sock porn for knitting voyeurs.

Monday, May 07, 2007

penguins and tigers

sometimes i just need to hold myself down and pound out that stockinette urge... run away from that feeling you're never going to have a FO again.


round y round, around the world and back again. stst does take the edge off, doesn't it? it'll return no doubt, the nagging need... but that is the fun, yeah?

long weekend socks
started: 4 may 2007
finished: 7 may 2007
toe up using PGR's method
handspun superwash merino, "glass ocean" roving from my shop
US 1.5 (2.5mm) knitpicks dpns, 4

i was beginning to feel i'd never have anything finished in my hands ever again, even though the german stockings probably only have a day's worth of work left in them. i just keep thinking... they'll be done and then what? i don't even think i can take pictures of my own legs, not in a way that really highlights how rad they are going to be, and i don't even think i have a skirt in my possession to put on (not counting the now-dusty suits from my days of posing as an officer of the court), and where am i going to wear something so fabulous-- sandy playgrounds, toddler-led tours of downtown?

anyway, this isn't about those stockings (though they will be done!)


toe up using priscilla gibson-roberts' method from simple socks: plain and fancy (heel/toe, and her grafted bindoff @ the top). i knit the cuffs in stockinette (see rhapsodic above about stst love, if you missed it) for 4.5" from the heelturn, and 1.5" 2x2 ribbing on US 0 (2.0mm). the gurus at knittyboard saved me at 130am, reassuring me cuffs like these should stay up. i'll need a field report to know for certain, but just trying them on hot off the needles for these pics seem to show they'll be fine. it is nice too, a less bulky cuff in my hightops-- every sock cuff i've knit before has been patterned or ribbed.


i love the yarn. i should be modest but really, i'm so happy with it. its pretty even, though the purple skein was thinner (64 st cast on vs 60 st CO for the more-green one). its soft, not wiry, and just fascinating to watch knit up. almost reminds me of trekking, in a way... i almost stopped my stockinette quickie and made pomatomus again-- reminded of my last fish pair.


i'll definitely be dyeing roving in this method again, as well... its weird, i thought i preferred no more than 3 colors in roving, plus the white for depth and brightness-- that any more was jarring to the eye during spinning and knitting. even though i used way more than 3 colors here, they're all tied together with complimentary overtones and i think it works and looks beautiful, not car-crashy like i feared.

that's it for now :)

oh... it was drilled into me, at a young age to not tell :) but my 13-year old boy soul does like to listen (could just be the 29-year old voyeur, too...) so leave me a comment about your best day last week-- you can be as vague ("wednesday") or as specific ("one time, at band camp...") as you like. next monday i'll send a skein of lightweight socks that rock in "henpecked" and a set of "surprise" zerO stitch markers to random's #1 darling... no worries if you story can't live up to mine :)

good luck!


sheep#100 said...

High point for last week was swimming 11 laps for the first time!

Anonymous said...

My best day was my 11-year anniversary with my DH. We did absolutely nothing together!

I love those handspun socks!

Midnight Purls said...

My best day last week was Saturday. No work, plenty of relaxing knitting time, and then going out for a quick dinner, a cup of coffee, and knitting book shopping with Joe. Relaxing and fun!

Birdsong Designs said...

If I had to choose, I'd have to say Saturday (my week kind of sucked, and I was glad that a new one was starting!)


Ariane said...

Hauling a 20 pound yellow brick out of a 2 metre deep swimming pool for my lifeguard certification exam. I hadn't been able to do it before that day and had trained for weeks.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Gorgeous socks!!! Love them. Hurry, hurry, finish the german stocking :) (that was a cheer of encouragement!).

Best day last week. Last Sunday. Snowboarder, sister, and I went to a movie (hadn't been to one since my birthday in february!). Then went to lunch, then spent quality time with dad, and then back to our house to hang out. Just a perfect day of quality time with my favorite people.

So, does this mean we aren't going to hear about your best day then?

Liz K. said...

My best day was Saturday at Maryland Sheep and Wool. I bought lots of beautiful yarn, but best of all, I got to spend the day with my best friend Ann who lives hundreds of miles away. Yarn, friends, knitters, animals -- what else do you need?

Karen said...

Best day last week: Thursday/Friday. Got a babysitter to watch the kid so I could go out and party with the hubby for his 36th birthday. Watched him get smashed while I stayed sober. Saw Spiderman 3 at midnight together. On the way home (and I love, love, love NY for the randomness of this) on the train, we saw: a goth chick playing a gameboy with a skull on her lap; a bunch of rowdy kids who flashed the conductor on their way off the train (oh, and the one that did the flashing? A midget); and a mariachi band, in full costume with instruments. The city doesn't sleep....seriously.

And your socks rock. :)

Stacey said...

Those are some great handspun socks - the boards always come through - it is such a wealth of information!

Last week - Saturday for sure - MD S&W - I met sooooo many people!!!!

Lori said...

