Monday, May 14, 2007

Deep Color Studio, Fleece Day class

I spent my Sunday at Deep Color Studio in Kensington, CA (near Solano Av in Albany--can you say Gordo's?!), a fabulous studio cottage stuffed with fiber and natural dyes (and a brilliant instructor). I took one of Claudia's classes-- "Fleece Day" where we learned about how to select fleeces, their types and varieties, what to look for and avoid thru different acquisition methods... but the hands on part was the BEST. We washed fleeces (including one of mine, purchased when I bought my wheel), and learned about carding and combing, and how different fleeces would spin.

True to form I took my camera but forgot my cf card, so no pics. Just as well, I eavesdropped on conversations about the lameness of some bloggers (no, I didn't mention I have over 450 blogs in my bloglines now, or that I jabber on here in my little anon corner of the world...) but nonetheless the atmosphere was really nice and non-intimidating. I think I was the only one who hadn't taken a class with Claudia before (or had even been to Deep Color!) but I didn't feel outcast like I did at the nearby Stash. (I'm such an introvert, stuff like this is so important to me.)

It really was eyeopening, the washing of fleeces... reading Alden's book (we're on a 1st name basis, the way he talks to me!) I felt that in my shoebox apartment there'd never be a chance for me to wash fleece. Claudia really opened my eyes though, showing me I didn't need to do it inside in my bathroom (without a bathtub, if you didn't know!)-- that Ace Hardware would be my friend, and that it really wasn't that scary, if at all. I love that, when someone can "teach" you the accessibility of something you always were intimidated of. Its not so much the words but the "don't worry!" vibe... unteachable but definitely something I can pick up on and make my own.


I don't think I'll be washing fleece anytime soon (did I mention we washed this honker I bought? I have no idea how much is here, but its beautiful...), but to know I CAN is so freaking empowering. I did take a spin on some handcards as well-- I bought myself a pair for mother's day (still in transit) thinking I wouldn't be able to go to the class this weekend (it was full, but had a last minute dropout)... so I'll be making rolags a mess of my little fleece soon.



No one tell me I need a drumcarder, please.

I did pick up a bit of merino top... the depth of color in the finished product is going to be amazing.


Definitely someone's "color" but not superwash, so no socks. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

There was so much stuff I could dive into (roving, dye, naturally dyed yarns), but I knew I would be coming back. Claudia's class was the most fact-filled 4 hours I'd spent in a loooong time (including those when I actually made it to my law school seminars!) If you have a chance, take a class at Deep Color. I want to take her intensive dye class, but its a little steep for me. Taking the fleece day class though, I know it would *totally* be worth it.

Don't forget to congratulate Hillary for being drawn randomly for some STR and zerO stitch markers, too :) I had no idea what a GOOD feeling I'd get reading all yall's "best day" comments-- if you haven't read thru them, just skim and you'll just... feel good. I did :)


  1. Glad you enjoyed your class! Mine was a blast on Saturday, too. Lucy Neatby is soooo cool, I'll definitely go again if/when they get her back. :)

  2. I LOVE Deep Color! such an awesome place. Very easy to spend wayyy too much money.

    I've had a similar experience at Stash, by the way--- I even wrote an email telling them that i felt the customer service was seriously lacking. But it got bounced back and I never got around to sending it again.

  3. So, not a comment on the post, BUT every time I complete a RS row on the shawl I'm desinging, I get a little happy. Why? The cute little stitchmarkers from you, they fascinate me as I knit by. It really slows the knitting down when I stare at them though. lol

  4. I've been wanting to take a class there! I'm glad to hear that you learned a lot and had a good time.

  5. Sounds like you had a fantastic time! Love the new roving you picked up.

  6. I just read your old post about your experience at Stash, and it almost exactly mirrored mine when I went to the store last summer. Too bad they haven't figured out that good customer service means being nice to people. I waited a couple of minutes at the counter while 2 of the shop workers who were sitting right behind the counter had their own little convo. So annoying! BTW, I love the new stitchmarkers you just sent me and I blogged about it.

  7. Claudia taught me how to spin! Lucky for my wallet, I no longer drive by her studio to and from work each day.

  8. A drum carder would help. And, after you do hand carding for about a pound you may be looking for one.
    Check out the Fancy Kitty ones on Etsy - beautiful. And the Strauch Petite is a great price and does a lovely job.

  9. that sounds like an amazing class. washing a fleece is a huge undertaking - we washed one my sister got and it took forever and was quite the process. it felt good when it was done though.

  10. Sounds like a fun class!I wish we had some things like that around here.

    Love the colors in the roving you purchased.

  11. WOW that purple is jaw gorgeous!!!

    I tagged you on my blog, check it out :)

  12. Lame bloggers, eh? They, uhm, didn't mention me by name, did they?

    That fleece is gorgeous; it almost makes me want to try spinning again...

  13. hey, fleece is fun! check out my recent blog post on my first ones.

  14. WOW! You've been certainly very busy lately!! Love the color!! Good luck with your class too!

  15. Hi Aija -- I was just listening to you on Stash and Burn -- great interview -- and I was thinking -- this girl seems familiar to me -- how do I know her? And, then I remembered you from a class at Claudia's! How did your fleece turn out? Have you spun any of it yet?

  16. Deep Color Studio has become a felting only spot now. I took a class and felt totally snubbed and out of the cliquish atmosphere from the ongoing felting group....Decided not to support the place which is now WAY overpriced for classes.

    I won’t get into the details- but the fact that I quietly questioned what I knew was an error in a resist technique being presented, well- Ms C discounted the comment- and everyone (else) had a seam form, from unclear instructions. Sorry for the vent but snippy + snobby + bucks thrown away, I do not need!
