sock porn for knitting voyeurs.

Friday, July 13, 2007

etsy friday abbreviated one, anyway :) Summer just makes everything slow down, I haven't even updated my shop for over a week. Spent too much time dragging my feet at the farmer's market this morning and its back outside again for me and the boy, with a pocketful of these and some lace. Maybe meeting some local grrls this weekend will help jumpstart me out of my languid state... pics if I don't forget the camera (and they're down!)

"good for amusement only" pendant/necklace from

Self-deprecating and been thru a lot of hands-- just like me ;) Really though, Old Soul Jewel has a bunch of great necklaces she makes from vintage coins and watch parts. I've skimmed her shop several times (really like the aztec coins)... but this one is as me as it comes.

Cards and postcards from

Trevor Luckman Photography just started offering cards and postcards from his prints-- they're quality gloss printed on cardstock, not photographs mounted on cards, more of a "traditional" card (I like all kinds). They're also ridiculously reasonably priced, good thing since I couldn't decide between the yellow and red ladybug and the balance girl.

You'll want to scroll if you don't want to ruin the surprise...

Cards made from cutouts of a Japanese toy collectible book and Godzilla memorabilia catalog, by

Obsidian Kitten makes some rad one of a kind cutout cards... her store is *filled* with rockstars like these. Some are themed, while others are blank (like mine). Best yet, she packaged the cards in a catalog page, and she's a knitter (check out her banner!) :) [edit: some images in shop mature content only]

...and I mentioned a contest in my last post :)

Yall know I'm a small box purse fan, they're perfect for taking sock projects with me and also just keeping them all organized so I don't lose needles or patterns in the maw of my desk. Satomi of JapaneseHandmadeEtc is back in full swing making her small pouches again after her relocation to the US, and would like to give one away to a winner next Friday. It really is beautiful, some pictures of the prize:



Vintage brocade with peonies print bag by JapaneseHandmadeEtc
photos courtesy of JHE

I love pictures that show the insides and details of things-- you can see that the purse is reversible (as all of her pouches are), and the construction is superb. (All of my photos are uploaded full size to flickr, click to enlarge). She's also taking custom orders/reservations if you see items in her sold items list that you like and aren't currently listed-- she's really great to work with.

What to do to win? Simple! Leave me a comment in this post with a link to something you like on etsy-- a shop, an item, a blog post mentioning etsy. It can be a shop you really like, it can be your shop, it can be an item you found today or one that's lingered in your favorites list, a post you wrote about etsy... anything! It'll be a random draw (so you don't need to link my shop ;)), and I'll announce the winner next (etsy) Friday. Satomi will ship directly to you, so please be sure there's a blog address or good email addy with your comment to contact you at if you win.

I'll start, even though I'm not entering... I'm in love with, just found the shop a few days ago. The photography is at once haunting, revolting, fascinating-- all in a good way. I get this pit of my stomach feeling and it feels like love, feels like sickness. I'm confused and I love it. Wish they had cards (I think I will end up purchasing 4x6's and using them as postcards).

You can also always check up on other shops I've loved/featured in my past etsy friday posts, too :)

Have a good one!


Anonymous said...

My friend Bean makes awesome pincushions, aprons, and other fun sewn stuff at

Anonymous said...

one of my faves:


Trish T. said...

My dad loves all dragons, especially purple ones, so I picked this out for him recently:

Unfortunately haven't had the chance to order it yet though. :(

For fiber:

Jennifer said...

I have lots of favorites on etsy, but I'll mention my own shop, . :-)

Linda D said...

I LOVE NORTH STAR ALPACAS! Beautiful alpaca roving, unreal customer service, lots of little extras with your order. I am tempted to give up spinning wool.

Christa said...

I love Lori Rase Hall. She has the coolest artwork and is really super nice. Here etsy shop is at
They aren't on etsy, but if you go to her blog, you can find a link to buy her art cards.

wenat said...

I love Wicked Stitches bags. I've got the alphabet one coming to me!

Bertha said...

My favorite etsy shop is:

I think I have more of her sock yarn in my stash than any other! She is a color genius!

planetKnit said...

Ooooo. I have lots of faves. One of them is Dichroic Jewelry, who is a fabulous artist. Lis does absolutely gorgeous work. And reasonable!
Another favorite is a metalworker, ialuna.    I bought some lovely bookmarkers there.

Chris said...

How fortuitous that I posted a few etsy links yesterday! :)

Liz said...

So many to choose from. My absolute favorite is Carrie from Funky Carolina. Her rovings are to*die*for.§ion_id=&page=1

Anonymous said...

I have a very girly daughter and I love the handmade designs at vmdesigns.

sgeddes said...

I love looking at the pendants in this shop:

DaFawnz said...

Designs by Tami makes cute needles, though my favorite designer isn't on etsy she's on ebay... Scary Merry
She made me custom Corpse Bride needles and stitch markers, SO AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

i bought some thai fishermans pants from and etsy seller and i LOVE them.
they have a TON of colours--and i bought black as seen here:

oh and i have a shop too:

tea cozy said...