My best day last week, Friday, started badly: went to the doctor and found out (no big surprise) that I have bronchitis again... I came back home, crashed out (kiddos were at school) and woke up to a car in the driveway - my husband was back in town a day early, and home two hours before the schoolbus!
So we *snuggled* in bed (heehee) for the afternoon, a sinful-feeling luxury we don't have much time for these days. I was so happy to see him, and to have the much needed "extra adult" around so I could rest up and get well...
Yup, that was my best day last week! Hope yours was more extraordinary! :)
The socks look absolutely perfect, btw - your handspun is so beautiful! amazing how fast you've come along!

Anonymous said...

I seriously love those socks--the yarn is gorgeous!

My best day last week? Hmm, it has to be Monday. We were traveling and I had a blast going to new yarn stores.

Unknown said...

Yesterday- It was my wedding anniversary!

melissa said...

best day was saturday - shopping, going for a run, baking cookies, and a cinco de mayo party in the evening! :)

KT said...

Last Wednesday ties with last Friday, so I'll tell you what happened both days as I am not the cryptic type (somewhere, my mother just snorted at the understatement of that sentence).

Last Wednesday saw the opening of the second run of Guys and Dolls. The cast showed up eager and yours truly was a sight to behold, having made a glorious return to serious doses of caffeine after a long break. Yeah, hyper doesn't begin to cover it. One of the kids in the cast goes, "Did you see the review?" What review? One of the local papers had reviewed the show. It was a pretty good review, but they had nothing but superlatives for me, saying I stole the whole show. Considering I spent all of high school in relative theatrical obscurity under the shadow of the more talented, I couldn't stop leaping around and grinning. So, we get into costume and makeup. My hair turns out perfectly (as Adelaide, I had to have my hair curled...every single bloody show). I'm still bouncing around as the show begins and then those of us offstage hear it: thunderous applause. Hooting. Hollering. Raucous laughter. The audience was on. We were on. The relationship between audience and actors became that perfect balance of give and take that is the very spirit of live theater. Moments that had hitherto gone unappreciated were applauded or cheered. We felt funny and talented and we were! By the time we got offstage after the curtain call, we were all high as the sky and I'm pretty sure that's exactly how the audience felt as well.

It was one of those perfect shows.

Friday night was the cast party. Hoo boy. There was a ton of dancing, singing, drinking, and sounding of our barbaric yawps (I mean, sure, it sounded more like the shrieking of tipsy, giddy theater kids, but how do we know what a yawp really sounds like anyways?) The boy I am just mad for danced most of the night with me and kissed me at the end of it. My best friend in the cast came home with me and we stayed up till 6am talking. Does it get better than that?

Have I mentioned you have great contests? That make me really happy just to write about.

Jennifer said...

My best day last week was getting my son registered for Kindergarten, and being really happy with the school.

Ginny said...

I think the colors on your handspun turned out gorgeous. Keep it up!

And my best day was dancing around the kitchen singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and getting smiles out of the almost-2-year-old and the almost-2-month-old.

Heather said...

My best day last week was definitely the day I took the boys to a quiet, out-of-the-way park in the middle of nowhere. It's actually a prairie reserve, and there's a tiny playground or two there. We had a picnic in one of the shelters, and then the boys played catch & rolled in a huge field of dandelions while I sat & read a book for a couple hours (too windy to knit, unfortunately). It was just flawlessly beautiful out, the children had a grand time, and I got a little sun & quieted the soul. It was a tiny green piece of heaven.

Unknown said...

Best day was Wednesday, when I got my two sets of turquoise Zero stitch markers in the mail. They rock--thanks Aija!

adrienne said...

wednesday because i had a new pattern posted and had a contest to give away yarn! it's fun to share!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say Saturday. We worked hard mowing the yard and eating weeds, but afterwards Anna and I ran through the sprinkler and had lots of fun.

NotScarlett Sarah said...

Thursday, the day the docs confirmed the tumor they found in my baby sisters neck was benign, and not even really a tumor, more of a cyst, and absolutely nothing to worry about. That was a fantastic day.

alligator said...

My best day was yesterday. I finally finished my last term paper for the semester. It was about William Faulkner and it was probably the most difficult paper I have ever written.
At the exact same moment I finished my first pair of knee-high socks! They were my reward knitting while I wrote the paper, I knit them while I read all the essays I needed for research and I knit a row for every page I added to my paper!
I love having a physical representation of all my hard work!

Rachel said...

Contest, shmontest! I want to know what this fabulous day of yours was all about. Do we get to find out?
OK, just kidding, I do want to enter your contest. My best day last week was Monday, I had my body fat tested and found I had dropped 3% over the last month which was very exciting. I promptly took myself out to a sushi lunch to celebrate.
Love your socks! Although I'm betting you're not wearing them today, it's hot round here!!
Oh, and re: your stockings, American Apparel makes some comfy, cute, jersey-knit skirts that are totally casual but would still go great with some gorgeous handknit stockings. I have a few.

