I buy all of the recycled atlas/comic book handmade business card envelopes for my packages from her, and she constantly amazes me with what she can do with paper-- handmade envelopes, printed tags, aceos and cards. I love the variety of her art and talent across all sorts of media.


$10 gift certificate to

The best knitting stitch markers on etsy.


Seriously though, this is my little corner of etsy-- I have a shop selling knitting stitch markers made from freshwater pearls, semiprecious stones, and other handmade goods that do well as markers (being light, being unusual and being handmade). As much as I love glass jewelry, I am a big fan of abandoning glass for natural stones for my stitch markers. Freshwater pearls are incredibly light on the needles, much lighter than glass while still a beauty and joy to use. zeromarkers will also custom size your stitch marker rings for free-- you have a choice of US 2, US 4, US 9 and US 13 rings that nearly all sets can be fit with, depending on your knitting poison.

I also, occasionally, sell superwash merino roving for spinning dyed in 4 oz braids when I need a little color outlet. - zerOmarkers


photo courtesy of

Each winner will also receive a 1" button made by at Etsy Labs-- the "gooey nougat center of the Etsy Executive Offices" where lucky NYC artists and crafters can hang out and expand their craft muscles by learning something new and soaking up the etsyness.


All of the certificates should be enough to cover at least one item in the above shops with shipping, so no worries about needing alternate payment methods (unless you want to stock up, which my fellow vendors and I fully endorse ;)).

"How can I win something etsy-fabulous?"

By submitting a couplet to the world's longest poem at Choka On It and copy/pasting your couplet in the comments to *this* post. I reserve the right to disqualify you if you don't follow their (simple) submission requirements... I'm mean like that, ask around ;) Any doubts, check my past choka contests here, here, and here for more info. You must leave me either a link to your blog or a valid email address with your comment, no anonymous entries (so the vendors and I can contact you if you win!)

Contest will run til Friday, Sept 28 at 12pm PST (the next Etsy Friday for me, I'm taking a few weeks off!)... and winners will be chosen *at random* (one entry per person), so no worries about your poetry skilz or lack thereof.

Good luck! Keep on stranding on!


Anonymous said...

I added a couplet to the Choka several months ago (I hope that counts). Here it is:

Yarn shops online reel me in
Like a fish, I bite.

fluffbuff said...

Awesome socks! I would have bought a skirt, too, for these ones.

Anonymous said...

The new sock design is FABULOUS!!!!

Micki said...

I love the socks! Q*bert would approve.

Alyson said...

Congrats on the pattern! You're publishing a brilliant sock pattern in every issue! Yay! (And I love this one - I was maybe a bit obsessy about the Q game for Atari when I was a kid.)

Now you've made me want to write a pattern based on Pitfall (that was my other favourite.)

Amelia of Ask The Bellwether said...

LOL how could I resist poetry? here's mine (used my email as the tag, poetread):

Knitty's up, time to stash dive
and knit Muir for me!

Debra said...

Fantastic socks! They're a stand-out in the new Knitty. The moment I saw them I thought of Q-bert and my childhood. :)

So, I tried the Choka-- the system *thinks* the first line has a questionable number of syllables. (In *my* head it's seven!!!)

Sun is waining, sky ablaze
Crisp Fall air around

Lori said...

Wow, those socks are so cool! Very MC Escher, whose art I've always loved.
I'll Choka later, just had to say great pattern and keep on writing them!

JenniferB said...

Wow. Stunning socks! Here's my couplet:

But the Internet is still
lit up like summer

Christa said...

Awesome socks. Here's my contribution:
google reader gives me a
virtual knit fix

Jacqui said...

you have hooked me already on etsy. sigh. so here it is:

flash flash, almost there, then gone
lost connection dreams

monica said...

gorgeous! My choka contribution:

I click "preview" then I see
my connection sucks.

Kristine said...

yo! girl you might even get my girlfriend to start knitting with your sock creations!

They are awesome!

Camille said...

Refresh, Refresh, madly click
Still to no avail

Wow, I will be casting on Qs as soon as I get these swap socks off my needles. And buy circulars...

WonderMike said...

Time at work is nearly done
When will it be five?

Anonymous said...

hee, there's going to be another chain of knitting related chokas now.

the Qs are awesome. and my couplet even says so.

fall knitty has awesome socks
favourites are Qs

Karen said...

I'll get to the choka tomorrow. For now, I wanted to say great socks. They'll be added to my to do list. You know how I can't resist your work....

lexa said...

Love the new pattern! Very neat, reminds me of Q-bert. I loved that game. :)

Anonymous said...

Great socks!! I loved that game as a kid! ;)

Here's my contribution:

Paean to the Internet
404 not found!

Anonymous said...

The Q stockings are AMAZING

Romi said...

