Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fish feet finished, five times fast

I used to hate my name when I was younger. Really can't blame me-- every introduction went exactly like this: "Aija? Oh hi, my name's Africa." (They always chose Africa or Antartica, never Europe or South America. Just so you know.) One of the singular memories I have around this time-- I asked my mom in the kitchen of our house in Las Vegas if I could change my name (please?!)... Sure honey, when you get older and marry you can change your name. I didn't realize later she meant my last name... a trick, because even though its an odd one too, I *am* a fisher of men.

Red Herring socks, by Cookie A. by way of Knitty Fall 2006
Started: October 21, 2006
Finished: January 15, 2007
Knit Picks Gloss in Dusk and Pumpkin, 1 skein each (with leftovers)
US 1.5 (2.5mm) 32" circular, Holz & Stein


The socks, with a 7" cuff, took one skein each (with some leftovers) of the Knit Picks Gloss, knitting them mirrors of one another. I totally admit I'm geeking on the mirrored quality-- the "mismatched" feet and toes poking from the bottom of my jeans is such a source of simple satisfaction. Not only for the look... but only 2 skeins! :) These are... less than $8 socks! (if you don't get to grumbling how knit picks has raised their shipping rates, as well as other prices!)


I also like the "oversized" toe... the color difference and size reminds me of sock monkey socks. The heel is okay, it looks a bit small to my eye when worn (but I just may still be holding a grudge after what seemed like forever lost in removing the waste yarn for the afterthought heel.) I noticed the yarn, in doing so, felt like it was "sticking" to itself... its not superwash wool, and this may be a good thing for colorwork if the yarn has a tendency to hold onto itself. I liked the stranded result of the cuff quite a bit-- and overall the yarn has a slight sheen (and the dryish hand of silk) that was different but good.


They are true mirrors-- replacing MC for CC. To me, though I don't have a good eye for this anyway, its a bit hard to discern this switch when viewing them from side to side.


I did strand the pattern color under and background color over, as directed by Ann Feitelson's Art of Fair Isle Knitting. I don't know if its me, but I think I can see the effects of yarn dominance... if I stare and dancing ants encroach on the periphery.

And for all you... upskirt fans. You know who you are. (Is it more exciting when I tell you they're unblocked?)


Previous posts on Red Herring socks:
October 23, 2006
December 18, 2006

Since you made it thru all that... I have 2 skeins left of the yarn, one each in Pumpkin and Dusk. If you want them, leave me a comment with an idea/pattern of what you can use 2 mismatched sock-weight skeins for. (It's okay if you don't have an idea, I'm just trying to get inspiration of my own!) I'll draw a name on Friday afternoon and have it in the hot little hands of whomever random.org chooses sometime after that. For your own mirrored red herrings? A pair of endpaper mitts? Something else? Can't wait to hear.

Something else (last thing, I promise!) I can't wait for? Tomorrow, and...


my new Threadless tshirt to arrive. Yay! :)


  1. I've always found your name unique and beautiful, as are the socks! Love them...how much fun can socks be...loads of fun!

  2. Awesome socks! I want to make them now too. Hmm, I have 6 skeins of gloss sitting around in 2 different colors, maybe this pattern is calling my name.
    That sheep shirt is too cute.

  3. The socks turned out great! I like the mirror effect. You can put me in for the draw. Don't know exactly what I'd make, something stranded for practice.

    I almost got stuck with a pretty bad name. Luckily Dad and a nurse talked my mother out of it. She was set on calling me Pepsi, no middle name. That would be a hoot cuz I drink diet Coke!

  4. Love the herringbone socks! "Mismatched" socks are fun--you get to find out how many people are really uptight about that kind of thing.

    I almost posted about that t-shirt on my blog. It's too good to pass up.

  5. Love the herringbone socks! "Mismatched" socks are fun--you get to find out how many people are really uptight about that kind of thing.

    I almost posted about that t-shirt on my blog. It's too good to pass up.

    I've always hated my name too, and I don't even have a middle name to fall back on. The older I get, the less it bothers me, though.