Romi said...

Those are *gorgeous*! I love the colorway.

WandaWoman said...

My best day last week was on Thursday. Not sure if I can top your day and not really trying to, but on Thursday I turned in my paper for a class that completes my Bachelor's after a 13 yr absence from school. I was very pleased to finish and felt like I'd just run a marathon.

p.s. I received the stitch markers last week and they are wonderful. Thanks for the great service.

tea cozy said...

last week on Friday I finished one of the two socks I'm making for a friend's mom, and then my choir performed Mahler's second symphony with the university's undergraduate orchestra. 5% of undergraduates onstage together! Quality time afterwards in a pub with my parents, who are visitng. Then I booked it over to a party called "Viva la Vulva!" and danced the night right away. A very college best day, I suppose... it's not often I have those.

Toot your own horn as much as you like --- those socks are amazing! And oh. I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Last week? Totally Thursday. Last session of the class I hate and my Sonata came. 'nough said.

PS, have already finished off 8 oz. of roving, plied and ready to be washed.

Liz said...

MY best day was Saturday. It was my birthday and my husband "kidnapped" me and took me for a professional massage. My first one ever! It only took 10 years of marriage for him to do this :)

knottygnome said...

love the handspun socks!

my best day last week was on tuesday, when my boyfriend brought me tulips from his garden just because.

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

best day? Had to be Wednesday, Found my nans photo in my packing boxes. Hadn't known I had one of her and as she died over 30 years ago it was such a wonderful surpirse. She looked exactly as I remembered her:)

Anonymous said...

On Saturday I got kissed by a very cute boy in whom I've been interested since we were sophomores in Japanese class together. Since we're seniors and it was one of the last parties of the year, I feel good.

Anonymous said...

My best day was Saturday. Two really great things happened. The first was that I finished my first 5k run. I wasn't first, I wasn't in the top ten, but I finished, and I wasn't last. Hooray!
The second great thing that happened was that I overcame my first pair of socks. The first sock took me nearly 3 months to knit. I'm a slow learner I guess. The second in the pair was not quite as nice to me. I got halfway done with it before I realized it was not the same size as the first. How could that happen?! So, I cried, I stormed around the house searching for an easy way to fix it (by now this pair of socks was 5 months in the making) and finally settled on ripping out the whole thing and starting over. As I sat in my chair with ice packs on my legs Saturday, I reknit that darn sock. Now, I have a pair of socks in stockinette with a bit of rib around the top to hold them up, and they're only a little different. Best day in a really long time!

wenat said...

All the sunny days last week were good, because my kids get out of the house and play with the rest of the kids in the neighbourhood, rather than tearing up the house! And I get to stand and knit and chat with the other parents.

jsmith19 said...

Saturday, definitely! I got to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool, and my best friend from high school came for a visit!

Michelle said...

Love the hand-spun socks...I had a dream last night that I was spinning yarn...Funny, I just bought my first roving and I am going to make a drop spindle tonight...yeah...

So I have two..
Friday we took the baby wienies to the park. So relaxing!

Saturday they had a bazaar at the Farmers market and they had a yarn booth(weeee)and the sweet husband said get whatever you want(dangerous so I left with the roving and three skeins of beautiful sock yarn.

Anonymous said...

Love the glass ocean socls - beautiful!

My best day was Sunday. Went to an Open Home for a gorgeous house that I would love to live in and my best friend came over for a coffee and played with my small boy allowing me to knit uninterrupted- yay!

Josiane said...

Best day last week: Wednesday. We had been out of town for a couple of days, and after two exhausting months, I couldn't wait to be home and finally relax a bit... But then, last Wednesday I had it all: a wonderful day in that other city, seeing an amazing exhibition at the museum, discovering the greatest bookstore ever, walking in the sun, and - turning a great day into the perfect day - coming back home!

The Gadabout Knitter said...

Last Monday was my best day. Driving to work I saw husband working at a golf course that I pass by (at 6.30 a.m.). Then after a boring morning, I got a surprise phone call from husband asking me on a lunch date!! I got to see husband two surprise times during the day! :)

Jersey Shore Deb said...

My best day last week was Monday. I am in advertising sales and the previous Friday, while working at home, I made my biggest sale ever. So when I got to work on Monday I was the woman of the hour. That felt good!

hillary said...

It's sooo hard to pick one but I'd probably have to go with Saturday when I went to MDS&W. I got great stuff and showed amazin restraint in what I didn't get. Then I came home and caught up with the Sock Madness and felt joy that everyone was having so much fun and I felt like the work I was putting into it is being appreciated.

Bogie said...

That's a very difficult question for me. There were many lows last week. I suppose the high point was Saturday. I left the office relatively early (before noon) and had a peaceful rest of the day before having to deal with work again on Sunday. (Pretty boring, huh?)

fibersnob said...