I love this lamp. I can't decide whether to buy it for my roommate's birthday --- it's great, but I think she'll think I just got it 'cause I liked it so much myself! :D

April said...

dear aija,

please stop posting pictures of things i need to buy.

thank you.


island jen said...

I love Allison Krefts beautiful glass pendants!! They are just so beautiful and unique!

Janis said...

I love the little dangleless stitch markers at
I keep thinking about buying some but haven't managed to yet.

Alyson said...

I like this very much:
(It reminded me of you first thing when I saw it. Hee!)

And I love this supercute bag:

And I love Emilygems (she did my wedding jewelry) and Heatherjeany (she did my wedding invites).

Smurf said...

Having great fun looking at the etsy sites everyone has listed!

I've been looking for some hair accessories for a formal night out coming up, and I've found some lovely hairsticks at

... once I figure out what colour dress I'll be wearing, I'll know what colour to order!!

Anonymous said...

ooh contest.

my favourites list is a mile long (okay-- only ten pages), most of it your fault, because every time you make one of these posts I find something else I want to have.

I love this ring:
this adorable wallet:
and, since you linked to the store, this necklace:

lexa said...

I saw these featured on the home page the other day and thought they were kinda cute:

The seller is feltbaron. I like Sour Apples, too.

I have two of Satomi's bags on hold for me now, and she's working on another one for me to take a look at. One is for me, and the other two are going to be Christmas presents. (Yes, I'm trying to start early this year. Must start knitting a few, too.) I told her I learned of her shop through you, btw. :)

Have a nice weekend!

Christy said...

My love is soto softies:
Maritza's praying mantis softies are the most amazing things.

Anonymous said...

I love Fearless Fibers etsy shop! I bought some of her yarn a month ago, and I just cannot bring myself to knit it - it's too pretty in its hank!

adrienne said...

I pretty much love everything you link to, but here are a few shops I really like (not yarny though)

staceyk said...

Well. Mine of course I love

Also I love this store My everyday purse that I can put all the kids stuff in is from her!!!

Anonymous said...

hair clips, hair clips, hair clips!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the bag!
My friend dyes beautiful yarn

Anonymous said...

JapaneseHandmadeEtc is my favorite so far. I bought one of her box bags and decided I they are perfect for many things.
Punkin at

Lauren said...

my newest favorite since I'm about to decorate a new apartment and trying not to increase any stash right now:

Josiane said...

You've introduced me to quite a few interesting shops (and now a few more, thanks to the comments here!), and as I was reading about the way to enter your contest I had in mind the mini bread baker you've bought some time ago from - but I'll go with something else, something that maybe you haven't found out yet (is it only possible?) :)
So... one day as I was looking around Etsy for handfelted creations, I've found - she makes really interesting brooches and necklaces!
kimianak [at] gmail [dot] com

Brittany said...

Those bags are lovely! I'm adding her to my favourites.

Another one of my favourites? Tomoko at Tadworks ( Super cute stuff and amazing customer service.

Meghann said...

Well, me of course!

I'm also drooling over the gorgeous bags here, at tmstudio

Reesa said...

French Knitting's Create a Yarn Kits

So much possibility in a tiny bag. I think I love that best about art.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure someone else already mentioned Fearless Fibers, but I really want to get some of her yarn someday.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new spinner, and I've exceeded my fiber budget for the present, but come next month, I'm going for this, if it's still there.

Stephanie M said...

My new favorite thing is fabric headbands and has a ton of super cute ones. I especially love how hers are reversible.

I haven't bought any of her baby items, but I love looking at them too.

Anonymous said...

The etsy shop I love is ENTRELAC. She makes wonderful tiny stitch markers that I use for lace knitting. My yo's stay behaved with them. Her customer is great also with super fast shipping.

cbknits80 said...

I like Chicken Knits store: It's got great homemade soaps.

Margot said...

This frog is already sold, but it's divine. She also has some pretty nifty note cards, giraffe is my favorite.

Thanks for another esty Friday -
I look forward to them!

Lothlorian said...

I adore this shop

she does amazing bags and kits, I have a Jack sock bag on the way and a custom full size too...very naughty ;)

Susan said...

One of my favorite yarn enablers on etsy is Ruby297. Better known as Ruby Saphire Yarns.

Obsidian Kitten said...

i'm so glad you enjoyed the cards!

thanks for the mention of the shop. what a great photo you took!

and yes, my spouse's "lady parts" sex ed painting is rated MA, lol

etsy is so dangerous--so far i've spent everything i've made buying other cool stuff on etsy, but hey, it's not a bad way to support one's etsy habit...

Obsidian Kitten said...

So here's my visit to Etsy Labs 2 weeks ago for the CREST trunk show. Includes photos if you've ever wondered what the Labs look like:

And a recently-begun but very promising blog by a fellow Etsyian about stuff Etsy:

Unknown said...

