Friday, October 06, 2006

the kindness of strangers. (and koigu.)

Sometimes I forget how kind the world can be. Not that I think its terribly harsh for me (I live a charmed life here behind my keyboard, words and fingers) but sometimes you're just like, wow.

Joan left me a comment after reading my last post, asking me if I wanted her leftovers from the two fabulous sweaters she'd knit in the same colorway, same dyelot of Noro Silk Garden for my then-botched project. This was way awesome, since I was almost certain I was going to run out of yarn and was already checking dyelots on ebay... to top it off, I asked her to swap with me for some koigu but she said no, just to accept it as its close to my birthday.* Can you say, floored?

noro silk garden color 224
(photo courtesy of joan, i hope she doesn't mind)

I really didn't want to abandon the Noro project, because its part of a larger one for me... I've decided to knit holiday gifts for my family. This is a big deal for me, not just because I'm starting way late but because I don't give my knitting away. There are exactly one and a half people in this world with something handknit from me; one who cherishes and respects the work (love, obsession?) that goes into it and half who has to wear whatever I say for the next few years. Partly its selfishness, partly its attachment to my knitting... partly because I'm really nervous about it not being good enough, too hokey to outsiders. I don't give two shakes that my neighbors think I'm nuts for taking pictures of yarn in my pyjamas outside, but to put my knitting in someone else's (non-knitting) hands for them to scan and pick apart mentally is almost too much for me to even think about.

I'm doing it though, this year... my sister, my brother in law, mom, dad, aunt, uncle and grandma. October knitting in orange was almost solely for "me" projects, but I think most of those are going to be set aside for now.

The Noro Silk Garden is for my part of my sister's holiday present (no one irl really knows i blog about all this stuff, or take pics of yarn hanging out my windowsill, so i'm pretty confident about talking about all this stuff here)...

noro vintage caplet
New Vintage Capelet
Spun Mag, Issue 1
Noro Silk Garden, color 224
US 7 (4.5mm) 24" circular, Addi
(re)started: October 5, 2006

I didn't really mean to be coy with my last post, not saying what it was-- I've seen a few of these and they all look much longer than the original pictured and seem to take much more yarn as well and I can't quite figure why.

Near as I can figure (I'm not so good at reading ahead!)... for the s/m size you work 18 rows even after lace panel, then work 48 rows to get from 169 sts to 49 sts (dec 2o sts every 8 rows) before starting the k1p1 collar. 56 66 rows of straight panels, lace panel is 34 rows... guessing 7 sts/column inch (?) works to be about 11.5" (i'd guess the sample from the pattern is that) 14+"... but the ones I've seen knit up are much longer than that.

Anyhow, I need to figure it out when I get there, since even though Joan was kind enough to send me the extra Silk Garden, I want the capelet on the short side like the modelled picture.

article pract

Back to kindness, yesterday I found myself at my LYS, Article Pract in Oakland. Its kind of a rare occurance for me to go (my son invariably has a meltdown when we have to leave because he *loves* it there and as we take transit to get around = hollering toddler on a bus is not good, even when I come home toting yarn.) Yesterday though I found myself without the third arm and with some wakare burning a hole in my pocket... walked in and brought home some goodies.

ryc cashcotton
RYC Cashcotton 4 ply
35% cotton, 18% angora, 13% viscose, 9% cashmere
50gm/196 yd
shade 906, chintz

For the holiday project, I'm going to try and knit my mom a slew of anklets (...anyone able to get larger sized footed anklets from 50gm of sock yarn? She wear a size 9-9.5 like me and loooves anklets. I don't get it, but to each their own.) This is my first experiment to see if I can do it. Mom doesn't need hard wearing socks as she has trouble getting around and out, she needs the kind to wear with feet propped up watching Project Runway marathons.

koigu p624
Koigu premium painters palette merino p624 (kpppm)
100% merino
50gm/185 yd

For Embossed Leaves Socks (Winter 2005 Interweave Knits) for my sister. I love this "speckling" thing Koigu's doing with their yarns, even if this isn't a "me" colorway.

lornas laces sock black purl
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, Black Purl colorway
80% superwash wool, 20% nylon
50gm/215 yd

Distancing myself from avoiding purples :)
(double obliqueness, anyone?)

Anyhow... the lady on the floor saw me clutching the koigu and told me they just had a new shipment in, it was in the back... would I like to see it? (Yuh!!) They hadn't unpacked it yet though, so I'd have to come back tomorrow. Between all that we talked socks, and I mentioned I had a pattern in knitty an issue back-- suddenly, "can you teach a class?" :)

A big head moment, simple for her but made my day. (Could have been all the yarn, too!)

