sock porn for knitting voyeurs.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

colors and numbers

"blake's tyger"

"blake's lamb"

"the color"*

"one hundred years of solitude"

"desert solitaire"

"snow falling on cedars"

"glass tyger"*

"glass ocean"*

the glass series were a fun experiment for me... i may dye more in this style (around the world-- twice over), but i'm not sure for sale in my etsy store. they take longer than the others (twice, and i dye each of the runs individually)... but i like the way they look and the ocean is spinning up nice, even though i'm not keen on blue & greens. i think i'll keep "the color" as well, perfect since i'm no longer afraid of purple.

and numbers?

exclusive freshwater pearl stitch marker colorways for

¿¡will regular blog posting ever return?!
...stay tuned...


Karen said...

My wallet keeps trying to go to etsy and head keeps telling me I do not need more roving...we'll see which wins. :)

KnitterBunny said...

Must resist. Must not Buy. Gah! :)

Who needs regular blogging with such lovely fiber pron?

Kirsten said...

Pretty rovings, Aija. I'm currently knitting a scarf from the singles I spun from one of your rovings. The color is lovely. The spinning? Well I still need a little practice with that!

Midnight Purls said...

I wish I could spin... I'd buy that Snow Falling On Cedars roving. I'm currently reading the book!

HPNY KNITS said...

these colors all together are breathtaking!

Nadia said...

Wow! So productive!

lexa said...

Very nice! Good thing I'm not a spinner or I could be in trouble...

Anonymous said...

I am perpetually in awe of your amazing are a beautiful dyer(is that right? i don't care, you know what I mean). thanks for the dose of happy!

Romi said...

Ooooooooh. drool

Anonymous said...

My gosh - thanks so much for making my day with these most amazing colors! I'm drooling here!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Wow, I love all that color! Especially the Orange ... yummy.

~Tonia~ said...

All the colors are so lovely. I just got my first wheel!!! I am working on some not so desirable roving at the moment to get the hang of it. I can't wait to actually be able to buy some nice roving and spin it up.

Chris said...

WOW - you have been busy! I love the row counters!! Thank you!

alice said...

ohhhh my. i am so in love with your glass tiger. i can pretty much promise you that if that gets posted... and i some how manage to make money between now and this weekend... i will buy that SO fast.

i love tigers, and i LOVE orange. i have a large orange/red fall leaves tattoo on my arm that matches your roving beautifully :)

knitspot anne said...

i love the colors and numbers photos! mmm.

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