Monday, November 03, 2008

in case you were wondering (no knitting content)...


oh, and...


Fingers crossed. I'll be spinning some baabaablacksheep to keep my nerves still til then. You?

In any case and in any choice you make, yay for this country!! :)


  1. Yay! I voted too. :) I'm starting to get agitated about the election tomorrow - wine and knitting will be required to keep myself sane.

  2. Yay! I voted more than a week ago (during the early voting period in Texas), but I'm getting really excited about the results tomorrow!

  3. We had our vote last month. The entire Canadian campaign was over and done with in 37 days. Short and sweet. But I have to laugh -- pretty well EVERYONE I know is all wrapped up in the US election! (Especially my mother.) I will definitely watch tomorrow night and see what happens. If I was American I'd vote the same way you did. :)

  4. You're not supposed to make the line so wide. :)

  5. I can't wait to vote tomorrow!!!! My crochet project is definitely doing the job of calming my nerves.....

  6. What a crazy ballot you have. (I mean the type, not the votes.)

    Yes we can!

  7. Good choices! Can't wait to vote tomorrow!!!

  8. Keeping fingers and toes crossed and a full supply of booze to celebrate (or commiserate) tomorrow night. Hopefully it'll be to celebrate.

  9. Well done!
    We don't have early voting in my state, so I'll be at the polls first thing in the morning.

  10. woohoo! those are the only 2 I'm sure about! great minds think alike. ;) I have about 11 hours to figure out how I'm voting! eek!

  11. Hey, mine looks like yours! My kids will be excited to know there are others who have the same pov. Fingers AND toes crossed for desirable election results.

  12. Whoo Hoo! I'm SO nervous!!!

  13. Yay! You voted! I voted the same way on both issues! Great minds and all... :)

  14. Yay for voting! My mail-in ballot looks a little different -- I got squares to fill in instead of the arrows -- but my vote on those two issues looks the same. :)

  15. It seems that the whole world is holding its breath for what you are voting today... look here: for the results of the non americans.

  16. Thanks for the pic! I've never seen these before and I think it's great that they actually tell you the policies and the changes that will take place if you vote for it fiscally and such.

    In Malaysia, you just vote for the party for your state and Parliamentarian. The party that wins determines the Prime Minister without the interference of the people (meaning, we have no say as to who the Prime Minister is).

    And we definitely have no say or idea about the policies he'll make either. It's all based on what the party says or promises. =.=

  17. YAY!!! ME TOO!!! and although it's a Big Bummer about Prop.8, i'm hopeful that it will be changed back soon. i was so scared to believe it last night, thinking it was too early to trust what the newscasts were saying but thankfully, it was really true! :o) yay!!! ek.
