Monday, March 19, 2007

Denmark socks and contest winners

Someone told me a reason to like handmade socks is that, when you walk, you can feel the (purl) bumps on the soles of your feet-- a physical reminder of the effort and care that went into each, gentle vibrations against your consciousness via a usually unconscious action. I always thought I just had insensitive feet, never feeling anything odd about my handknit socks, other than they were a little heavier and a way lot cooler than 6 to a packs.

Walking around with the little one today in my new Denmark socks, I felt them too... a good thing, a sweet reminder.

Denmark socks
Started: sometime before Stitches West 2007
Finished: March 18, 2007
Socks that Rock, mediumweight-- Mist colorway
US 3 dpns, 4


Complete with nupps! I could see how these could drive a lace knitter batty, but just one round of them on the socks is a really pretty detail above the rib/cables. Cables are easy enough to memorize, though for the life of me I couldn't get the setup row right from Nancy's written dx (how many patterns do I have to knit to be on a first name basis with a designer?)... had to use the chart.


After knitting Cookie's German stockings, I remembered how much I enjoyed picking up heel stitches (I know, I know...). I didn't use the pretty ktbl pickup on the German stockings though, though here they shine. (I pick up the back loop instead of the front like Grumperina... I thought thru the back was the way Nancy Bush shows you how in all of her books, but I just checked and its not. Oh well.)


Speaking of shine, can you love STR any more? Oy. (Remember this yarn? A gift from Abigail for being her 1k commenter?) Who knew a tomboy like me could gush over pink and brown. The mediumweight just flies off the needles, and is a great fit for the pattern (thanks to Stacey for the inspiration!!) I was worried the cabling would be lost, but no... I think its just fine.

Speaking of... Winners of my etsy-based contest?
(sorry it seems early, the contest should have read the 19th for Monday)...

$25 Fearless Fibers gift certificate to Lindsey
$16 tinymeat gift certificate to Andrea
$15 LingGlass gift certificate to Paula
$10 Three Owls Knitting gift certificate to Jen
5 Creative Apples custom cards & shipping to Nad
$10 time2cre8 gift certificate to Alison
$10 zerOmarkers gift certificate to Stacey
The Friday Night Knitting Club hardback #1 to Cathy
The Friday Night Knitting Club hardback #2 to Emily
(hopefully yall have heard from me by the time you've read this! :))

phew. I need a nap. In my new socks. :)


  1. Gorgeous socks! Honestly, I think everything about these socks is absolutely lovely! Right now, I'm swatching for my first pair ever, and I so wish I'll enjoy knitting socks, 'cause you've just put these on my to-do list!

  2. lovely socks! I love the shot of the heel, arch and the pattern, you see all the different ways the yarn knits.

  3. Very nice socks. Hand knit socks make your feet happy with every step you take.

  4. Wow, I love the socks! I have insensitive feet (seriously: "17+ years barefoot at the beach" kind of insensitive) and have never felt the purls. Perhaps a few more seasons in cold climates... I still love me some handknit socks though!

  5. Fabulous socks! That colorway looks really good in that pattern. I'd like to pick up the gusset stitches like that, but for some reason I keep doing it wrong.

  6. Those are GORGEOUS. A couple months ago, I got a skein of STR Mist and I've been baffled as what I might do with it...but I think I figured out what I'm going to do--copy blatantly. :)

  7. This look terrific! The yarn and the pattern really go well together and it all looks so crisp and shiny.

  8. The socks look wonderful! I agree that the cable is not lost in the yarn.

  9. I keep seeing all these gorgeous socks from that book. Yours are beautiful!

    Yay on the book! I'm almost at the end of Anne Frank, so I'll need something new to read.

  10. Is there anything like the rush you get when you finish the second sock to complete the pair? Your Denmark socks are absolutely divine! Congrats to all of your contest winners too :)

  11. Those socks are amazing! I wouldna't have thought to use the handpaint, but it looks great.

  12. I’m always afraid to used variegated with cables but these turned out to be quite beautiful!

  13. Those socks are lovely! I made the Denmark socks in bright yellow but I like your colors better.

  14. I LOVE your socks! What a beautiful colour they are too!

    Congrats to all the winners!

  15. Great job! It appears that you found the right combination to avoid color pooling too. Enjoy your day in your yummy socks!

  16. Aija the socks are gorgeous (and oh yes I know I love STR); thanks for all the little details as well. While not a pink person I have to say I love the colourway; the pattern is beautiful with the variegated yarn. Wonderful job.

  17. Pretty socks! I love that pattern!! I pick up through the back loop too. Since I started knitting my own socks I do not wear store bought anymore.

  18. Your socks are gorgeous - the yarn, the pattern, everything! Just a quick note to say thanks again for the time2cre8 GC from your contest last week. My goodies arrived in the post today, and I couldn't be more pleased.

    My husband was browsing through a DIY arcade game machine site last night (don't ask ... he wants to build one!) and found a link to your bmp socks ... they're certainly getting a wide distribution!

  19. Great socks! The cables aren't lost at all and even the pooling is cool.

  20. You're socks are always so lovely. And as I said this, I glanced around to see if I had already left a comment ... nope, but I KNOW I told you this before. ;-)
