Friday, February 09, 2007

german stockings, stitch markers... blip on the radar

Its been so long, I don't even know how to start!

How about with some rainy day pictures...

German Stocking, pattern by Cookie A.
(edit... these are on the wrong foot-- easier for me to take them like this, but this is the right leg stocking. the left will be reversed.)

You may have noticed I've been away from blogging for a while. Its been a combination of things (mainly a touch and go relationship with my pc), but also this stocking :) I'm knitting a sample pair of Cookie's German Stocking for her retail booth debut at Stitches West this year-- I was just tickled red when she asked.


yes Virginia, it *is* hanging on for dear life. This is the XS size and I (ahem) am not... but I couldn't resist the 5 seconds these took. The proportions don't look right on my leg, but it doesn't stop my admiration for twisted stitches, movement, and just plain "wow."


Aside from the obvious wonder of the travelling cable, the heel is just... !!! She really has me thinking about the standard heel treatment-- and how boring it can be. Here you see the edge of the travelling cable down along the side of the heel, and here you see the faux seam down the back...



I love patterns that don't just plug a stitch pattern in that fits the cast on number. I also love when I don't see "repeat for second sock." :) These are really showstoppers, I think... without relying at all upon color or yarn (louet gems pearl) to carry the pattern, it still pops like a mofo. (That's not to say I've not already planned my fantasy pair when this whirlwind is over... in Fearless Fibers' superwash merino, sublime colorway.)

Speaking of etsy, my shop's also been keeping me surprisingly (and happily!) busy...


These are my new favorites... handmade paper beads (long strips of colorful paper taken from magazines and prints, rolled into a bead and varnished shiny and hard) that I've wrapped with copper colored wire. I also have made a few sets of row counters (that have already sold, I should have more up soon and have taken custom orders for them, too)... inspired by the German Stocking and its decreases for the calf shaping...

Grey freshwater pearl and turquoise row counter, 4-row repeat

I don't mean to make this a "look at my shop!" blog, but its been taking quite a bit of my time (in a good way) and I'm also quite proud of the response... I've sold over a hundred stitch marker sets since opening, way more than I ever thought possible, and it just... makes me grin and I like to share :)

(edit-- i just read that paypal is running a $15 rebate for $30+ purchases made thru march 31. its not only my accepted method of payment, but lots of other etsy sellers as well.)

I'm also thrilled that Cookie will be selling zerO stitch markers at Stitches this year... so on top of finishing the German stocking's mate, I'll be literally drowning in stitch markers up til Stitches (February 22-25) and my updates will prolly be just as sporadic. But the good things just keep on coming-- I *just* found out I had something accepted to Knitty so we'll have to have a contest to celebrate when the new issue rolls around! Pinch me! :)

(...and speaking of the mother of all sock yarn contests. April's giving away 30 skeins of sock yarn in February. Not a typo, thirty. Run, run, run.)

I missed you :)


  1. Those stockings--wow! Just wow.

  2. Those socks are just amazing.
    Congratulations on the Knitty submission :) Can't wait to see what it is!

  3. Oh! Oh! that sock! A pair of Bavarian knee highs (from an old Knitters) is on my to do list...but maybe these instead?? And the paper beads! We used to make them for our moms, but yours are nicely updated with the varnish and wire and beadwork! Now, off to see about April.

  4. What a beuuuuutiful sock! Wowwee!! I better check out that paypal rebate you mentioned. M-m-m-m, and my favorite Etsy stores. BTW, I love those beads. Oh and that stitch counter. Oh I WANT a stitch counter. But only one like yours. ;)

  5. Yay, so happy to see you! And with so many beautiful things and happy news items to report! I'm so glad everything is going well with the business, and I can't wait to see the Knitty submish!

    (And that stocking?? GORGEOUS!!!)

  6. Love that sock!! WOW! Congtrats to you, too!

  7. My great grandmother made a necklace with her own paper beads, my mom still has it. I was inspired to try some out as a kid, but I never had any varnish, just elmers, so they are long gone. A row counter is definately on my wish list.

  8. The stockings look very cool. Congrats on the Knitty submission. I can't wait to see what it is.

  9. I love those socks!!! Wow.

    Congrats on all of the wonderful things that are happening to you right now!!

  10. Aw crap, I just bought $35 of stuff via paypal this AM. :(

    Amamzing stocking!!!!