I totally love those socks! I was waiting to congratulate you, too. :) Should have just written anyway after I went snooping around! ;)

Suzie said...

Hi there! Here's my couplet...

Click, click, click...waiting for truth.
How much more clicking?

I thought truth was 2 syllables, but not according to Choka!

P.S. I heart Piddleloop!

Anonymous said...

I love apples and honey
On Rosh Hashana


tea cozy said...

I cannot WAIT to knit those!

here's my couplet. I couldn't say it all in one, so it's actually 2 couplets:

contra dancing we swing round
sweaty and alive
then home we go to the 'net
who have we become?

enjoy your break!

E to the M said...

A skirt!!?? Wow.

I can't stop beta testing
I'm in like with you

alligator said...

Those socks are so great! My bf says he wants a pair, I told him to learn to knit cuz I'm making these socks for ME!

Here is my couplet for the contest too:
I learn a lot from the web
about knitting socks

HPNY KNITS said...

the socks are delightful!!

Lori said...

Alright, I got it now. I wrote about my morning yesterday:

"Walked beyond computer range
Watched and then walked home.

Found Sock Pr0n's contest online -
I must enter NOW!"

Stacey said...

Those socks are CRAZY!!!!!!!! Very, very them.

Tried to add a couplet, but it seems to be down!

Anonymous said...

Back at school for just one week
Already I'm sick

(germy little kids... grrrrr...)

Unknown said...

Found your blog and contest through Knitty - great socks! Here's my couplet:

Silent words - librarian's
Fantasy poem.

Anonymous said...

Love the Q socks. I'm always a little leery of stranded socks, though. How thick are they?

Here's my couplet:

I started seaming sweater
Can't bring it to work

WandaWoman said...

I'm just amazed and in awe at those awesome socks. They are just beautiful. I like the boots you're wearing too.

Look at you buying a skirt and everything. Now you can wear Hanami too, see!
*always thinking of the upside!*

Eva said...

Wow to your socks! Congratulations on having them in Knitty!

Here´s my Choka:
I need bandwidht to log on
log on and have fun

Kathy said...

Here's my Choka contribution:
"I am torn between projects
Which one shall I choose?"

Awesome socks!

Rachel said...

Love love love the Q-socks. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I love the socks! I posted on Choka 'cause:

Voyeur patterns, knitting, yarn
Too poor for my own.

dorkydi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Here's my contribution:

Finished shawl in aran yarn
Too bad it's so hot.


Courtney said...

Ok, I will take a shot....

Sock pron great socks and loves etsy
I love to knit socks!

the Lady said...

Choka post:

I blog about yarn all day
Knitters represent

(Choka isn't sure how many syllables the last line is, but it's clearly 5, to my grade-school clapping haiku hands.)

BTW - I saw your socks in Knitty this A.M., and I thought - cool. I like those. And then I headed over here this afternoon, not realizing that the Sock Pron I've been reading had just been Knitty published, and I'm like - cool!

Cool contest, too, it's really generous of you.


larkinsmall AT yahoo Dot com

Coleen said...

First of all, those socks are HOT. You are uber talented! I hope you wear them with deep pride!

Here's my choka contribution:

I can surf and click for hours
and time goes by. blink.

Courtney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Courtney said...

I added a couplet

Order your pizza online
Pepperoni, Please!

I Am Here

AnneKaelber said...

Well, it's not Shakespeare....

"I seek patterns on the web
and find big wish list!"

I'm entranced by the socks! I've *got* to knit those!!!!!

(I think blogger knows who I am:

Anonymous said...

I love your sock design! The pattern makes me think of Escher.

Bogie said...

They're amazing, congratulations!!

a.bumblingbee said...

hand-knit socks on my feet bring
winter to the beach.

soapy said...

Love the socks! I know how hard it is to keep quit about it toO!! yuk!

Susan said...

So much to do but no time,
yet I waste more here.

Harlem Purl said...

Kewl socks! I just posted the lamest couplet ever but I had to at least give it a try. especially when there's such great prizes involved.

My email is harlempurlsATgmailDOTcom.

Val said...

Lame, as usual, but once again I prove I'll do pretty much anything for free stuff:

Net connection dropped again,
"Talk to provider."

Courtney said...

My friend started her own etsy store for stitch markers, she only has a few items right now but is working on adding more, everything is handmade by her, if you can, will you please feature it on your etsy friday since so many people read your blog ??? Thanks a bunch... again, love the socks

Etsy store address:

Allegra said...

Love your stockings!!!! And I must say, your blog is Etsy Heaven!!

Anonymous said...

My search to make poodle skirt
ends up with porn, how?

Ok, not with me looking for porn, but a link, clearly saying poodle skirt pattern ended up with very much porn. I don´t know if it´s a tip for you, or a warning...

MJ said...

