Wednesday, June 06, 2007

robot, please?

"mom, please. robot, please. robot. robot. robot, please. please, robot mom."

The past few nites around here, bedtime has taken a foot dragging turn and even more recently, its been plaintive robot-tinged whines. Henry Kikiriki the Bear needed some emergency surgery after losing an ear and a leg (80/20 split between poor finishing to begin with and effects of overloving), and when I pulled out Jess' booklet for finishing tips, its been all about ROBOT around here since.

ROBOT, from jess hutchison's "unusual toys for you to knit and enjoy"
paton's classic merino in grey mix and black single, and knit picks wool of the andes in tomato red (?) doubled
US 6 dpns, 2
started: 2 june 2006
finished: 5 june 2006

It took me longer to finish it than to knit the pieces, even though this is my first completed (albeit tiny!) intarsia project. Also, once ROBOT's body was seamed and stuffed, it was promptly liberated and went on to thrash poor Henry Kikiriki the Bear while Geppetto growled, "robot! robot! robot!" and spirited away when I wanted to make ROBOT stop beating up the just-released-from-surgery bear.

Is it the testosterone?



As pointed out (numerous times) by my cohort, ROBOT looks a bit different than the pattern. I did knit a bright red icord antenna, but 1) forgot to seam it in when finishing and when I finally remembered, 2) couldn't find the darn thing. The arms are placed differently, since I knit one arm longer and just wanted to stop the ROBOT whines... you can't tell as much with the "x power" fist, at least that's what I think. I also neglected to notice that the head and legs/arms are different colors from the body in the pattern, so fewer colors. (Reminds me of an og Nintendo controller!)

I used US 6's (with worsted yarns) so the fabric would be tight-- I didn't like seeing Kikiriki's stuffing thru the knit fabric.


The pattern's great, while my finishing really leaves something to be desired. (The pattern's front & back are knit flat, and the arms seperately and seamed on afterwards). Its not *bad*, but with something like this, its the details that really make the toy great-- awesome face (I didn't have safety eyes, but ordered some... may keep the evil eyed face though), that "seamless" look when attaching body pieces. Oh well, its a toy and well loved already... toddler love is determined by the amount of blurriness in attempted photos.


i know you all know this already, but no i'm not comfortable with copying this pattern (or any patterns i own), and i'm not really interested in selling the booklet either. sorry to put this here, but with the last project, i had too many requests and don't really want to write the "no, sorry" letters this time. thanks for understanding, and sorry.


  1. I was so mad when I bought that first "Craft" magazine with the robot on the cover, and it didn't come with the pattern! And course that booklet you have isn't for sale anymore. ARGH!! lol

    Yours is adorable, wish i could knit one!

  2. I tried to get a copy of the booklet and I was so sad when she said that she wasn't making them anymore. The stuff in there is too cute for words.

  3. It's a shame the booklet's out of print - I have it and everything in it is cute. As evidenced by that robot. :)

  4. I love the robot! I need to make one soon. I was lucky enough to get one of the booklets when it was being sold.

  5. That robot is so freaking cute - and so is your little boy!

  6. What a great knit. Oh yeah it is already well loved.

  7. That is one adorable robot, and one super cute kiddo!

  8. He's such a cutie - and looks so happy pictured with his robot! You're a good mama.

  9. That is one happy boy; good mommy.

  10. A cuddly robot! Who knew? It's almost as cute as your son.

  11. I am not sure who is cuter; the robot or the holder! It looks great and I see more in your future...LOL.

    I absolutely, completely understand the finishing issue....the bane of my existance! Still robot seems to be okay with that beautiful boy!

  12. He's really, really cute. And I don't mean the robot. (Though, the robot's cute too.) :)

  13. Cute robot - don't you just love it when the little ones love the toys you knit them. I recently knitted a turtle for my nephew, which became Terence the Turtle immediately.

  14. super cute robot and owner!

  15. The robot looks well-loved, and that's what counts! I haven't knit any toys yet, but there are a couple on Knitty I'd like to try. (Norberta and Sheldon mainly)

  16. Damn that kid is cute - he deserves a robot with limbs.

  17. I'm not sure if you mentioned it before and I missed it, but your BMP socks are on in their Top 10 Geekiest things knit ever, along with some pretty cool other stuff.

  18. Ah, yes, I covet that booklet. Alas... but anyway, that robot is absolutely adorable! But it's nothing compared to your little boy. =]

  19. Cute robot! He looks like he likes it ok! :)

  20. I loved this entry on the ROBOT for your kidbot... I've recently picked up knitting (like a fiend and have way too much yarn now...) and I must admit yours was the first blog I really started to read. In one, you mentioned how to work in the tails when changing yarn in stockinette... I use that technique every time... one of my close friend is pregnant, and with my plate being full and other projects already on needles, I've been at a loss as far as what to do for the baby, and a blanket just seems way too complicated, but you've given me the answer... a knit stuffed animal... thanks! again that is...

  21. Very cute robot. It's awesome your little one is so taken by it. I think the knitted toys look cute, but I'm so lazy, I don't think I would ever get all of the finishing that is required for those sorts of patterns done.

  22. Awwwwww...that was way too cute!

  23. Great robot and what a cutiepie kid you have there!

  24. that is really cute!!!! I have heard and read that seaming is really the bulk of the work for toys (hence why I haven't made any....)

  25. Super cute robot & really happy kid! I love it!

  26. I'm sure he probably doesn't fully appreciate it now, but when your son's in his 20s he's going to sooooooo appreciate that you spent your time and talents making toys for him.

    For now, though, he has an awesome toy that he obviously loves. That robot is so cool I wish I had one for myself. I suppose I could knit one... would it still be a robot if it were just a square? 'Cuz all I can knit is a straight line...

  27. One of my favorites is the Odd Fellow. Two hours, with finishing! And I want to make the bug into a spider. And, and, and...

  28. You're son is just sooooo cute! I could hug 'im tight.

  29. I think your robot's power fist and fierce look are cute! I have a mostly-finished robot sitting around, I've been procrastinating on all that finishing!

  30. Cute kid, awesome robot! I am going to make something similar for my little dude. Bummer about the pattern being out of print--I emailed her to ask if I could help her set it up as a PDF for sale.

    I can probably figure out how to do something similar by eye, but it's always nice to have the pattern.