  11. Those socks are so cool!

    And those stitch markers are just plain beautiful.

  12. missed you too, but to a good cause! wow- the sock is perfect!
    I always wonder how do they stay up?

  13. Those are sweet! nice to have you back .....

  14. We've missed you too, but it's nice to know your life has been full of so much goodness. I love those paper beads. Please stop making these gorgeous markers -- I only have a limited amount of willpower. :-)

  15. So glad to see your business is doing so well! Gotta love those test socks, too. She's a wonder, isn't she?

    Make sure you squeeze us all in once in awhile, I've been suffering from withdrawal!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  16. Lovely! I remember seeing that sock on Cookie's site and wondering when the pattern was coming out. Happy to see it will be available at Stitches! Hooray!
    And congrats on the Knitty submission! I wonder what it is...

  17. we've missed you, too! and look at that stocking. wonderful!

    i'm also so glad your business is doing well. congrats for all the good news!

  18. You've been busy doing lovely things!!

  19. I love those socks. Well I must say that I like mose of the socks that you've made. Congrats on Knitty!!

  20. SHE'S ALIVE!!! Really, I was starting to get a bit concerned...
    The socks are super-licious wowza beautiful - isn't it amazing to watch such a thing coming off the ol' needles?
    And the stitch markers are also gorgeous - you are such a talented lady!
    Glad you're back!

  21. PS -- I forgot to congratulate you on your second Knitty acceptance! Can't wait to see it!

  22. Gorgeous stockings! Cookie's having a booth at Stitches West? I'm going to have to make sure I visit it.

  23. Oh my… I've never seen socks like these. They are breathtaking.

  24. Those are fabulous stockings! WTG!! Neat new stitchmarkers too! Glad you're back!

  25. You're right! They are show stoppers. Just a gorgeous pattern. Beautiful stitch markers too.

  26. The socks are just delish! I like all of your stitch markers too.

    Congratulations with your Knitty submission! can't wait to see it.

  27. Socks are beautiful! And so are the stitch to look at Etsy!

  28. those stockings are GORGEOUS! Thanks for the tip about the paypal rebate. I'm waiting to win an ebay auction and that will be a nice little bonus!

  29. Wow, everything looks great! The socks are just amazing! The stitch markers are fab as well.

  30. oh, and the knitty submission!!! HOW AWESOME!!

  31. We missed you too! Those socks literally took my breath away. Can't wait to see them at Stitches!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. those are wonderful!!!!! what a neat heel treatment....

    congrats on the stitch markers - they are fabulous!


    Does cookie's pattern are great!

    SUCH great stocking you knit!

    Anyway..I know your selling the stitch marker



  35. ooh-la-la! those stocking s are gorgeous.
    thanks for all the great links! i'm sop happy about your recent success, and i love the new stitch markers.

  36. Cookie's German stockings are gorgeous! She really is a master designer! I am constantly in awe of her patterns. She's always exploring new ways of doing things.

    Congats on being accepted into Knitty. I recently heard that I've had a submission accepted too. I'll be honored to be in the same issue as you!

    Now I'm off to check out those wonderful stitch markers of yours. I love the paper beads and copper wire!

  37. OMG! Those stockings are fantabulous! Love them, I was drooling over them!

  38. Those stocking are just incredible! Love 'em!

  39. I am lusting over those socks. Mmmm...gorgeous! I ahve to make them! Awesome stitch markers! Thanks for the links!

  40. Lucky you, knitting those stunning stockings! And thanks for the heads-up about the Paypal offer, I've been looking for an excuse to indulge in some etsy goodness.

  41. nosy curiosity: are you a Latvian Aija?

  42. I love the socks! I recognize them from Flickr and your marks from etsy.

    Miss Purl

  43. could your heels be any more perfect? I'm coveting your skill!

  44. Those German stockings are beyond fabulous and you did an amazing job with them!

  45. Where can I find the pattern of the german socks??
    Regards Marianne from Sweden

  46. Those socks are just beautiful!

  47. i'm posting here to make it less conspicuous ...

    but heyyyyyyyyyyy ... you should make me a card protector for my big tourney ... that would be super-great ... ideally it would be about the size of a silver dollar and not too thick ... if you have a choice of "feels" to the outside, it should be almost no friction/sticky.

    very very short notice, i know ... it just struck me as i was looking at this.

  48. oh jeez, those stockings are delicious.

    I look forward to your submission! :D
