Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Flash your sock yarn stash. (Pic intensive).

I'm a sucker for stuff like this, "flash your sock yarn stash"-- originated @ knittyboard. You know you wanna play too!! :)

Pic intensive!!

I originally guessed I had about 30 pr. worth of socks in yarn, but its more like... 75 pair. I am embarrassed to show yall this, but we're all friends, right? :)

Apologizes in advance for some not-so-clear photos, my little bumblebee was having too much fun trying to play with the yarn and kept bumping into me as he "rearranged" it over & over. There are better pics of each individual skein somewhere on this blog (they've all been taken before, I'm pretty sure.)

On with it then.

My sock yarn bin. It used to be just my yarn bin, but all non-sock stuff has been moved out. Granted, most of the stash is sock yarn... but 95L of socks is a lot.

Interlacements Tiny Toes, variegated
(mountain jewel, chairman of the board, stained glass)
185 yd/50 gm, 100% superwash merino

Interlacements Tiny Toes, solids
(pearl grey, blue, red)
185 yd/50 gm, 100% superwash merino

Top row: Schaefer Anne. Bottom row: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport.

Left: Henry's Attic Kona Superwash. Right: Cherry Tree Hill Super Glitz (dk) millend from ebay.

From top left corner, clockwise: CTH Supersock, Knit Picks Essential, Handspun on the Web sock yarn, (3) CTH Supersport/Dk merino mini, Tess Yarns' Super Socks.

Left to right: Interlacements Toasty Toes 8 oz, Interlacements Little Toes 8 oz (discontinued), purple & pink handdyed superwash dk/unknown

Left side: Interlacements Merino Worsted Superwash. Right side: Interlacements Toasty Toes 4-8-4 oz (?).

Left side: Lanett Superwash. Right side: top 2-- Shelridge farms soft touch ultra, bottom 4-- Shelridge farms soft touch heather.

Left side: Koigu premium painters palette merino, kpppm. Right side: top 2-- Koigu, bottom 4-- Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock.

Cherry Tree Hill Supersock millends from ebay, about 4+ oz of green, about 8+ oz of grey.

Left to right: Sheep City USA DK Superwash, middle pair-- Nature's Palette from Hand Jive Knits, Wildfoote.

Left to right: Mountain colors Mountain Goat, Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks Mohair/wool, Mountain Colors Bearfoot, top right: Fearless Fibers sock, bottom right: Trekking xxl.

Left side: Dalegarn Baby Ull. Right side top: Handpainted wool from Blonde Chicken Boutique, right side bottom: Handpainted Kona Superwash DK.

Clockwise from top left: Lisa Souza Sock! Merino, Artyarns Ultramerino 4, Diakeito DiamuseeFine, Henry's Attic Kona Superwash fingering lightweight.

From left: Socks That rock lightweight, STR mediumweight, STR light weight, Plain and Fancy Sheel & Wool Co. Single Sport Handpainted.

Left: My sock yarn leftovers bag (about 12" high, 8" or so wide, the bag Lisa Souza was packing her yarns into at the yarn market I saw her at). Right top: Unknown blue/white/purple 8 oz, Right bottom: Austermann Step.

...crazy, huh?


  1. Oh thats not so bad!!! You really do have a nice haul!... opps I totally forgot my Dales and snuggly....ekks! I relaly do need to pick up soem Anne & Kona but NOT until after labor day! I promised myself SOS KAL....LOL Geezz I hope I have enough to last me until then....heehee

  2. *ahem* I need to show this to my Husband...Bet he won't complain about my stash :)

    Serisoulsy though...That red Schaefer Anne, where did you find it? I've been googling and e-mailing shops for a few weeks now and nobody has it! I'm going nuts trying to find it.

  3. Wow! You sock yarn stash is almost as big as my regular stash! ;) I'm jealous! It all looks so lovely.

  4. I swear ... I saw the first few lines in this post and my heart actually skipped a beat. And then it skipped a few more as I scrolled along. Can I please come roll around at your house for a while?

