Friday, March 06, 2009

last call

If you follow me on twitter, you've already heard that I'm heading out to my sister's for her baby shower tomorrow... part of the reason I've been cranking out so many projects and blogging every day for this past week (!!) Today was the day for my last hurrah with the wheel-- I finished plying the pygora from last month's ultra fiber club shipment from Verb.

pygora from "penzance" and "paper moon"
(twist not yet set)

This was the fiber I was spinning on my wee Jenkins Turkish Delight-- the Turkish spindles are SO fun since you end up with a center pull ball when you're done.


I admit I haven't even started packing for the trip yet-- day spent in front of the wheel and in trying to decide what spindles and fiber to bring with me. I narrowed it down...

Asciano cocobolo rosewood spindle with Tactile Fiber Arts superwash BFL in "lichen"

I promised some socks from this fiber, and am really anxious to start and finish :) Probably will use Marlowe's new arch sock pattern if I hit gauge. I'm also packing my new, ridiculously stunning Golding...

Seth Golding ebony twist with Blue Moon Fiber Arts merino/silk in "jubilation"

I was excited when I read that the Goldings' son, Seth, would be turning spindles and offering them on the site (just makes me happy, the passing on of the torch among artisans) but I had no idea I'd fall for one and so hard. It is an ebony whorl, 2.75" with a sterling silver ring that was tooled by Seth. It is also heavy-- 1.53 oz (Seth made a batch and some are over/under the 1.8 oz weight listed on the site), perfect for a worsted/aran weight 2-ply from the merino silk.


Also perfect for trying to learn how to ply on a spindle... eek! I don't know why it scares me so.

Alright! Tonite's agenda is sewing wee buttons on all of the nephew-to-be's sweaters, wrapping them in the Spongebob wrapping paper my son picked out... and actually packing the important stuff like clothes and kid :) I'll be away for a few weeks (don't know if I'll be blogging), miss you! :)


  1. Have a safe trip! We'll all be here when you get home, drowning in fleece from the Wool Auction! :D

  2. Beautiful fiber and gorgeous spindle! I always look forward to seeing the Goldings at the MD Sheep and Wool. That booth is always my first stop. Maybe they'll have some of those beautiful ebony twist ones.

  3. Oh, man, that is the spindle that took my breath away over the internets just yesterday, and with that delicious fiber? Srs spindle pr0n.

  4. I read your post from last year about washing Cormo - and had some questions about the layering and tulle and such. I just got a fleece and seem to be making a real mess of it - I was super careful and put only one layer of locks in a bag but they felted somewhat anyway. And the fleece is rather a mess - it was covered but has horribly crusted hard tips that I resorted to trimming off. I appreciated your post and will try layering with tulle in the bags next time.

  5. Those spindles are just gorgeous! I especially love the two-tone wooden one. I also love the yarns you have been spinning. I can see why you would have a hard time deciding what to take with you.

  6. Oh my. That Golding, it is amazing!

    Have a great trip :)