  6. Woo! Love'm! In Ravenclaw colors, no less :) My mother watched Rocky too many times while I was in utero, thus stuck with "Yo, Adrienne!" Feel free to put me in the yarn drawing, too...I lurve me some sock yarn

  7. I don't know what I would do with the extra yarn, probably endpapers since that's the next stranded project on my list.

    Love the socks, that is a really neat pattern.

  8. I love those socks and the color combination is fab. I had to read every word of your update entranced with the loveliness.

    I would definitely do the endpaper mitts or a pair of these. I have been wanting to do the endpaper mitts for some time but since I am on the KNit from Stash 2007 I haven't been able to buy any yarn for them.

    Should have though of that in 2006, eh?

  9. The socks are tres cool - very good job with the mirroring too.

    If I were to win your sock yarn (which is one of the few ways I'll get my fingers on some Gloss anytime soon) I'd make some stranded socks too, though I'd try not to copycat, and might try Laila's socks or Tiit's socks from "Folk Knitting in Estonia." Ooo, or maybe a pair of mittens...

  10. Your socks are fabulous! Put me in the drawing. I think I would take the opportunity to make a pair of mosaic socks from "Sensational Knitted Socks" by Charlene Schurch.
    I noticed the free shipping "price hike" at knitpicks. A bit annoying, but still too much temptation there to pass up.

  11. Oh, I have a friend who would adore those socks. She loves things that mirror each other rather than matching exactly. :)

    Hm, I guess I'll go for your yarn drawing. A pair of stranded mitts/fingerless gloves would be awesome to make.

  12. Very cool socks -- I love the oppositeness! Don't put me in the drawing, as I already have too much yarn, but I do think those colours would make some wonderful Endpapers.

  13. Love that shirt! I'm such a geek that at first I thought, 'Hmm... I don't get it, but it's sheep, therefore cute!' then I read on the website the reference to counting sheep (duh, with the ZZZs at the end and all!!)...

  14. I also have an orphan skein of the pumpkin gloss that I got in a mix-up with a secret pal. (Long story.) It could use a friend!

  15. How fun! I should make a pair like that to make myself get over my matching thing.

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE the socks!! its got to make you and the feet feel happy.

  17. Since I first heard it, I have always loved your name. Beats having the #1 name for the year you were born (whatever that might be, for me, 1961 and Lisa). I really like the matched-mismatched socks!

  18. I am currently knitting a pair of Anemoi mittens with Gloss in Pumpkin and Cocoa. I am halfway through the second and it looks like I will definitely have leftovers from each skein (plus the second skein of each that I have). The gloss looks good in the pattern so that is one recommendation. It is good to see the Red herrings done in KP Gloss and hear how much yarn it took as I am hoping to make that pattern with my leftovers. I wasn't sure that I had enough, but it looks like I will. I like the reversal of colors that you did.

  19. I love your name! If it helps any, my parent's named me "miki" because it sounded asian to them(nevermind keeping my original birth name which was asian). And so all my introductions to people were:

    "Miki? You mean like the mouse?" *witty laughter*

    So I feel your pain

    As for the sock yarn..I want to make some mismatching Herring socks as well! Your two toned toes are absolutely adorable!

  20. ah - so that's how your name is pronounced - In my head I was sounding it like eye-ya.
    I was blessed not only with a slightly weird name, but also with a spelling that whilst being common in Ireland, is virtually unheard of in Australia. I'm used to it now but I hated it when I was a kid.
    Red Herring socks look great!

  21. No strange name here, but I did get made fun of for my maiden name....Chow. What kills me most about it is the people that would mispronounce it. I mean really, it's on dog food cans/bags in your local supermarket...you really can't pronounce that?!??! /vent.

    The socks are awesome, and the stranding is SOOOO neat!

  22. I like your name! And I LOVE these socks. How fun! One of these days, I swear, I'm going to try socks. Really. I am. Though I was just thinking that mirrored microwave hotpads would be really really cute.

  23. what a great idea to make mirror image red herrings. they came out really cute. i cannot believe that they are unblocked! you lie!

    re: names. i get the "yo, adrienne" a lot too. what is funny is that i use to work with someone (over the phone) whose name was "rocky"! we had a lot of fun with all of this.

  24. I love your name! I too used to hate my name more when I was younger!! Wonder why ;)

    The socks are fabulous!! Beautiful on the inside as well!!