  5. DIZZAMN! That's a great sock yarn stash. I love your taste in sock colors.

  6. Okay, I'm an yarn OVERLOAD now!!! Thanks alot! :p Seriously, nice yarn - great stash, such pretty yummy yarny goodness! :) Thanks for the "flash" :D

  7. Impressive! They are all such great colors and such a variety! Makes my sock yarn stash pale in comparison!

  8. You make me feel less weird for having an equally large sock yarn stash...I think I'll flash mine sometime this week, too:)

  9. Oh the porn is killing me ... and you think I'm going to flash my pitiful lot after looking at yours? You put my stash to shame, you hussy knitter you!

  10. I am way jealous of your stash. I seriously need to go on a stash-building adventure!!

  11. Wow...definitely sock pr0n

  12. Omg, I am SO drooling!! And all such nice quality yarns, too!! Oooooh, so many pretty skeins...

  13. I counted mine back in April. I can't remember now what I had but I think it was close to yours. I'm not sure I want to remember. hehe You have a wonderful sock yarn stash! I never tire of looking at people stashes, nope.

    My favorite that I have never seen is the Diakeito Fine. Pretty!

  14. OMG!!!! this is serious my dear. I guess I'll have to do a count down to see how mis-informed I am about my sock yarn stash...

  15. Wait a minute - do you hear that? It's a drip, drip sound, like a dripping tap. That's my drool hitting the chair!

    That's one crazy stash! If my hubby ever complains to me about my yarn I'll quickly show him this! You've got some gorgeous yarns there, sister!

  16. Wow! That's gorgeous. I loved scrolling through all those gorgeous pictures!!

  17. All right, gotta get ahold of myself here. Whoa! Nice stuff, and nice pics - you're making us edgy! Gawd! Thanks for the wonderful show. Terry

  18. holy crap girl! That's a lot of incredibly lovely sock yarn in your stash. feeling the envy right now... can I come over and roll around in it a bit, or would that be weird. ;-)

  19. Wow! Can I come over and roll around in it....!
    LOL What a great stash you have! Now mine looks puny. Can't have that...guess I'll have to go out and buy more.

  20. I have to say it makes me feel a wee bit better that you have more than me. It's kind of like not drinking alone :)

  21. I want your stash...
    That sounds dirtier than anticipated....
    I love all of the colours too!

  22. OMG You are sooo lucky!

    Does your other stash even compare to this? WOW!

  23. I think you just inspired me to finally order some of the sock yarn I've heard so much about, but can't get in shops here... That looks absolutely delicious!

  24. Wow, I just want to dive right into that bin! I remember your original stash flash. I still think I could build a whole wishlist from what you've got there. Fantastic!

  25. Wow that puts my stash to shame...

  26. Wow! I'm so jealous of your stash. Soooo jealous. I have a lot of catching up to do. :)

  27. Holy Potatohead, Batman! That's some juicy yarn porn. Yum, yum!

    If your house is burglarized any time soon, the police can start their investigation with your blog-readers!

  28. Oh my....I might have to go lie down! All that wonderful socky goodness in one place!

  29. Wow. That is so impressive I'm at a loss for words!

    I do covet every last yard of it all!

  30. I'm so envious!! You have a great stash!

  31. No, not crazy, just well stocked. I'd pull mine out for a photo shoot but the Husband is around this week and he has no idea. It's the ultimate hide in plain sight with the sock stash bin in the family room.

  32. Wow, some lovely yarns there! Nice pics too!

    BTW, thanks for the preview on what to expect my stained glass tiny toes to look like! :)

  33. Tastiness, tastiness.
    And that's not bad. That's good! It's not like you're hoarding crystal meth. It's SOCK YARN. Wonderful, delicious sock yarn.

  34. Holy crap that's a lot of sock yarn! It's all so pretty - it would make a lovely objet d'art - WOW!

  35. Seriously, I just want to roll around in it!

  36. I just hitting the "page down" button & it keeps going and going! I love it!

  37. DROOLS! WOW!! Gorgeous colours!! Flash well done!!
    I had friends over last weekend and we sat in "my room" and out of the blue one asked "is there YARN in ALL those boxes?" I said: "technically no, because some only has washed fleece in it...". Some people just don't understand!