Of course I went back today, because koigu is crack and I wanted to see the new stuff... while I was invited into the inner sanctum, the holiest of holy (the back stockroom with *piles* of yarn to the ceiling), *another* saleslady told me she was supposed to convince me to teach a class there. I can't believe I was remembered :)

I saw and sorted thru BAGS of new koigu, of course offered a home to some of it...

koigu p319
Koigu premium painters palette merino p319 (kpppm)
100% merino
50gm/185 yd
(more grey/muted than the photo.)

koigu p852
Koigu premium painters palette merino p852 (kpppm)
100% merino
50gm/185 yd
(color's too bright on this, much more black/muted. it *immediately* reminded me of the fleece artist merino cosmic dawn colorway of my first pomatomus socks, had to have it.)

koigu p338
Koigu premium painters palette merino p338 (kpppm)
100% merino
50gm/185 yd

(edit, 10/13... the above koigu pics look a little brighter here than irl, almost unfortunately!)

I also signed up for their colorwork class this month... hopefully I'll conquer my fear of stranded knitting (let's hope!) :)

* wow, you made it thru all that^?!

i still feel like paying something forward for the silk garden joan's sending to me, so i'm going to give away this set of koigu skeins... i like this colorway, its light enough not to distract from lace but i immediately thought cables when i saw it. do what you will :)

leave me a comment if you're interested, i'll pull a name randomly. a quickie, so say leave a comment by this coming tuesday afternoon (pacstandard).


  1. That Lorna's Laces is *so* my colorway. It's gorgeous! I don't go to my LYS much anymore, but I just may have to try!

  2. Yay, koigu! I love Article Pract. Let us know about that class!


  3. OMG I heart all of the yarn you're showing off, esp that speckled koigu. I'm interested in the koigu you're giving away, yummers!

  4. hmm, i would for sure be interested in some free koigu! i like the pay it forward sentiment, maybe it will start a long chain of knitting kindness!
    all your new sock yarn looks gorgeous!

  5. Koigu is so lovely! For some reason my LYSs don't carry too much of it. You made some lovely additions to your sock yarn stash!

  6. Put me in for your drawing! delurking to say wow! great yarn pics! I'll also be checking out that capelet pattern.
    The Noro looks great!

  7. Look at all that yummy yarn! Of course I'd be interested in some Koigu, I love the stuff.

  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You take the BEST photos of yarn. I wish someone would give you all the sock yarn in the world to photograph (and knit!!!!, for the rest of us to drool over the pictures.

  9. Ooh, never turn down a chance to get Koigu (pant-pant). Delurking here... The Silk Garden will make that nice capelet pattern even more lovely - good choice!

  10. Wow! all that yarn and a teaching job to boot! Did you say yes? I Would love to make a home for some Koigu, you can put my name in your hat. That is one of the yarns on my "to knit with someday" list (can't get it here,yet). Can't wait to see the capelet finished, the start is so pretty.

  11. oh pick me pick me!! LOL the yarns are lovely!!

  12. lovely acquisitions. it'll be fun to watch them turn into socks.

  13. The Koigu is beautiful - I want to buy them now too! How exciting to be asked to teach a class - are you going to do it?

  14. Holy yarn! I'm sure you'd be an awesome teacher :)

  15. That's some gorgeous Koigu you have there. And getting to be first at the pile -- totally choice!

    Congrats on the class!

  16. LOve the black pearl colour way but most of the yarns make me drool

  17. Oh you got some great buys! I'd love to be entered in the give away.

  18. Aija - A swap friend wrote me a pattern for my sz. 9.5 feet, they're little anklets made out of cascade fixation. I'd be happy to send it to you, but the gauge may need a little working. Fun contest!

  19. I'd love a shot at the Koigu. I just found out my favorite sock yarn (Great Adirondack's Soxie) is the same fiber as Koigu, but Koigu is a heck of a lot easier to get my hands on. Yet, I still haven't procured a set.

    Thanks for paying it forward to the knitting community.

  20. why oh why did you show me that orange Koigu?!?! I am going to have to go on a hunt for that colorway. Sigh.

  21. I'm drooling all over your yarn this morning!!! Would love some of your koigu...none of our LYS carry it here. :(

  22. congrats on the class offer. i'm sure you'll do well--you're so talented!

  23. What a great day!!! Congrats on the class! That is awesome!

    The pay it forward idea is a great one!

  24. Wow, digging through piles of brand new koigu at the LYS, that's the stuff of dreams!

    Amazing yarns, and I wish I could take a class you teach, I bet I'd learn a ton!