  25. Great socks!

    I got the chapter and your stitch markers today. Thanks so much for being so generous! I shared the stitch markers with my knitting group. :)

  26. Absolutely gorgeous socks! Your stranding looks so perfect and I love the fraternal twinned/mirrored look. They're certainly tempting me right now to run off and start myself a pair.
    I have been so coveting that sheep shirt! Ever since I saw the design released last week, I've been kicking myself for making so many Threadless purchases last year as to completely negate any justification I have now for buying another t-shirt.

  27. These are great fun Aija!!!

  28. Oh, I love those socks! They look wonderful! All the more reason to learn stranded knitting, I guess :)
    (especially because I SO Love Eunny's Anemoi mittens... and the Endpaper mittens too.)

    And I love the colours :) I have some mismatched sock yarn to use up too-but it's Christmas red and green, and I'm not sure I want Christmas mittens!

  29. those look great! I can actually tell a slight difference with the yarn dominance in the right sides - even more so with the wrong sides! I love the mirrored effect.

    i'd probably do something from the SKS book - there are some great stranded patterns (one that looks like little donuts if I remember correctly) that would look great mirrored...(Plus, I'd love to try gloss!)

  30. I think your name is lovely! Although I'm not sure I'm pronouncing it correctly in my head. My mom wanted to name me Leisel but my dad won that one by pointing out the rhyme with weasel. (Thank you, Dad.)

    Love. The. Socks. Herringbone is such a cool pattern. And I like the mirrored-ness.

  31. Oooh, love the socks, they look awesome.

    I used to hate my name too, when I was younger, just because it was so uncommon. I always wanted to be a Jennifer or an Amy. But now I love it and truly appreciate it.

    It did suck not ever finding anything with my name pre-printed on it, like pencils and notepads and shoelaces and such.

  32. heh heh, cool socks. That would delight me too, looking down and seeing my different colored toes.

  33. Oh! Those socks look very very good!

  34. ooh, i'll enter. i would use the yarns to make mits to match one of my two0color bag designs. i have a lobsterLock bag in those same colors

  35. I love those socks and the yarn you used, Aija. (& I like your name too) Really interesting. I don't know of another pattern off the top of my head that would make a good mirror effect tho, but I'll keep my eyes open. BTW, I ordered that t-shirt. So cool! Think it will go over big at M.I.T.? I work in Mathematics - how's that for convenient artwork!

  36. Aija is a beautiful name. Trying growing up as April. Ugh.

    Your socks are beyond beautiful, I'm ever so jealous. No drawing for me please, I just cast on for Endpaper Mitts last night. :)

  37. I *love* the socks! And your name is great. I think everyone hates their name until they get used to it. :->

  38. I would cast on for Endpaper Mitts. Your socks are fabulous!

  39. I have to admit, I always thought your name was pronounced Aye-jah, so now I have to train myself to prounounce it the right way when I read it. :o)

    Love the socks! Beautiful work, as always.

    As for the extra yarn, I'd use it to make funky wristwarmers since they're my newest obsession. :o)

  40. your socks are purty. as far as the yarn goes..i dunno...maybe a lacy crochet shawl alternating colors?

  41. What great socks! I love them.

    I think I'd use two skeins of mis-matched sock yarn to make some fabulous mis-matched legwarmers.

  42. I think your name is beautiful. I like my own name, but I haven't always. (Americans always spell it with two "l"s. Always, unless their name happens to be Alison with just one "l".) Anyway, the socks really do look great!

  43. Those are some cool socks. I love the mirror imaging and the insides are almost as pretty as the outside.

    How about a colorwork hat? Or perhaps a shorter version of one of these two socks, but shorter: Blue and Cream Stocking from Meg Swansen's Knitting or Estonian Stocking a la Grumperina (http://www.grumperina.com/knitblog/archives/2006/08/friends.htm). I love the color motifs on both of these stockings.

    BTW, I always get the "Boris and Natasha" jokes about my name (Natasha). :)

  44. Those are some seriously gorgeous socks!

  45. gorgeous!

    eunny's anemoi mittens as an idea?

  46. I am already making the endpaper mitts but I'm dying to do Anemoi, too! They'd look great in these colors.

    You socks are great, by the way!

