Friday, January 19, 2007

cleaning up...

I woke up this morning at 3am... my heart's on London time. I went diving in my trashtastic ziploc bag for a set of needles and I couldn't find them... so I went a bit nuts (common the last 48 hours... I'm a mess, but in a good way) and decided I'd break down and house them in a perfect present.

When I lived in southern California, I loved the sanrio store in our backwoods mall. With a passion... an embarrassing passion. Monkichi is still my favorite though. HK, least.


But wait, there's more...

This organization pleases me way too much. I'm channeling all that pentup Sunday energy, apparently.

And because someone wonders...

It *does* say "enjoy?" inside :)

Anyhow, riding high on all that I decided to clean up my wip basket. I've been working on finishing up nearing-completion projects (walkaround socks, red herring socks) and figured its time to say goodbye to a few things and frog them.

Patons Kroy in hip hop jacquard

I frogged my Devan attempt-- anyone need 4 balls of faux fair isle yarn? :) This might turn up on destash for cheap soon, need the space!

Socks That Rock, mediumweight-- Velvet Moon colorway

...and one of a beaded fingerless mitt I gave up on. I love this colorway, so it'll show up in socks soon.

I found space on my knitting bookshelves for a new arrival...

Marvelous Mittens by Charlene Schurch

I've been drooling over the mittens from this book on Rebekkah's blog... but the book's oop and going for like $100 on amazon. Miraculously, I bought the last copy from Morehouse Farms Merino for (don't hate me) retail-- 12.95. Serendipity's on my side this week! :)

[edit, 1/21: aimeedewar says... "Thanks for the tip on the book. We've had one copy of it where I work for a long time, and it was always one I meant to get sometime. I didn't realize it is OOP. So, now it's safely mine. By the way, for anyone still looking, the edition/copy of it we had was titled "Mostly Mittens". Same book, same cover. Strange eh?"]

Even with picking all of that out of my basket, it still looks like this...



Aside from that, I've been restocking stitch markers for my etsy store...

Turquoise and freshwater pearls. I have some new turquoise and pearl markers to add in the morning...

...and working on a wonderful, wonderful scarf...

Hypotenuse from knitspot
Alpaca/Silk from Blue Sky Alpacas

Love it. It is just so soft, so much I'd even wear it in vegas heat. This is just shy of 2 balls-- I have another and I'd guess it'll be about 55-60" long when done. I'm debating on buying another ball for a long-long scarf, we'll see when we get there.

You just wanted to know who won the Gloss though, eh? Congratulations Kenyetta (and happy birthday!) Double luck! :)

Have a great weekend yall!


  1. I'd always wanted to make Devan for my youngest, but I left it too long, and now there's no size big enough for him. Thought about making it for a store sample sometime, though.

    Have a good weekend!

  2. That's a cute little dpn holder! Yeah, I cleaned up/frogged, etc a little bit ago too! What I can see of your Noni bag is looking good! (psst, it's pals with something familiar too LOL!) Have a great weekend!

  3. Lucky you! I tried ordering that book from a few place and it was the same old story. "Just sold our last copy." Good for you though!

  4. I have that book on my wish list, but I guess I'll have to wait until a reprint comes out. You have great knitting Karma going on for you right now. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. holy hello kitty! me too! my fav is keroppi. i have a hk ipod cover. :) doesn't it feel good to organize?

  6. Those stitch markers are beautiful. They make me want to go buy beads and make stitch markers, too.

  7. Wow, how did I miss that mitten book!?! Now I'm starting my day wanting something I didn't know I wanted. Thanks.

  8. Love the needle holders! I am a big Sanrio fan as well, Kerroppi (sp?) the frog was always my favorite, although your little friends are very cute too! Your stitch markers are beautiful!

  9. Oooh, I think you've just inspired me - organizing the dp's is what's needed here. At the stationary store in Japantown SF they sell so many tins like this they're irresistable. Love those markers - they stand out from alot of markers - lotsa luck and lotsa sales :) on etsy! Terry

  10. Lucky find on the book. Some wonderful looking mittens. The Sanrio store is a fun place to hang out. I've found many useful items there.

  11. Thanks for the tip on the book. We've had one copy of it where I work for a long time, and it was always one I meant to get sometime. I didn't realize it is OOP. So, now it's safely mine. By the way, for anyone still looking, the edition/copy of it we had was titled "Mostly Mittens". Same book, same cover. Strange eh?

  12. I love the organization. I need to do something like that with my dpns.

  13. I love the dpn box! So cute! So organized! And I've been lusting after that mitten book for awhile - I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
    AND a beautiful scarf!

  14. That is a really cute little holder, I love sanrio too!

  15. I love that idea for holding DPN's! Very, very cute!!

  16. I've just finished three pair of mittens from Charlene Schurch's book! Fabulous patterns. I have the original hard bound AND the re-named paper cover. I didn't realize it is so desirable. At any rate, I've had a hard time getting gauge for the mittens. I recommend swatching carefully. the finished products are worthwhile.

  17. I love Sanrio too, and think those DPN cases are genius!

  18. god that looks like the most obvious thing you could do with DPNs! I struggle to manage mine and look at that! Perfect. Thank you!

    I love the sound of that Mittens book. Must find it.

  19. I am generally a lurker around these parts, but I wanted to let you know that I love your blog. Your output is outstanding and you always choose projects that I want to make!

    One questions, when referring to your blog in the speaking world I am always unsure of how to say the name? Sock-prawn, Sock-prone, or sock that word that you don't want to turn up on a google search?

    (bigsistersf at yahoo)

  20. That's one of my favorite books, an I' a die hard mitten addict

  21. Once again, a bevy of beautiful things on your blog, even if they are (mostly) in progress!

  22. the copy at my libary is Mostly Mittens too! Strange....must be an older edition or something?

    what a cute little holder! gotta love the Sanrio!!!

  23. Beautiful scarf. Like the dpn holder.

  24. That's adorably cute! I love Sanrio and all those other Asian stationery products. This is a great idea for dpn holders! I'll have to stop by the Pacific Mall on my next trip to Toronto and grab some. I'm losing dpns faster than I can replace them!

  25. I love making semi-precious st markers too! Yours are gorgeous. x

  26. played s.i. at the science museum in my sox.

    bmp. bmp. bmp. bmp.

  27. I also like the tin for the DPNS. It's beautiful.

  28. Rubber bands on the, smart. I just reorganized my stash today and they all went in a vase willy-nilly.

  29. I received my awesome yarn and gorgeous stitch markers yesterday- my first mail at my new house!
    Thank you so much!

  30. Gorgeous stitch markers! I'm going to have to get me some soon!
    I like the scarf too! It looks similar to one I knitted for an x-mas gift, it went so fast and was wonderful!
