Monday, June 04, 2007

right angles never looked so good

Math Whiz socks from knitspot
Cashmere/merino/nylon yarn from Pigeonroof Studios
US 2/2.75mm dpns, 4
Started: 23 May 2007
Finished: 2 June 2007

Still love them.

I went on (and on!) last time about the yarn, so its the pattern's turn today :) I've been working on a gift design, and these were my go-to knitting for those many times I just was dizzy from numbers and sizing and These were perfect and filled that need-- more interesting than the vanilla stockinette of recent socks, but not too confusing or chart-heavy.


The stitch pattern's a combo of right triangles in knit and purl reliefs, tilting into a windmill shape (or, at least to my eye!) Its obscured by the deep color of the yarn, but the purls do some interesting work and break up the color in a fun textured way. I liked how it reminded me of the right triangle work of my hypotenuse scarf (also from knitspot), and the good math/love connotations that I still can't put into words and will save for another time :)


Anne's pattern has a little fun surprise as well... instead of a traditional ribbing at the top, she skips ahead to the good part and lets the pattern stitch work doubletime in keeping the sock up and on. It works and is a fun treat-- something new to my experience. I love that many of anne's patterns are unisex-- these'd make a great pair of socks for the man man enough to wear pink.


Simple short row heel (I used PGR's as always-- I just realized that it was profiled by Ann Budd in the Summer 2007 Interweave Knits "A better sock from the toe up" article, too) and flat toe. Doesn't get much better, a warm little treat today as I seam up a little treat for my son (ugh, I hate finishing inversely to the amount I love him!)

Have a good one! Today's the last day for the $10 threadless tshirt sale... and they have an awesome new sheepie offering too (from their May 31 new shirt selection, "hairstyle secrets of a sheep"):



  1. those are great socks - she does such wonderful patterns! the yarn is beautiful!

  2. Heh, bought the threadless shirt :)

    Love the socks!

  3. I bought the sheepie shirt yesterday. One for me & one for a present. Yippy, got it before the sale ended. BUT I can't post about it until after DD's B'day in August.

    BTW, I love those socks. My DH won't wear color in his socks, but I sure do! And I love ALL colors too. I just don't understand why anybody else doesn't.

  4. Those are great socks! They're fun and different. And the yarn! The yarn looks wonderful.

  5. The socks are beautiful...and of course the yarn too. Always looking for patterns for hubby socks. And of course, must take advantage of the T-shirt sale!

    Thankfully I found clevergirl's spread before she stopped making it for the summer!

  6. Great socks! I particularly love the colorway!

  7. Those socks are very cool. Neat T-shirt, too.

  8. Great socks! I haven't seen that pattern before, and I really like it.

  9. Great socks!!

    LOL Love the shirt.

  10. Another gorgeous pair of socks!! Dang, it's really too bad I don't wear t-shirts, because Threadless sure has some fun ones.

  11. A question re the PGR heel: is the short-rowing for the second half of the heel supposed to come out even, with a final K3tog on the right side? I've just finished the heels on a pair of Anne Budd's "On Your Toes Socks", and the stitch count didn't come out right. (Aiming at 34 heel stitches before joining with the instep, I got 36 on one sock and 32 on the other sock). Probably it's just a dumb error on my part, but the instructions seemed confusing. The socks in question have been adjusted with appropriate decreases and increases, of course. (ellinlyn2002 AT earthlink DOT net)

  12. Very cool socks - thanks for the link as I've been looking for something that is easy but still with a little something something - I think these will fit the bill.

  13. Great socks! The pattern shows off the yarn well.

  14. There's only one thing to say about those fabulous socks: Mmm hmmmm.

  15. Did you know you made it into the top 10 geekiest yarn creations on the web? Grats, darling - you're so l337! :)

  16. Love the socks -- they look fun enough to fend off boredom without needing paper and charts and hiliters and stuff... And they look great!

  17. Love those socks!! They look so cozy and comfortable but also like an interesting knit...

  18. your math whiz socks ROCK! i just love that yarn alright! thanks for the wonderful compliments on the pattern!

  19. I love the socks! Anne does some great patterns, doesn't she? :-)