Yesterday was my best day ever. Bought the baby boy his first bike, a raging red and chrome tricycle that he couldn't be happier with. The proud smile on his little face almost made my cry, my baby boy is growing into such a little boy it amazes me. He still can't quite pedal it with such short legs but he seemed just as happy sitting on it and letting daddy push him down the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the socks, and your description of them is almost as wonderful as looking at them!

Best day last week, Thursday, when I got to stop winding yarn, finally!

Anonymous said...

My best day was Saturday-- I bought my first drop spindle at MS&W and began my new life-absorbing obsession with spinning yard after yard of dental floss/clothesline/thread/worsted weight/lace weight/broken heap of roving on the floor.

I only dropped the spindle on the dog once! Okay, twice, but the second time it didn't actually hit him...

Ellie said...

My best day last week was Monday - I finally got to fly to my new country, to move into my new apartment with my husband, after we had to spend 10 weeks apart so I could finish my PhD, while he started his new job.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was my best day. I finished my finals (THANK GOODNESSSSSS!!), slept until 1 (oops) and went over to my friends' house for a dinner party for her closest friends. She cooked us all vegetarian paella and made sangria and cut magoes and my friend Lauren made killer brownies with peanut butter chips.

It was wonderful, about half of us are graduating. (I'm going abroad next semester to Australia and graduating mid-year.) It renewed our connection and inspired me to not let our friendships fade with time and distance. Everyone left at 8:30 and Andrea (my host) and I stayed up talking for another 4 hours!

The only thing that could have made it better would have been finishing my thesis that's due tomorrow!

PS. I love this contest. I've been coveting all that Blue Moon goodness but my college student brokeness has prevented any actual purchase.

Camille said...

My highpoint was realizing how much slack can hurt your life and how grateful I am that I was able to put things back together quickly. Vague enough? :)

Elizabeth said...

I loves those socks! I'm getting ready to do some stockinette socks myself, though I don't think the colors are quite as fabulous as yours :)

My best day last week was Thursday -- my husband's birthday! I love birthdays even if they're not mine and I love giving presents :) We went out for birthday pizza and had a blast.

lexa said...

Hmmm... I don't think I had any real "high point" last week. Saturday was the annual Firemen's banquet. Got to giggle at hubby cuz he was a little "under the weather" when we got home, if you catch my drift. (Well, technically that was early-early Sunday morning.)

Thursday could be classed as a high point. The assistant manager where I work got in to see The Price is Right. He was there 16 months ago and had to go again before Bob retires. He didn't get called to come on down, but he did talk to Bob and shake his hand. That's a high point for me cuz now I won't have to listen to him cry (which, yes, he would weep, sob, etc -- he was half on the cry when he called me after the taping!) that he didn't get in.**

Socks look rad! Makes me want to take up spinning.

**Yes, I know I have a sad life. I also agree that you always have great contests!

Em said...

Best day last week? Definitely Saturday I had my two best friends over, and we took pictures in civil war costume and sewed some more costumes. Great fun that was.

Anonymous said...

thursday. slept in, woke to beautiful weather. wore my favorite dress and shoes, had coffee with a good friend, walked around outside, knit a little. went to my favorite bar, which i've been avoiding out of ex-and-new-girl fear, only to find ex was out of town, all my old friends were there, and was treated to drinks by all.

by the way, your socks rock. beautiful colors!!!

nico said...

best day last week was spent at the May Day parade in minneapolis!

Anonymous said...

Thursday morning I went to Philz bright and early and got my work done. Came home and knit for a spell. Then we recorded some bits for the podcast at a local yarn store. I felt so productive.

knit_tgz said...


Though a really great day was December 8th last year. I miss that day. And I miss November 30th...

Jenny Raye said...

Receiving the yarn for my son's ripple blanket. I'm in yarn heaven!

Anonymous said...

Those socks are fabulous! Stockinette is often the best way to show off handspun, I think, in all it's pure glory.

My best day last week? Monday was our 18th anniversary and we got away for the night. The meal wasn't perfect, but the company was. 8^)

karrie said...

my best day last week was thursday. I gave a talk on my science to the whole department... One step closer to finishing Grad school...

Anonymous said...

The socks are soo purty! Purty enough to me to delurk!

And best day...Saturday was a great day, just pure laziness at the house, but me & my hubby did manage a quick motorcyle ride, very nice.

theresa said...

My best day last week was Sunday. I got to watch my daughter proudly showing off her new ability to clap, and then at nearly midnight, my husband came home after being out of town all weekend bearing a slice of peanut butter pie he had picked up at a diner on the way home for me.

Anonymous said...

thursday--big playdate for the kids, evening plans were cancelled which left me home to knit and spin!!!

Adriana said...

My best day last week was when a number of my co-workers came to congratulate me on getting another job in the company and they all told me what a great job I was doing. It was such a great feeling.

I'm always impressed by handspun socks but yours are by far the most attractive!