Want to quit the day job but
Mortgaged til eighty-three.

Knitter of shiny things said...

Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and thought that the contest sounded really cool.

I added a few couplets together:

Coughing, coughing. My throat hurts!
Why am I so sick?

How many knitters are here
from sockpr0n's contest?

Those were random thoughts of mine
strung with no logic

and the next couplet I have
is another one

I fit into small spaces
I am a hobbit!

My e-mail is stillinthewoods[at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous socks! My skill level is definitely not high enough to make them yet, but you can bet I am excited for the day it is.

My couplet is pretty lame, too, but it fits, as I'm in admiration of both the socks and the choka poem!

Why I love the internet:
'Cuz of things like this.

Katura said...

I chokaed!

Yarn and cards, glass and fiber,
buy from those who make.

Great socks!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could get out of bed
Cough! Cough! Cough! I'm sick!

Oh well, at least it gives me an excuse to troll the net and knit up a storm!


shayna AT lehigh DOT edu

PS The last three letters of the word verification for this comment are "kip" and that makes me happy. I have every intention of doing so!

NoSheep4U said...

The Etsy weentsy spider
Spins yarns too pretty!

Josiane said...

Those stockings are awesome! Once again, you came up with a great idea!

Here is the couplet I've just added to the Choka:
Knitters prone to addiction
Beware Ravelry!

Josiane (kimianak [at] gmail [dot] com)

Tara said...

Ravelry, Knitty, Sock Pr0n;
knitters online sing!

So fun!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

My contribution ...

another contest I see
so we knit words now

Liz said...

I *love* those socks! My sister-in-law would love them even more. Must make them for her for Christmas.

Here's the link to my new blog, thanks for asking :)

Chris said...

Knitting words into cat dreams
Tails twitch and paws flex

Congrats! Those are really amazing socks.

Anonymous said...

here's my added couplet:

The nights are getting longer
The days have grown short

I cannot wait to make those socks --OO I just came up with another couplet...

I can't wait to knit those socks
Q's for everyone

broadcasting from a knitting parlour said...

To Choka, under "dovesroost" I wrote:

monorail disconnected
must start blogging now

Unknown said...

That pattern is amazing; I must have them! Do you think they'd work out in brown and burgandy?

Anonymous said...

I just added this one under amycrea:
My online task is complex
Please, no more Britney

Alchemy said...

Lovely pattern. My entry:
last poem was for sweetheart
this one for stangers

georg said...

Inflation high, war rages
but news all O.J.

I will have to try those socks. I haven't played with two colors.

teabird said...

Something wicked this way comes. Why?
Your guess good as mine.

the syllable counter seems off... it made me add a syllable to the first line, even though it already had 7...

teabird17 AT yahoo DOT com

(those socks are splendid!)

Redheadskydiver said...

Love the socks - here's my contributiuon to the choka:
Wicked nights in New Orleans
The town we forgot

Turtle said...

Still trying to add, keep getting
"Application Error (Rails)"...whatever that means??

But this is what i am trying to add:

Knit one, leaves full of autumnal charm..
Purl two, colors drifting through my skein of yarn

(thanks! Fantastic socks! was it the denim skirt you had to buy?)

Turtle said...

Ok, kill my last one...i got excited about the whole poetry aspect, lol.....didn't see if was like a haiku:
so here is the new "correct " one:

Knit one, leaves of fall
Purl two, colors drifting call
Knitting..calms us all.

Turtle said...

OK, I am not crazy..really.but it changed when i went to post so here is the posted post!

Knit one, colors drifting call
Purl two, leaves of fall

turtlemoon Autumnal ..rhythmic...calming..

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your socks. I will add them to my "sock-to-do" list. The tumbling blocks is one of my all time favorite patterns.

"new needles for new knee socks,
exciting to start!

Kenyetta said...

I have been trying to add to the choka,
The web is a great resource.
Must win her contest
for some reason the page is not doing anything when I click preview.

Anonymous said...

Exquisite socks! Congrats on getting the pattern published!

Knitting blogs on Internet
Inspire me to knit

Put a Sock in it

Anonymous said...

she cut her hair again, damn
and her eyebrow too

My 5 year old has totally been into cutting her own hair lately - so, that was on my mind.

Great contest! I love seeing ehat everyone else wrote.

errs said...

congratulations and here's my entry:

A knitting knitter knits and
wants to win the prize

Justine said...

Lurve the socks - here's my choka:

A querulous old bird sings
The cat crouches, waits

Bertha said...

My couplet:

Good box bags are hard to make
ask me how I know.

KatieMcG said...

With a poem online, I
could win some yarn porn

Anonymous said...

I followed KatieMcG so I figured I had to make it fit.

And porn on the internet
Is what the world wants

Anonymous said...

