I've not started a new pair of socks! ::gasp::
I just have been mindlessly putting in a few rows into the Opal socks (still haven't finished the cuff!), and decided to finish up an old project-- the Sunburst Sling Bag from Just One More Row in Sari Silk.

I need to finish up the center bit (pulling the "valley" taut) and make a strap for it. (Oh, and seam it up!) The pattern calls for either a 3 st knitted I-cord strap and sewing the body pieces together as is, or for a wide 7 st long ridged strap/giant loop (like the body pieces) that the body is sewn onto. I'm going to go for the long loop, just b/c the weight of this bag is already pretty heavy and I don't see my shoulder being too happy trying to support it on a 3 st i-cord... I originally thought I'd make this bag's strap long (like the rest of the bags I have around that are usually just converted into diaper/toy hauling bags) but I will keep it shortish, I think.
I also want to still use some fusible interfacing to line the bag with... but I know nothing about it. My general conception is that it is an iron-on lining that will help give the fabric some stability. I know nothing about sewing and I really think this bag will do best with some sort of lining, but am a little nervous. I don't even know if I can buy it locally (I have a Joanns and a Michaels, maybe could hunt down a fabric store?), I worry it won't "fuse" to this "sari silk" and I also worry it may distort/melt the fabric... (I do plan on testing it before going all out!) :) Any advice on fusible interfacing out there? Brands, tips? :)

The sari silk is also still super hairy. You can barely make out the garter ridges from amidst all the fluff (and it confuses the crap out of my camera, too!) I bought this from Yarn Place at the Knit and Crochet Show in Oakland this past April and have to say I can't recommend it b/c of the hairiness... I've seen other sari silks knit up but none were like this. The "silk" also feels like rayon/poly too-- though its marked "silk" I don't really know if it is or not. I'm planning on taking a pair of scissors & trim some of the bushman down on both sides (with a dustbuster in hand to clean up!); if I don't I think it will make the interfacing even hard to get to stay on.
I really do like the pattern though. I finished one side in about 2 days or so... may be a good knit for some hemp/wool I have, or some orange banana silk! Nuts, I don't even carry bags :)
Even though I haven't been knitting any new socks, it doesn't mean I haven't eyed a few new *free* patterns up and down...
° Prachi has a sweet "cloverleaf" sock pattern (PDF!!) she's shared... and I particularly like that she reworked it so that the swirls of cloverleafs mirror one another. What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry, I ask you!*
° Marie has an equally beauteous Daisies sock pattern, for which I apparently have scads of Anne to knit it in :)
Any new sock patterns catch your eye lately?
* I have to try and use some of the Blake sometimes! Otherwise it'd just be Barney and Gumby quotes around these parts :)
I just have been mindlessly putting in a few rows into the Opal socks (still haven't finished the cuff!), and decided to finish up an old project-- the Sunburst Sling Bag from Just One More Row in Sari Silk.

I need to finish up the center bit (pulling the "valley" taut) and make a strap for it. (Oh, and seam it up!) The pattern calls for either a 3 st knitted I-cord strap and sewing the body pieces together as is, or for a wide 7 st long ridged strap/giant loop (like the body pieces) that the body is sewn onto. I'm going to go for the long loop, just b/c the weight of this bag is already pretty heavy and I don't see my shoulder being too happy trying to support it on a 3 st i-cord... I originally thought I'd make this bag's strap long (like the rest of the bags I have around that are usually just converted into diaper/toy hauling bags) but I will keep it shortish, I think.
I also want to still use some fusible interfacing to line the bag with... but I know nothing about it. My general conception is that it is an iron-on lining that will help give the fabric some stability. I know nothing about sewing and I really think this bag will do best with some sort of lining, but am a little nervous. I don't even know if I can buy it locally (I have a Joanns and a Michaels, maybe could hunt down a fabric store?), I worry it won't "fuse" to this "sari silk" and I also worry it may distort/melt the fabric... (I do plan on testing it before going all out!) :) Any advice on fusible interfacing out there? Brands, tips? :)

The sari silk is also still super hairy. You can barely make out the garter ridges from amidst all the fluff (and it confuses the crap out of my camera, too!) I bought this from Yarn Place at the Knit and Crochet Show in Oakland this past April and have to say I can't recommend it b/c of the hairiness... I've seen other sari silks knit up but none were like this. The "silk" also feels like rayon/poly too-- though its marked "silk" I don't really know if it is or not. I'm planning on taking a pair of scissors & trim some of the bushman down on both sides (with a dustbuster in hand to clean up!); if I don't I think it will make the interfacing even hard to get to stay on.
I really do like the pattern though. I finished one side in about 2 days or so... may be a good knit for some hemp/wool I have, or some orange banana silk! Nuts, I don't even carry bags :)
Even though I haven't been knitting any new socks, it doesn't mean I haven't eyed a few new *free* patterns up and down...
° Prachi has a sweet "cloverleaf" sock pattern (PDF!!) she's shared... and I particularly like that she reworked it so that the swirls of cloverleafs mirror one another. What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry, I ask you!*
° Marie has an equally beauteous Daisies sock pattern, for which I apparently have scads of Anne to knit it in :)
Any new sock patterns catch your eye lately?
* I have to try and use some of the Blake sometimes! Otherwise it'd just be Barney and Gumby quotes around these parts :)