Spinningin360 said...

my best day was friday because i had a bad week and all i looked forward to was going to bed late friday night and sleeping in on saturday.

Micki said...

Lovely socks, as always.

My best day last week was Saturday--plenty of knitting time followed by wine and agreeable company.

Dave said...

Woo hoo -- gorgeous socks! I really did think it was Trekking at first glance. I usually prefer the ss for multi-coloureds, just to let the colours play by themselves.

Anonymous said...

My best day last week was taking care of my darling 6 month old dimpled grandson. And having him lay his head down on my chest as if to give me a hug.

Nadia said...

Best day last week was Thursday. My partner and I stayed in my brother's fancy new apartment since he's in France right now. We bought lots of junk food and walked to the library to get books. A very relaxing day!

I love the subtle colouring of the socks. I agree that I don't love too many colours all in one sock, but yours really are tied together by the blueish overtone.

Maria said...

My best day was yesterday at MD sheep and wool.

Anonymous said...

I love the colors in those socks!

My best day last week was Saturday. I finished a pair of socks and got a package from my Secret Pal!

Anonymous said...

My best day last week was Saturday. I got two deliveries in the mail. Both from my cousin, she had desided to send my some of her leftover yarn.. I was thrilled!! Yarn-surprises are the best!!

Love your socks, BTW!! :)

Unknown said...

Last friday, The Little Bean's first sleepover ever - totally fun, and followed by taking her to the LYS and letting her pick some yarn for her own socks...a baby knitter in the making :)

little Bean said...

So you know that feeling when you get into a new boy and then he offers to cook you dinner. Wish i could have roped this one to me permanently last Friday. Love your socks. Your handspun is so pretty

Robin said...

Beautiful socks! The yarn is very Trekking - lovely soft colour and transitions. My best day last week was Monday: I went to one of my LYS and had helpful service! Always nice.

Terby said...

Last week was not so good for me. I guess Sunday, when I woke up to my 4-year old son crawling into bed to snuggle. That makes everything better!

Smurf said...

My best day last week would have to be Saturday - weekends are inherently better than weekdays by default anyway ;-) DH and I packed Miss 8mo into the car, took off for a nearby park and went for a hike all afternoon.

The views along the way were stunning. Miss 8mo babbled away happily from her vantage point in the backpack carrier behind Dad's head, and she got a close-up look of a *huge* dog plodding along with another couple we passed on the trail. The look on her face was priceless!

Kazen @ Always Doing said...

My best day was Monday--a dear friend helped me move a pile of boxes to my new apartment, and afterwards we just sat and talked and talked and talked. The kind of talking where you look at your watch and go, "7 o'clock already?!" ^_^

RC said...

love the socks!
My best day was Saturday @ MDS&W! It rocked!

jenfromRI said...

Best day last week - Saturday yard sale at my mom's. Lots of work, but work spent hanging out with family I don't see often enough. Plus making a little cash. :)

Unknown said...

My best day was Saturday - Maryland Sheep & Wool for the first time and LOTS of blue sock yarn.

Nia said...

Sunday, our first anniversary. Especially when he brought me a newspaper saying that it is the Paper Anniversary.

Anonymous said...

My best day last week was seeing caribou in Denali National Park :).

Kelly said...

My best day last week was after a long wait in a vile smelling hospital waiting room full of squaking toddlers and gossiping old ladies.

An ultrasound revealed that my little baby is fine, growing very fast and would like me to go home and knit more for him.

Anonymous said...

Last week we went strawberry picking - my first time! Nothing cuter than my baby stomping up and down the rows with tell-tale red hands, red cheeks, red dress...luckily the farmers didn't care that she had already eaten half our take!

Chris said...

Pretty socks!! My best day last week was going to a birthday party for a one-year old on Saturday. :)

knitspot anne said...

oh your sock yarn totally rocks! it is gorgeous. congratulations! those socks are lovely.

Anushka said...

Your socks are absolutely gorgeous. I've been musing upon buying a learn-to-spin kit and somehow images of the yellow and black yarn you spun last time keep popping up in my dreams...

Last week was very frazzled and busy for me. I guess that the best day was Sunday - I went to Spitalfields (don't know if that means anything to you since you're not a Londoner...) and bought a new dress. Twas orange.

Anonymous said...

My high point last week was seeing my uncle retire from the marines. He enlisted 40 years ago, and he'd served 24 years (something about bad time in there). He also got to see my younger daughter for the first time.

Beth said...

Love the socks!

MY BEST day last week. It was my birthday in addition it was a Saturday that I actually had off with my husband (I work every weekend so I can attend Grad school during the week). We slept it late, saw Spiderman 3 and had a yummy dinner.

AEBL said...

Best day last week, when my husband returned home from a business trip and took the next day as a sick day. Lots of good "quiet" time. :D

AJ said...

I think the socks look great. I love the different shades of blues, greens and purples. Give yourself a pat on the back.

