Monday, March 02, 2009

stitches west 2009

...was awesome, as always :)
(almost as much as the company!)

Found myself buying silk blends again this year, weird since I never buy them online-- they must just not translate well across the computer screen because I jump at them in person.

l to r:
Blue Moon Fiber Arts 50/50 merino-silk in Jubilation
Pigeonroof Studios 80/20 merino-silk in Amazon
A Verb for Keeping Warm 50/50 merino-silk in No. 9

Also found a spindle I was hoping to find...

Greensleeves Damsel Monique in Masur Birch .85oz from Carolina Homespun
(I wanted a big Mjolinor in MB, but I think I may like this one more!)

...and a spindle I didn't know I was looking for.

Asciano Fiber Arts, "Mischa" in cocobolo rosewood 1.27oz
(website down?)

The style of spindle is not Mischa, instead the owner told me-- each spindle has a name. She was a real character, but I just couldn't walk away from that yellow/red combo (and that she knocked off $20 for the shaft having a warp-- don't mind a slight wobble for as beautiful as it is.) The yellow band is the wood closest to the bark side of the tree, alive where the red isn't. Neat.

Maybe not as much as the 'most interesting thing' on the market floor, as dubbed by my companion...

Tactile Fiber Arts Superwash BFL in Lichen

I can appreciate natural dyers staying as close to natural bases as they do for their dyes and superwashed fiber is just not it (you can't even make superwash wool in the US for the environmental hazards)... but I can't help but want a machine washable wool for socks. I'm really excited about this fiber base addition to Tactile's lineup.

I couldn't make it to the Knitmore Girls meetup at 2 at the Purlescence booth, but I stopped by early to say hi and Jasmin FORCED a swag bag on me ;)

(minus a KG button that went onto my now-vintage aVfKW/Tactile canvas bag)

I bought the Mini Mochi from Purlescence as a mini thank you for the shop sponsoring the Knitmore Girls podcast (I'm a fan! and won't the MM make an amazing woven scarf?)... but the rest was swag donated to the 'girls by Verena, Purlescence and others (!!) It even included a pleated scarf pattern by Chloe Sparkle/The Hundredth Monkey-- really nice and one of those 'great for handspun' options.

That was my favorite part of the market this year-- running into knitters and talking in person. Kristi's right that you kind of have to grab me because I am ridiculously shy, but it's great when it happens :)

Lots of awesome on and off of the floor this year. Thanks again :)


  1. Oh wow - the Greensleeves Damsel Monique is just to die for.

  2. Wow, those spindles are gorgeous! The fiber is lovely as well.

    I'd love to know more about the environmental impact of making superwash wool! I'm assuming it's the solvents that are the problem?

  3. Nice purchases! Love those spindles.

  4. I'm glad I pulled you aside -- it was good to talk to you! I got sucked into one of those Asciano spindles too as a last purchase on Sunday. Sigh.

  5. Thank you SO much for that black cormo. I've been sitting and petting it all day! :)

    I ended up with an Asciano spindle as well, one of the tiny Queen Anne ones. :) They're too beautiful to pass up.

  6. Wow! Gorgeous spindles, gorgeous fibre! And I am in looove with the yellow yarn - what type of yarn is it?

  7. Sounds like you really had fun! Those spindles are gorgeous!

  8. Very nice purchases! That dusky purple silk/merino is lovely! I should go dye some up. :)