  25. Hey, if you're giving away yarn, I'm in!

    Love all the treasure you brought home! And teaching a cool is that?!?!? You go, girl!

  26. I'm leaving a comment, but not because I want the Koigu (not that I don't....hell, I'mma take it if you wanna give it)...

    I almost FELL ON THE FLOOR with that last Koigu, the oranges? Oh my....I rarely find Koigu colorways that I'm really passionate about (love the yarn though). I wish my LYS hadn't decided to stop carrying the stuff (they got tired of the backorder).

    I just picked up some of that Lorna's in Black Purl too, to make a pair of socks to match M-i-L's Lion & Lamb Black Purl Odessa hat. (A godless heathen union M-i-L is still an M-i-L....and they harass their knitting D-i-Ls relentlessly about needing socks and hats just like any other M-i-L.)

    Whee, teach a class! That's awesome!

  27. I love your new yarns, especially that bright orange koigu! Drool city happenin'!

    I'm like you when it comes to giving away hand-knit gifts. I only have two that I can think of that really, really appreciate the work socks. (And the kids have no choice but to wear what I provide!)

    Count me in on your draw!

  28. People are too kind sometimes! Luckily a bit of kindness can make up for so many others.

    I love me some Koigu so throw my name in your hat please.

  29. I'll delurk just to say you shouldn't be too modest. Your socks rock and people with a passion for somethinig make the best teachers. You've been very inspiring for me.

    I'd love to be in the drawing, and I'll pay it forward too!

  30. :) I completely understand your site name - that is what this post definitely is! That is a compliment you certainly deserve, to be remembered and asked to lead a class - you certainly are capable. If it's what you want, hope that sometime it will work out. And gosh, I'll have to BART it over to AP for the Koigu - love it! Terry (ps - glad you got gifted the Noro!)

  31. I literally said, "ooh!" our loud when I saw that orange KPPPM. I can't wait to see how the speckly stuff knits up -I've seen it at the LYS, but have put it back.

    And throw my name in to bag too!

  32. As others have said, WOW to the orange koigu! Oddly enough, I'm not an orange person, but that colorway is gorgeous! Stick my name in the pot for the koigu drawing, I'd love to try it out.

  33. Oh please put me in for the drawing! Very generous of you! Mmmmmm...Koigu....

    I love the new speckly stuff they have too - I just saw some this week at an LYS.

  34. Beautiful Yarn! I especially love the Lorna's Laces colorway. And Koigu, gorgeous as always! I haven't had a chance to knit with it yet, maybe I'll be the lucky winner.

  35. Your photos make me drool. :) I've never owned any Koigu. Please put me in the drawing!

  36. I would love to be considered for the Koigu! I might even use it to knit your RPM socks!


  37. Delurking to share in the Koigu love. Can you believe my uncle lives in Williamsford, Ontario, where Koigu is located, and I *still* haven't made it over there to check it out? It's 'cause I'm only up there around Christmastime... I'll have to make a special trip.

  38. I just got my first Koigu as part of a swap... I must say, I finally see what all the fun is about! So enter me in your giveaway...

    The yarn is all so gorgeous! Can't wait to see how your capelet turns out.

  39. I didn't know we were in the same hood... Article Pract is my LYS too. And I didn't need to know that they just got a new shipment of koigu in, dangit!

  40. I'm in for the drawing...Can you believe I've never knit with Koigu? I had a skein of Kersti once, I really liked it. But no KPPPM for socks yet!

  41. I have size 11 feet and I just got one mid-calf sock in a lace pattern from a 50g hank of ArtYarn Merino4 (191 yards). Are you trying for a pair from 50g? It would be close; definitely go toe-up and have a complimentry yarn to finish up with. Or maybe try contrasting toes and heels?

  42. Oh wow. Gorgeous yarn purchases. I have never seen Koigu in person. The colors are great!

  43. Oh wow, now that's some serious yarn pr0n! Yum! (Yumyumyum!)

    And yes, I'd like to be in the drawing!

  44. PURDY!!!!! I love Lorna's feel and how they wash up - but I'm not a big fan of the pooling...what patterns do you like using Lorna's as I want to give the shepard sock a whirl - I've only used the dk and worsted weight.

  45. I love the speckled kiogu! I'll have to run out and get some myself.

  46. I love the blues in the koigu. If you want to give me some, I certainly wouldn't object! The capelet is going to be so pretty in those colours of the silk garden. Can't wait to see the finished product...

  47. Lovely colorways! I've been eyeballing the black purl colorway for a while now :) Go ahead and throw me into the pot if you would be so kind... I'm never one to miss out on the possibility of fabulous yarn! Besides, I bet it would make a striking set of Bayerische socks. I can't wait to see the finished caplet!!