I don't normally do contests, but I had a really GREAT day last week. Two actually. The first was Saturday, where I spent the day at the r/c racetrack watching my fiancee race his car. He won third! I was so proud.

Then on Sunday, he asked me to teach him to knit. He said he will make me a scarf. He's come home after work wanting to work on the scarf. I can't wait for him to finish.

I ♥ him!

Vik said...

Best day last week was Monday. My coworkers/bosses had a going away party for me, and it was super great!

Susan said...

My best day was last Sunday when we boarded a ship for the Seasocks Cruise from LA to Vancouver. Nothing but kniting and yarn shopping and pampering. Memory making vacation

Sharah said...

best day last week was when my boss walked into my work space and handed me a signed copy of the $120 text book I had been working on for the last year and a half, and thanked me for all my hard work :) It made me feel so good!

Sherry W said...

I was lucky enough to have a great week. My 5th wedding anniversary and then maryland sheep and wool the next day!

~Tonia~ said...

Great socks!!

Humm last week. My weeks are filled with toddler induced chaos. I think I would have to say finding out that there is a fiber festival just up the street from my house!! I had been bummed since I can't get to any of the good ones and then found one that includes quite a few people that go to the bigger events. I am so excited!!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the reminder :).

Malin said...

Wednesday, because I found out that the pain in my leg *wasn't* a blood clot.

Kenyetta said...

My best day last was my week to work so nothing was done until Saturday, then I finished 2 pending FO's.
My best day was nothing compared to everyone else's.

knittingphilistine said...

Oh, I'm the big 100th! Love the socks! They're pretty, pretty!

Margot said...

Thursday last week, my sister was able to take both of her babies home fromt he hospital for the first time since the twins were born a month again. It was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, such pretty socks.

Best day last week...that's a tough one. Would it be Monday? The last day of our week-long visit to California...gorgeous weather, fresh-squeezed orange juice from my brother-in-law's garden, plenty of knitting time, sitting in the sun.

Or Wednesday? Our first full day home and the day we brought the cats back from the vet where they had been boarding? Lots of kitty snuggles and a nice relaxing let's-get-back-on-East-coast-time day.

Or Saturday? The first day of the Maryland Sheep and Wool show with my husband and cousin along for the fun - alpaca and sheep and goats galore! And yarn...oh, so much lust-worthy yarn. Though, even with a 9:30 arrival, I couldn't even get into the booth where the Socks That Rock yarn was being sold...though a nice knitter waiting in line to pay let me fondle her skeins. ("Fondle those skeins, baby?") And ribbon chips and lamb sausage (though eating lamb in front of lambs always seems a little cruel to me). Yummy yarn. Heirloom tomato plants. And did I mention the gorgeous yarns?

Or Sunday? When I got to go back to the Sheep and Wool show again! This time with my brother and his sweetie. Smaller crowds and cooler weather. Still lots of scrumptious yarn. More ribbon chips and a lamb burger. T-shirts! Adorable 4-H'ers with their sheep. More yarn!

Sigh. It was a very good week.

Krafty Like A Fox said...

When I finished my first pair of socks! and gave them to roomie, who loves them more than I.

Anonymous said...

My best day last week was Thursday. I went to visit a very good, very sick friend in the hospital and she looked better than she has in ages. We had a wonderful visit.

Olga said...

Love the soxs! best day was wednesday when the sun came out!!!Been overcast till then.

Knitting in Pink said...

My best day last week was when I drove down to a yarn store in Connecticut to dye some sock yarn with a Louet kit. It was quite some fun and now I have some some unique sock yarn!

Jenn said...

The best day for me last week was taking Wednesday off and spending my entire day working on my peacock feather shawl! The hubby was at work and the kid was at school! :)

Unknown said...

Oooh, I've been working a LOT lately, but my best day last week was probably going to lunch with a good friend of mine. We hadn't seen each other for more than 5 minutes in the last 6 months, but we got to stroll in the sun and stuff ourselves with tasty Thai food and vent about our annoyances. Then, back to work.

Guinifer said...

My best day last week was Friday - the landscapers finished my yard and I had nothing to do all day but knit in my comfy chair with the windows open.

Sorka said...

Hmm my best day was Monday I cast off one coriolis sock then cast on for the other!

Anonymous said...

My best day was Saturday. Sitting on the deck of a cabin with all my knitting buddies. Spinning with a view of Mt Rainier in the background.

Anonymous said...

This may get lost in transatlantic translation but my best day last week was the Monday... we were leaving Butlins in Minehead (we were there to see the mighty Nick Cave play at ATP). While driving out of the site was a bit of a downer, the car - packed to the gills with serious musos - rolled down the windows and turned up Chas n Dave really loud. We left the site in a cloud of 'Gertcha' and in-car dancing.

Debra said...

Sunday was certainly my best day last week. Volunteering activities, house cleaning, and obligations for the weekend were over. Good coffee, lots of knitting time, and hours spent with a great person-- what more could you want? (another Sunday!)

ikkinlala said...