I love this shop and especially the posey rings.

Christy said...

I almost don't want to say for fear that you'll buy something I want from her shop, but Liz at makes the best batts for spinning! They're just so much fun. :-)

Sherry W said...

I love Loop batts!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Sophies Toes yarns by - the colors are just gorgeous and a joy to knit with. But really, I've a ton of etsy sellers in my favorites and it's such a great place to be as a seller and buyer!

Knitting in Pink said...

I love the the little Pos from Tadworks and Pidledee's shop.

Anonymous said...

I love Lorimarsha's site. She has great recycled handbags and jewelry.

SheepsPyjamas said...

I'm a stitch marker junky, so this one speaks for itself, I'd guess. I like that they're non-dangly...

What an interesting contest, and what a dangerous set of comments in response :*) I'm off to wander the other favorites listed.....

teabird said...

Gorgeous stitchmarkers, bags...

Stacey said...

one of my favorites is one of yours as well (I have so much of her stuff marked as "favorites") - Ling Glass!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

I love the cards at

Victoria said...

one of my favorite:


Anonymous said...

I love alphabettispaghetti's shop, especially their silver anticlastic ring. It's an unusual design and I fiddle a lot, so it'd be perfect for me.

5elementknitr said...

I met this girl at my Target job and she has some beautiful purses!

This one has great art and she puts her art on beautiful little mirror compacts!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite etsy shops is Made from Coins at:

I have two of Jessie's pieces and they're very well done. I feel very pretty in them yet they're nothing my kids can break and I get lots of compliments on them. Jessie has been great to deal with too. :)

margene said...

I've got to stop reading your Friday posts...too dangerous! ;-)

Becky said...

I really like the Chewy Spaghetti yarn shop at
The yarn is so very pretty, especially the "keen" color.

Anonymous said...

One Etsy shop I love: NeedleNoodles ( I don't crochet too often (I'm s-l-o-o-o-w) but will crochet for her patterns!

Joan K said...

I love SoMK. Wonderful ancient jewelry designs.

Madame Purl said...

I love the work on these felted dogs. They rock. I can barely my needle felting look like a dog. These are

dobarah said...

I love to visit but I also love the dragons, so I will have to check out the one patricia mentioned! My email is dobarah at yahoo dot com...I want to make it easy!

Kaitie Tee said...

Yarn Bee just opened up a shop:

Paper Tiger said...

I'm a total addict...

mrspao said...

You've already mentioned my favourite Obsidian Kitten. I also like Clementine's Shoes.

Anonymous said...

I love Starry Designs

Pretty pretties!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Your shop would actually be on my list!!!
Some favorites:

Anonymous said...

oooo...if i had unlimted funds and a closet just for purses/bags, i would buy a few from and and lots of others

then i would build a jewelry closet and buy some from and and others

i have to say-most of my favorites come from when you list them!

Anonymous said...

One of my new finds and fav is for hair clips/hair ties/hair pins. She's got a wide range of fabric selections and is quick to respond. Very helpful when I wanted a custom order is always pleasant. Her fabric choices are so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

i really love this seller:
Katheryn Reichert because she stamps the metal with letters. I love type and letterforms. Nothing is more beautiful to me than a letter form. SO i love her customizable cuff bracelets. Someday i want to buy one that says LESS IS MORE-MIES VAN DER ROHE
because well it is my mantra

Anonymous said...

oh and darn it i hit return

my sister and i have a shop too

it is:

Your New Home Awaits said...

I really love

She says in her profile that creativity is infinite. I think that is so inspiring to think of even when you feel like you are in a creative rut.


liz said...

i have been lusting over the pants at -- they look so comfortable! :)

just have no money right now :(

Phoebe said...

I have two etsy sites to add that I for soaps and lotions:
Rebecca's soap deli at:
And the other is CleverGrl who makes great hand butter (and will start up again in the Fall):

Anonymous said...


I really love

it's hand dyed sock yarn in a brilliant koi fish colorway. It makes me feel so full of energy!

Anonymous said...

I really love Broke Down Barn:

Really nice handmade jewelry for a good cause! Ashley (the artist) just started making cool prints in addition to jewelry - I think I might need the print of rampaging squirrels out for revenge.

I hope I win! I'm Megan from pensivefrog - pensivefrog at gmail (.) com.

KnitMe said...

I love Lisa Kendall at XS Baggage & Co. Her eye for fabric that is both elegant and whimsical is quite good. I've been "stalking" a delicious pillow that matches nothing in my home, but is floral, fun and fabulous. Her shop can be found here:

You can also search for the seller: bagladiesinpa.

Love the fabric but have no need for purses? Lisa has recently opened another shop: fabricladiesinpa for those interested in purchasing yardage. But what knitter can't use another bag? I gave a Cleo, a zipper pouch and a key fob as a gift. It looked perfect online and exceeded expectations when it arrived. I've got my eyes on some fabric.

Anonymous said...

This is a good one!

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