Sunday, June 25, 2006

plain and FANCY new yarn, p-words done!

Hey, thanks yall for leaving me so many comments on Friday. Too cool, really. :)


Ever have a great day and then come home and it gets better? Not to brag, but that's how *my* Saturday went :) I came home tripping the light fantastic (not quite like tripping in my college years, but that's another topic for another time!) and I found this in my mailbox...

Plain & Fancy
Sheep & Wool Co.
(no web presence I can find)
Single Sport
400 yd, 4.5oz
[edit: "made in america from american wool"]
Fall Leaves colorway

Eek!! Margene (yeah, her! can you believe she mailed me something?! to my ADDRESS??! i'm a terrible dork, i know...) sent me this after drawing my name from her one word comment challenge... I said skyful. :) I know, its not a real word.

I think I will use the slip stitch pattern from Knitty's Crusoe pattern, going toe up and maybe a Judy Gibson "you're putting me on!" toe up heel flap so I can use an eye of partridge heel to fully get into the slip stitch love... I'm saving it for when it cools down a bit, but man, once it does... watch out! :) I love it. Its a single/one ply-- like Malabrigo for the FEET. Oy. It really is too pretty for words, so a closeup:



I love it. I think I said that already. Thank you Margene :)

Phew, and if that wasn't enough for a great weekend-- I finished my Pomatomii.

Pomatomus from Knitty Winter 2005
Started: June 9 (?), 2006
Finished: June 25, 2006
Lisa Souza Sock! in Bird of Paradise, 1 skein (with 22 gram left over)
US 2's for the leg (2.75mm), US 1's for the heel flap/foot (2.25mm)

We should play "what's under Aija's couch?" but, you really don't want to know.

As I said before, I extended the leg one chart repeat and was left with over 20 grams of yarn from the 4 oz hank of Lisa Souza Sock! Yay! I think I will be paring down on long cuffed socks for the time being though, they're a little too slouchy for ocd-me, both these & my evening stockings (not bad, but I'm just picky sometimes about the darndest things). Is it nuts I'm trying to find sock garters I'd wear with them? I love these socks though, and the pattern, and even the colors. I know they look weird, but you know... faces only a mother can love and all that :)

Here they are together, fraternal second cousins or something...


And a closeup of the stitch pattern, a few different ways:

Striping on leg of #2

Purple - white - green pool on back of leg of #1

Orange pool, on front leg of #1

Small striping on both feet

Of course, the orange shows the stitch the best. I think the purple/white/green is too busy to see any of it. But I do like the way it looks over striping, both the wide leg stripes of #2 and also the feet of both.

Hope yall's weeks are as good as my weekend was! :)

Previous posts on Pomatomus in Lisa Souza:
June 19, 2006
June 14, 2006
June 12, 2006

Previous posts on Pomatomus in Fleece Artist (1st time knitting the pattern):
January 3, 2006
December 28, 2005

ps, if you're reading this & haven't left me a comment before, say hi! :) trust me...


  1. Gorgeous new yarn and gorgeous socks! I always love to see what yarn is next in the line up:)

  2. That's very pretty. Can you tell us the make up of the yarn - is it 100% wool? Thanks.

  3. That yarn is yummy! And I love those potomi - they still remind me of goldfish.

  4. What pretty new yarn! Lucky you. :)
    The pomatomus turned out perfectly; hope you get lots of wear out of them.

  5. i'm jealous! what pretty yarn...can't wait to see it knit up!

  6. Wow! Gorgeous yarn and socks! I love the made in America from American wool.

  7. I love the orange pooling parts (surprise!) I saw that sock yarn on her blog and loved it! I think it is the new Brooks Farm sock yarn that they only sell at festivals!

  8. As always, great job on the socks!

  9. The Poms turned out beautifully! Isn't it so weird how the two turned out so differently.

    I really like your new yarn! I think Crusoe would be really nice in it.

  10. The Poms turned out beautifully! Isn't it so weird how the two turned out so differently.

    I really like your new yarn! I think Crusoe would be really nice in it.

  11. Your Pomatomus socks are wild! Love 'em and can't wait to see what you get out of the new yarn. You lucky duck you!!

  12. I think I commented yesterday - love your blog-it's one of my favorites- and all your beautiful yarny pictures and gorgeous things you make! You are an inspiration.

  13. The pomatomuses are awesome! I love that yarn - I might need some for myself :)

  14. I love the yarn photos and stitch pattern close ups - and the socks are gorgeous!!

  15. Hi.

    I'm wondering how those great socks are to knit. You seem to have lots and lots of fun with them.

    I'm loving doing two at once on one circular needle. I might need some variety in patterns. *sigh* So much sock yarn, so few patterns I have.

  16. the Japanese "wave" look works!! very special socks, and great close ups.

  17. The pomopotomous socks look great :)

  18. First time commenter....long time lurker.
    Love those Pomatomus socks! :) I can only aspire to be the sock-knitter you are. :D :D :D
    The new yarn is beautiful. Can't wait til it grows up into Crusoe.

  19. Absolutely lovely - the pomii and the yarn -- obviously the Fancy part of the Plain and Fancy :-)

  20. *drool* the plain & fancy is unbelievable, i am terribly jealous. i can't wait to see that knit up. you lucky duck!

  21. Well, I guess you did have a good weekend! Beautiful socks and beautiful sock yarn too! :)

  22. That is some yummy yarn! And your p-socks look divine.

  23. Your P socks are gorgeous!!

    And the yarn from Margene is very fun! Um, based on what I've heard about Crusoe, you're going to want to make the heel deeper than the Judy Gibson pattern calls for - especially if you're using EoP on the heel. Whole lotta not stretching going on there.

  24. Oh! Your new yarn is so pretty, lucky girl. I can't wait to see you knit up the Crusoe socks, will look great in that yarn.

    And your Pomatomus socks are great I love the orange in them.

  25. Oh yeah, I'm in sock yarn lust! Whew, that yarn seriously rocks, and so does Margene.

    Love the socks too!

  26. Great new yarn, and single ply, wow! The socks turned out great, they do remind me of goldfish, like someone else said.

    I'm probably the only person who does own sock garters (my aunt had a vintage clothing shop long ago). I've no idea where they are, so yeah, you'd probably never wear them. :)

  27. Love the new sock yarn!!!!

    The P-socks are faboo! I've got to make a pair.....once I get back on the sock knitting wagon. I seem to have fallen off somewhere along the way.

  28. i loooove the new yarn. i'm so jealous of your stash.

    the poto-whatever look good too. :-)

  29. Great socks! Its wild how different they turned out. And the new yarn looks divine!

  30. Hi! I read you just about every day!! I am going to take a sock class starting this Thursday. YAY!! I am so excited!! Any suggestions for what yarn to use for my first socks? We will be using an Ann Norling pattern. My LYS carries quite a good variety, although they do not have Trekking XXL!

  31. Hi!
    Regards/Marianne from Sweden(
    only blogging in swedish., but please ask if you want to know something. I do read and write quite well...(if I say it myself. But I knit better than speak english...)
