Monday, January 12, 2009

purple holiday gifts

Strangely, all of the last minute holiday gifts (actually finished before the holidays) were purple. Lucky color?

Stanley the Penguin
knit from KnitWhits kit, pattern by KnitSonya
US 8, Louet Riverstone kitted yarns and yardages

I *love* this toy. Not just because my son picked it out himself and asked me to make it, or that it took just a few late nites after he'd gone to bed to finish, but... it's just so cute and round :) Doesn't hurt that he loves it, too.


I like toys a lot, but it's always the finishing that gets me. I really think the make or breakness of a good looking knitted toy is the finishing-- too often mine are weirdly stuffed, unintentionally akimbo, an eye higher than the other... So I was a little nervous when I found out the front (white) belly panel wasn't intarsia, but knit separately and seamed on. Not that I look forward to intarsia or anything, but more than finishing :)

Happily though, the belly panel seaming went okay (at least for me!) and gives the penguin even more of a 3d feel. The only other parts added on were wings and feet (and how cute are those feet!!)

the beanness of the body makes me ridiculously happy

The pattern had a good tip for adding weight to the bottom of the body before seaming closed-- since I had a good amount yarn left over from the kit, I used it for weight and the penguin stands on its own.

Overall the pattern is great! Since there is no intarsia or anything difficult, I don't think anyone would have a problem making their own Stanley (finishing notwithstanding!) :)

My son's also gotten to that age where if he asks for something handknit outright (read: not 'do you want me to make you a new sweater?'), I need to make it because unless its socks or toys, he's not having it. I'm glad he likes mittens (and that I actually had one done from last year when I tested out the then-new Noro Kureyon sock yarn via Article Pract).


Sorenson Kauni cardi-inspired toddler mittens
Noro Kureyon sock and Louet gems pearl

I have a crazy amount of that little ball left-- you can see the purple fading from dark to light, but the other colors were untouched (and still, more purple remains). I think I'll use it again for more wee mittens, stranding it since I think the straight Noro Kureyon sock will be too scratchy for little hands. Paired with the Louet Gems and fulled in hot soapy water, the mittens are nice and soft-- no excuse not to wear them aside from the beautiful weather lately.

And for those who can wear handknit (socks) in any weather...

PGR toe up socks
Ellen's Halfpint Farms sock yarn, US 1's (2.25mm)

I'd forgotten how amused I am seeing my feet look like a camel's when I take these pics :)


  1. I love the penguin, too cute! Great looking mittens, and I absolutely lurv those socks! I got a thing for orangey and purpley socks. (Even though I don't wear those colors usually, but on my feet I'll wear just about any color.)

  2. Everything looks great, but Stanley is absolutely adorable.

  3. Love the penguin! So portly! Those mitts are neat - great color combo and the pattern is nice and graphic - right up my alley!

  4. I love the penguin - he's so cute. I think that I really need to knit a penguin, it would make me so happy :)

  5. Stanley! Gosh, wasn't that seaming, and those feet a..well took a bit of time LOL! Love his mittens and your sock too!

  6. Love Stanley! He is so cute and so very tempting.

  7. WHAT CUTIES! :o)
    love the knitting-- and hope the sewing is going as well as the knitting (and weaving!). :o)

  8. the penguin is adorable! and he adores it!