My best day last week was Sunday. We went out for dinner with my grandparents and uncle (for Mother's Day a week early) to a place with excellent food and a lot of privacy so we could laugh as loud as we wanted to without disturbing anyone.

5elementknitr said...

Last Friday was our little one's 4th birthday. A happy kid and cupcakes for all. Can't beat it!

Anonymous said...

Our chickens arrived on wednesday!

Jodi said...

Beautiful yarn and socks!

Friday was my best day last week -- a lovely nap, a celebratory dinner for my friend in honor of a new job, and then a solo acoustic show by Ben Gibbard. Fun, fun, fun!

jeannie said...

My BEST DAY last week (heck, last year!) was Saturday, May 5, 2007. My DS graduated from High School. He had a long .struggle to finish and overcame a lot to graduate this May. I felt as proud and grateful as the the day I birthed him. You can see his picture on my blog.
Thanks for letting me share.

Anonymous said...

Saturday my friend came over with her two children so that our children could play together. It was a fantastic day because the kids played nicely together and my friend and I were able to do our crafting without splitting up arguments and having to put band-aids on boo-boos. For a mother of two very busy boys, it was a time of bliss.

Anonymous said...

My best day last week? Hands down, it was Saturday at MSWF. Meeting up with bloggers, meeting up with sheep, and shopshopshopping! Woo!

Cindy said...

I love your socks and the handspun is gorgeous. My best day last week was Saturday. We celebrated my Mum's 81st b'day and had a wonderful Marguerita-filled afternoon and evening on the patio. The rain had finally stopped and it was relaxing and rowdy. Love the contest idea.

Anonymous said...

My best day was Sunday when I got to snuggle with my beautiful new granddaughter who was wearing a sweater that I had just made for her. It was my first sweater and it turned out beautifully.

Carry said...

Pretty, pretty!!!

My best day was Sunday. Some of my family came over for my eldest son's 15th birthday party. It was also the first time they had seen the new place. And I got early bday gifties too (a scale and a knitting book)...

And you doing the drawing on the 14th? Perfect, it's my birthday!!! (have now started the downhill plunge towards 40)

Panda said...

My best day last week was Tuesday. My grandmother got out of the hospital after they did a procedure on her heart, and she's doing a lot better now.

Becky said...

Best day last week was tapping beer at the Booneville Beer Fest. Everybody was happy!

Victoria said...

My best day was...saturday morning when a friend new i needed some cheering up and she gifted me some super fabulous handpainted yarn that i have been wanting....she rocks!

knitnzu said...

Best day last week was Friday, when two skeins of sock yarn arrived from yarn nerd!

Catherine said...

My best day last week included a 15-mile bike ride with my 15-month old son trailing behind, playground time with our Knitting Mamas group, spontaneous lunch out with all of the kids (and only one broken glass) and an uninterrupted evening of knitting that night. Now THAT'S my kind of day. Thanks for having a contest!

m. said...

My best day last week was Saturday. I got to go on a Mommy-daughter date with my oldest daughter to the Science Center and we had fun exploring.

--Deb said...

Saturday, my own little "Fiber Festival for One."

adrienne said...

I love those socks! They turned out so well!

My best day last week was Sunday, visiting my boyfriend. He buys me wool :)

Anonymous said...

Love the socks, the colors are my fave. Okay, my best day has to be 1-20-04 the day my only grandson was discharged from NICU to go home (they attached his intestines to his bowels and it worked) I had never been so happy to see a poop diaper in my life. It was also my 12 year old son's birthday.

Berry Gal said...

My high point was taking a belly dancing seminar to learn rak assaya (cane dance) with alexandra King... The best break from grad schhol! I got to go with a new friend and learned a new skill. Since this involves spinning the cane and balancing it on my head... I was so proud I took noone out and I managed to keep the new shiny objects away from the I must chew on anythign cats!

Paper Tiger said...

Friday! I turned 30!

Lindy said...

My best day last week was Wednesday, when I had my last day of classes until next semester!

Coleen said...

Oh, this is easy! My best day was Saturday! First day at the MD Sheep and Wool Fest. I had all my knitting friends over for breakfast first and then we hit the Fest (which is about 15 minutes from my house, btw!) A beautiful sunny day filled with friends and fiber - what could be better??!
Can't wait to hear about your day!

Lia said...

Belated party for my 2 (!!) year old, with parents, grandparents, great-grandparents...and cake!

catsmum said...

high point for last week was driving 4 hrs down to the coast with a stop on the way for some serious retail therapy at my absolute favourite not-at-all-local Quilt Shop, followed by my annual catchup weekend with an old friend and a 2 day quilt class [ I was teaching ] with her quilt group. Fabulous views, good food, great company and some luscious japanese fabric. All that was missing was something woolly.

Karen S, Lykkefanten said...

Best day last week, was also worst day... Saturday was the low point of the decade (emontionally black hole) but with help from husband and mother I worked my way through it, and since Saturday I've been relaxed and happy!!! Can't remember when the last time I felt like this was... but it is wonderful.

