Thursday, February 22, 2007

and you've been where?

I've never been a crafty girl. (Or boy for that matter, for those of you still wondering.)


But don't you love these, too?? :) Notwithstanding their crafty aspect, even?


Oh, of what?! :) I've been toying around with the concept of what else could be a stitch marker (besides pearls and semiprecious stones) and have decided to branch out into something I haven't seen offered yet-- resin. I made these myself... this batch above has chiyogami (origami) papers and handmade papers encased in resin. I still need to drill the pendant placements and of course convert them into stitch markers for zeromarkers, but my goodness they're just beautiful to me. Perhaps its the work I know went into them-- they're very labor intensive (when compared to my usual marker making), but I think they'll be worth it. They're much much lighter than glass, so they won't weigh down needles even with some of the larger pieces-- and the options are endless as far as color and encasements go. I've already got some (real) cherry blossoms curing right now, as well as several cuts from the recent anthropologie catalog ("Print")... its just too fun. They won't be up in my shop really soon, but soon.

(untreated, handmade paper almost dissolves...)

I should have been a crafty grrl earlier in life. :)

So, to all of those who were kind enough to worry about me falling off the face of the earth... just been busy :) I finished up Cookie's second German Stocking as well as (gulp) near on a hundred sets of stitch markers to send to Stitches West this weekend-- you'll find all of that AND WAY MORE at Cookie's booth (Bay Area Knit Co-op)... they'll be right across the way from Blue Moon Fiber Arts and their to-be-madrushed Socks That Rock display (oh, you know who they are, yeah?) ;) I'm so going to buy a handful of patterns there-- first stop on my crazy Stitches ride :)

Speaking of Blue Moon... working on a Denmark sock in Mist (the kind, crazy gift from Abigail)...


...with a 4 repeat row counter from zero stitch markers, in white pearls and amethyst. I know some of you have asked about the custom row counters-- I'll be able to take orders say on Tuesday (convo me thru etsy or email addy at bottom of page), I should be free from my fiber coma then :) I'm *not* going crazy at the market like last year... famous last words!

I'll be on the Stitch and Ride amtrak train (#727)-- if you go too, remember to head to the *front* of the train; last year a bunch of us didn't know and they had fun and prizes without us :) Just as well for reticent me, but eh-- now you know :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. I like the new idea for the stitch markers. nice Japanese touch.
    Stitch 'n Ride with your friends? I am totally jealous!
    you go girl.

  2. Ooo, ooo! I need some row counters! I'll definitely get in touch with you about that! I'm fairly sure I could figure out how to make them, but that would mean buying more craft stuff, and I'm fairly sure my darling husband would have a conniption if I brought more into the house...
    I absolutely adore the resin pendants.... I saw a cool necklace piece somewhere, a threaded needle and button in a resin disk - could you do a "knitting" themed one? Perhaps a tiny swatch or ball of yarn... Might be cool...
    Hope you sell everything at Stitches!

  3. I love the new future stitch markers! You've been extremely busy by the looks of it. (At least busy in a good way, unlike me.) Bet these new markers won't last long once they're in your Etsy shop and the other places you'll be selling them. Oh, too be craftily inclined!

  4. Those are gorgeous and unusual markers. I admit, split rings are usually good enough, but those are pretty enough to make me change my mind!

  5. Wow! Nice new stuff. Enjoy Stitches.

  6. Oooh, those are so pretty!
    Have a great time at Stitches :)

  7. Oooo, nice. I'd love one as a pendant. Will you offer any as a pendant? I'd buy one. No question.

  8. One could never tell you came to crafty later than some, your stitch markers are beautiful! I'm sure everyone is going to love them at stitches!

  9. oh man, resin sounds fun. I will look for you on the train.

  10. OMG THOSE are soooo gorgeous. I absolutely LOVE them. They are even to beautiful to use. Are they able to be drilled for head-pins? They just look so fragile. Very good job! Also, on a side note, I am so glad you updated, I truly enjoy your blog, it is one of my favorites!!

  11. Those are very pretty baubles. They must be fun to make. Can't wait to see the stitch markers you make from them.

  12. I adore those resin pendants. I can't wait for those to hit your store. Have a fantastic time at Stitches!

  13. what a neat idea - you could put anything in resin!!! have fun at Stitches - can't wait to see what you come away with - I remember last year!!!!

  14. Those are such beatiful stitch markers! Your Denmark sock looks great; the pattern comes out so well in that yarn!

  15. Those stitch markers are really cool! Now I want to get my hands on some resin. Nice sock too!

  16. Oh I love, love 'em! They'll make beautiful stitch markers. Oh why didn't I wait to buy? Must make my next Christmas list already I see.

    And I love that Denmark sock too. What yarn are you making it with? BTW, I got my row counters and I LOVE them too. Gee, I'm in a very loving place right now. tehe

  17. Wow, those are gorgeous. Every now and then I peruse your shop and want just about everything there.

  18. Your resin markers are beautiful!!I really think these are going to be a hit. You are very talented.

  19. hey -- thanks for the traffic! love these pieces -- anything with paper... and these are so beautifully done.

  20. Hi, LOVE the resin! I had bought a book on it a while back, but it has been hiding in my bedside table drawer, as I so do NOT need another craft to spend time and money on! But I may need to do it soon after seeing those! They are GREAT!

  21. The resin is lovely! You are so talented...

    Have tons of fun on that nifty train too!

  22. I hope you're having fun!!

    That sock is SO gorgeous... As are your resin "beads"!

  23. Those are FANTASTIC resin beads! I need me some!

  24. Love love love the stitch markers. I want a set now.

  25. Oh, those are so pretty. :D They look like candy. I'm totally tempted to eat one... though that may have mildly disasterous results.

  26. Beautiful sock and beautiful "crafty" stuff.

  27. You MADE those? Dude, I wanna know how! :op Sooo pretty!