  47. thanks for showing your socks!! I've been looking for a pattern for like this!!! Just gotta make sure I have size 2 needles!!!

  48. I love your socks. They are lovely. I used the herringbone pattern from that sock pattern to make mittens for a friend of mine, in RIT brown and orange. (Or close enough). There is an idea for the rest of your mismatch... :)

  49. I love the socks and I would like to try and make my own. You picked some awesome colors.

  50. That t-shirt seriously rocks!

    Your socks are lovely and I can definitely see the yarn dominance thing going on.

    Hmm, I think I would make stripey socks from that yarn. I love silk blends!

  51. I can see the dominance. That is too cool. The socks look great. I would make a fair isle hat with that yarn. I think and dancing person on a blue background.

  52. Please put me in the draw. Stripey toddler socks are in order I think. Or maybe one pumpkin sock and one dusk sock.
    (I can pay you for shipping since I'm in Australia)

  53. Oh I just love the mirrored socks. So. Much. Fun!
    I always dreaded telling people my name growing up too. No one had ever heard the name Kirsten "way back" then (it was long before the American Girl dolls) and always called me Kristen or Christine. I ended up giving my son a difficult name too. I figured it's character building.

  54. My daughter's name is Azia! (and down the hall was born an Aja within a few minutes of her!)
    So ooh now I know what to look forward to..I endured years of oh if your Denise.. where's de-nefew??
    Hmm loverly colors those.. they would look good in a little slip stitch pattern for a nice neck warmer I think.. and yet I am just a sucker for a free yarn drawing!

  55. I would make some mittens, I think. I love the colors, and your socks are gorgeous! I wear mis-matched socks all the time, just because I like to. LOL My goal this year is to learn to knit socks.

  56. Those are great socks! I've knit with the gloss and found it a very enjoyable process. I'd do some form of colorwork socks, probably also with mismatch toes/heels. But I usually design my socks on the fly so I can't say for sure what the colorwork pattern would be. Likely something from my Scandinavian book that I haven't really used yet.

  57. Hmm...I think maybe I'd try a little creativity with a lace scarf from Victorian Lace Today? I just ADORE your socks!!

  58. I would do something like this: http://cdevine.typepad.com/photos/socks_and_small_knits/emsketl.html

    Aren't the spirals great?

  59. um..i think i'd just copy you and make some mirrored socks....

  60. Those socks are fantastic!! I would love to make a pair too!!

  61. I love the socks! (And the shirt!)

    Since I'm not a very good knitter, I'd probably do something boring like one sock of each colour, rather than fancy colourwork. Or maybe I'd save the yarn until I learned. But I'm sure neither of those ideas would be useful for an experienced knitter like you.

  62. Love the T-Shirt....AND your AWESOME socks!! If I won I think I would make a pair of socks as well...not original I know...but if you think about it...you have two DIFFERENT feet, so why should the socks be identical????

  63. Love your socks! And I saw that T-shirt too. Very cute. What would I do with those 2 yarns? They are perfect colors for my sons, so I could see maybe a hat, mittens, or socks like yours being very loved by them.

  64. OK, I am dumb, it took me to the end of your blog post to realize that the "J" in your name is slurred, so your name is pronounced ASIA. Hence the continent references. *smacks forehead*

    As for the yarn? I am thinking maybe some red hearing wristlets or gloves would be pretty cool.

  65. So cute, great color combo for an a great pattern. I bought the Louet gems merino to make the end paper mitts---such a lovely and practical pattern. The other two color pattern I'm considering is getting the hat kit from Bea Ellis that grumperina just finished.

  66. I'd make some granny squares but that is because I love blankets :)

  67. I hope I am not too late!
    I would make two pairs of socks for my little girl!
    I love your socks btw!

  68. Hi! I've been wondering what hand-knitted socks look like on the inside, so I would appreciate it ever so much if you would take a picture of one of your more complicated socks(prefferably the red herrings) inside out and post them on your blog.

    Best wishes from a fellow knitter!

  69. I love those socks!! Which I knew how to knit with two colors. I stopped by to tell you I knit a pair of RPMS and I loved the pattern. Thank You!

  70. Oooh. I love how they match but are not exact duplicates.