  48. You seem to have hit it big at the LYS!
    I'm totally interested in the free Koigu, I have yet to get my hands on some...

  49. Ahhh, koigu! It's like sharks and chum when koigu or Anne comes int he shop.

    I just bought more Anne...I swear I heard the "Jaws" theme...

    That p338 is devine!!

  50. There's new Koigu at Article Pract? If you should happen to see a brown Nissan barreling down 880 tomorrow you'll know who it is.

    Congratulations on the class! Please to post when it's gonna happen so I can sign up.

    No koigu for me please, I still have my gift certificate for Knitting Arts to spend. :)

  51. That cape looks like it will be gorgeous! Please throw me in for the Koigu, I've never seen any in real life. The yarn stores here carry nothing and I can't afford to order stuff from overseas *sniff* (Feel sorry for me yet? ;) lol)

  52. Oooh, Oooh, I have not gotten to try Koigu yet and that colorway is so mellow! I want a chance to pay it forward too!

  53. although i live near oakland, i have never been to article pract. looks like i will have to make the trip one of these days

  54. You must be bankrupt after all this week's stash enhancements!

  55. Oooh, what lovely Koigu! Delurking to put my name in the hat for the drawing! The capelet is looking lovely!


  56. I just love a good sock pr0n post:) I especially like the pretty pictures of all that lovely koigu. How flattering to be asked to teach a class, too!

  57. Love your purchases. Do you rob a bank before shopping for yarn? ;-)

  58. Yikes! The mere sight of all that Koigu-lisciousness nearly made me swoon. Congrats on the class thingie - will it be socks??

  59. That orange koigu is heavenly! It must be something about having Oct. b-days that draws people to hallowe'en colors! (including myself!)

  60. You really got some great looking yarn!!!

    Haven't tried Koigu but heard lots about it. So I'm defenatley interested in your giveaway :)

  61. I love that orange koigu! They are all gorgeous of course, but I'm really liking the orange. Sooo? are you going to teach? Very cool!

    Curious to know how you like working with the Noro...

    Please count me in on the koigu give away!

  62. So... are you going to teach the class? That's so cool that they asked you.

    I love all of you yarn purchases and I'd love that koigu. I think that the whole "pay it forward" thing could catch on.

  63. Wow! All that yarn is so lovely! If you were to send Koigu my way, I wouldn't object! ;-)

    BTW, I've never been to Article Pract, although I've always wanted to go. Good store, eh?

  64. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

    Do you think you could teach a class? If you've got the confidence to do it, then go for it!

    The generosity of online knitters always astounds me too, I've not come across an unfriendly knitter yet :)

  65. Holy crap, that's a nice stash enhancement. And a teaching gig, woohoo! Even if you don't do it, just getting asked is sweet.

    And your mom watches PR! That's awesome!

    Being the yarn addict that I am, I ordered some of the LL in Black Purl the other day, and I'm glad to see it's not too purple. Can't wait to see how yours knits up, since I'm sure you'll get to yours before I get to mine!

  66. So are you going to teach the class? Oh and I always have room for more Koigu

  67. I would SO take a sock class from you. I haunt Article Pract - I've had hauls like that. The staff is just the best.

  68. I can never seem to get my hand on the LL black purl and the koigu is a very pretty colorway.. I can see cables too! Definately! I know of a perfect pattern to...;o))

  69. I just wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know that I read your blog religiously, despite my recent silence in the comments. I always get a kick out of your posts and, of course, a thrill and a bit of a drool going from your yarn pics!

    I'm also trying to make a "slew" of socks for my mother this holiday season. The more difficult task is trying to convince hubby to build a custom cedar box to house them, with cute little sock-sized cubby holes!

    Congrats also on the request to teach at your LYS. What fun!

    (And please exclude me from your drawing for the Koigu. It's so generous of you to give it away, but there are more worthy homes than mine, where the poor dear souls would be utterly lost amidst the monstrous mountains of yarn everywhere!)

  70. a "capelet?" i sense mysterians here.

    oh, and please don't enter me in the yarn contest. if you do, and i win, i'm choking kittens with the proceeds. nobody wants that.

  71. I always love looking at your new stash enhancements....that orange Koigu - oh my gosh - how incredibly beautiful is that!!!!!

    Glad you found more of the silk garden - the knitblog community comes to the rescue again!

  72. I used that same colourway of Noro SG, but after my clapotis I only had about 4m left!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog the last few weeks.

    Oh, and I can never pass up a Koigu opportunity...

  73. *drool* I love LL Black Purl. And all that koigu.... *drool*