So definetely Saturday. Because from the bottom you can only go up!

SheepsPyjamas said...

Hmm... that's a *lot* of comments! Best day last week -- does Sunday count as last week? I finally caved and started up with a fishtank for the first time in... well, we won't go there... Bertie the puffer is great and it actually feels good to be cleaning tanks in between knitting socks.

The coloring on your socks is gorgeous -- I'm still working on creating sockspun that I'm happy with. Nice!

Valerie said...

We should see if we can get the comment count over 200...

Best day: Friday. My little PeeWee tinkled in the potty and it brought me an unreal amount of delight.

Anonymous said...

Friday! Got to motor in my Mini Cooper with 500 of my closest friends. It was the annual Minis on the Dragon, a stretch of road in NC with 318 turns in 11 miles.

Deenz said...

The best day was definitely FINALLY finding suitable fabric, in type and color, for my costume for the renaissance faire this year, that neither looks cheesy nor makes me look like the walking dead. I was getting worried that I wouldn't find anything in time to actually MAKE the outfit in time for the event!

lorinda said...

Ironically, my best day was last Thursday when my cat bit me (poor guy got his paw caught and bit me when I tried to help him). The bite was bad, the medicine to cure it was worse, but my new doctor is cute, and I got to see him four times. (Oh, and Vicodin!)

Anonymous said...

Weekly Wednesday night cruiser bicycle ride with a twist of 30 year old birthday black and green balloons, vegan cake and ice cream, and ford-front-end gifts, given with the promise of pin-striping. Instead of the usual route, we stopped at a local school's old dance hall/theater. Suceeding in leading ten couples through a few beginning steps of jive dancing, we rode off to drucken follies and popped-balloon-tire horizons. . . the long walk home.

Eve said...

I finished my degree last week! And then I went out for the best wings in Canada. Apparently. I'm not a wing person, but my friends said the wings were tops, and I'm inclined to agree.

Laura said...

Love the color of those socks! There's sometimes something soothing about going around and around with just stockinette stitch. Other times it's irritating. Why is that?

katrynka said...

My best Day last week was Sunday. (I think of the week as beginning Monday)
I went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival for the first time. I went alone, with a fair amount of cash in my pocket... and I could have spent 4 times that much without blinking an eye! There is so much more there than wool. And although I am WOEFULLY out of shape, so the walking was a bit tireing, it was great to just wander around and enjoy all the sights and smells and other tactile sensations!

Anonymous said...

Last week? Not having nightmares, knowing people will miss me here when I move.

Anonymous said...

My best day last week was being awoken at 5 am by my 10 week old baby boy -- he was making strange noises in his room, so i ran in wondering if he was okay ... as I peered into his bassinet, he looked up at me with wide eyes, threw his little arms open wide, smiled a huge toothless grin, and made the most laughing, cooing, giggly noise I have ever heard! He was not calling to me in distress, he was calling me in just to say "hi mommy!".

it made my heart melt.

so when are you going to share your story with us? Are you just going to keep it all to yourself? Is it because it is a dirrrrty story? :O

melonkelli said...

My best day last week was when on my birthday when I opened a present containing 4 pair of circular needles in sock knitting sizes. Now, I just need time to settle down on the couch with Cat Bordhi's book and teach myself to knit socks!

JenniferB said...

My best day last week was Wednesday, when I ran two consecutive miles for the first time since high school. I did not walk an inch--I ran it and did it feel great!

Heide said...

Last Saturday was definately the best day of my week. I was surrounding by wonderful new knitting friends... with lots of chocolate and no kids or husband. Pure bliss!
I can't remember much past a week.

Laurie said...

My best day last week was Tuesday. Someone I had done a job for has owed me $3000 for over a month and a half and my finances and patience were running low. I finally convinced him to pay me on Tuesday and drove to his house to pick up the check. It was absolutely nerve-wracking, as I hate confrontation and just wanted to be done with this job and move on to new things, so I was extremely anxious the whole way over there.

After he handed me the check (through my car window), I felt this amazing sense of calm and relief. I started to drive away and "Here Comes the Sun" came on the radio - what a catharsis! It was a version with Paul Simon and George Harrison from "Saturday Night Live" on Nov. 20, 1976, according to the DJ. Somehow, this seemed relevant to me, as I was born in 1976 and am a huge fan of both Paul Simon and George Harrison. I don't think I've ever understood the lyrics as much as I did in that moment. I was so happy about the promise of new beginnings and closing that bad chapter that I cried and smiled through the entire song. It rings even more true because we ARE just emerging from a long, cold winter in Chicago. Then, I went home and made myself some cupcakes and talked long-distance on the phone with my sister. It ended up being a magical and happy day after all!

Anna said...

Best day last week was Tuesday when all three kids picked me dandelions in the morning and delivered them with huge grins.

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