And right in line after Julia's:

And what I want is too much -
a washing machine.

gail said...

Great socks. Here's my couplet--careful how your pronounce "libraries" to make the couplet work.
ARe print books now obsolete?
Are libraries gone?

lorinda said...

Thanks for challenging us to think creatively inside a tiny choka box.

Here's my couplet:

worst week of my life is gone
and I'm still alive

rubbishknitter said...

my couplet:

endless lines of text stretch out
into the future

(maybe not exactly wordsworth, but it is too early in the morning to be poetic)

ace socks :)

Slauditory said...

My couplet is as such:

My roommates put them there on
the lawn; the lines rot.

And your socks are awesome.

Slauditory said...

And my email address is:

slauditory at g mail dot com

Looking at your socks, by the way, makes me dizzy like those ocular pictures.

Joan said...

never know what never
will be forever

was my contribution as "yarnygirl"! [after my blog,]

the socks rock and so does all the etsy stuff.

heather said...

The info superhighway
Equals addiction

osteophagia said...

Here's my couplet (which follows Heather's on the choka):

Daily it feeds and feeds on
my knitting habit

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new sock pattern! Here's my choka contribution.
"Hoarding, collecting. Packrats.
Good or bad habits?"

Margot said...

Lovely sock pattern. Congratulations on another great submission.

My entry:

Timesuck, distraction, vortex
All my time surfing

Sherry W said...

Knitters take over the choka again! You have the bestest contests!

Mine is:

"must put away the keyboard
go outside and play"

Unknown said...

I love your sock pattern - I'll have to knit that. :)

Mine is:

...but play with what? This weather
is too hot for fall.

Looks like the knitters are the only ones choka-ing at this hour.

Ulla said...

My choka for today

Monday morning and clouds on the sky.
Monday morning and no socks.
Monday morning and thousands of stiches long for dancing on the needles .
What a great day.

Adriana said...

In honour of the amount of time I wasted online today instead of doing my homework I came up with this:

Sweet distracting internet
Please let me go work

jeanius said...

i tried to add to choka.. it gave me an error page :(

jeanius said... you have to make an account..
here is my 2 lines:

indie dyers are hard to
resist. so i dye.

Anonymous said...

Choka On It is pretty cool! My addition as thatkimgirl:

My eyes grow dry and weary
Firefox the true cause.

Also, your Q socks are simply amazing! Thanks for sharing the pattern with us. :)

Rogue Rylla said...

That Choka is very interesting! I added a couplet:

"All those knit blogs that I need,
Oh no, Yarn Dee Tees"

Knitting in Pink said...

Hi Aija,
I tried sending you an email concerning an order of stitch markers for yarn4socks. It said that it was delayed or something like that. I would like to make sure that you did get it. Let me know, Valerie

Unknown said...

Yeah, this is a blast! Awesome idea. Here's my contribution (posted as Alien on Choka on it.

Zombies walk with sunflowers
Smiling without mouths

Allison said...

*Shuffles up to podium, sips a glass of water, shuffles papers, clears throat*

Must prepare for zombie war!
(I live near graveyards.)

Thank you.

*tepid applause*

Anonymous said...

here was mine:

can not work must blog, blog, blog
about what, peeps, fam?

ikkinlala said...

My contributions:

"Zombies don't worry me much.
They will stay quiet.

My landlady doesn't, though.
How can I study?

(Of course, it would help if I
didn't read weblogs.)"

Reading that over again, it starts to sound whiny. Don't worry, I'm not going to end up blaming you for my grades! We all need a break sometimes, right?

Anonymous said...

my Choka contributions for the night:

But no weblogs? Not even
at work? Not a chance!

(They certainly don't pay me
enough to desist.)

Hee :). You'd never know by my attitude that I just got back from two weeks of vacation. Just a month and a half until I'm eligible for promotion...

Alyson said...

the one zillionth entry is from me. I saw a word on the choka that made me perk up and I totally abandoned what I had planned to write and ended up with, "Zombies and the internet? You're on to something."

Phoebe said...

So love the new pattern...even more than the RPMs. And thanks for letting me discover Choka...what fun! I'm going to definitely go back and do that again.

Here's my couplet:
Watching in fascination
Child moves mouse so fast!

Kristine said...

Grandmother emails Right Wing
Reading in horror

jinny said...

I <3 you! I didn't know you were the designer of Space Invaders & Q & those awesome freshwater pearl stitch markers that have been sitting on my wist forever! I refer people to your knitting in tutorial often. :)

I'm working on Q in Cascade Fixation right now, so I went searching for other people's Qs and found you! :D

Keep up the good work!

jinny said...

I finished the first of the pair! Q,
The other will be in the reverse colors.

Sarah O G said...

He is one, today he shines
Life, love, learn, big one

ladybhuidhe at gmail dot com

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