Monday, October 06, 2008

spinning fiber clubs and a sale

I think I need to shy away from sweeping statements here on the blog like "I don't join fiber clubs" or "I'm not interested in spindle spinning"... cos really, it just comes back to bite me in the end. (Not that end, but thanks :))

A Verb for Keeping Warm 50/50 baby camel-silk, 3 oz-- "Maharani's Delight"
1st installment of aVfKW ultra fiber club

I know, as much as I go on and on about A Verb for Keeping Warm maybe it's to be expected that I'd go head over heels when Kristine announced her version of a fiber club on her blog and ravelry group... very very glad I did. The club's closed for enrollments now, but I'm guessing will reopen for the Winter shipments in December (best to check in with the aVfKW ravelry group for updates on that.)

(check out the beautiful handmade label!)

As excited as I am about this first shipment (baby camel! silk! naturally dyed!!)... I'm more excited about the news that Kristine and Adrienne shared at the open studio/anniversary party a few weeks back. A Verb for Keeping Warm is opening a retail store next to their dyestudio in Berkeley. This...


...will look like this (inside the original aVfKW dyestudio at the anniversary party):


(a few more pics of the party and space here)


Kristine also remarked that she'd like to not only have this as a retail space, but become the "coldstone creamery" of fiber for the bay area... renting out her drumcarder by the hour, hosting classes* on fiber prep and such in addition to the retail space. All still up in the air and to come, they're still building out the space, but how rad is that? Not only living out a dream, but that it's a fiber dream from a local dreamer?


And of course, more on the dream theme...

Border Leicester x Romney roving, dyed by Black Bunny Fibers for BBF Fiber Club
approx 5 oz, "plum treat"

Yall know the fleece kick I'm on lately... how timely is it that Carol's last club shipment was from a Border Leicester/Romney cross fleece that she purchased and had prepped into roving, *then* dyed individually for members of her fiber club? I couldn't help but spin it up right away...


I had just been browsing the Knitter's Book of Yarn and thought the chunky winter set (hat and mitts in a bulky thick/thin yarn) would be perfect for this fiber... spinning it into a single would help me keep the long color stretches and would look really nice across the small circumference of a hat and mittens.

It was really soft, that longwool luster soft and I was really afraid of ruining it by overspinning (I'm a treadling leadfoot!), so I put on the hugetastic "extra slow" whorl on the matchless (4:1 and 4.5:1) and spun very slowly...


You can't even see the back of the wheel, the whorl being so big :) It worked though-- just enough twist to hold the fibers together, squishy and not wiry. I fulled the yarn a bit when setting the twist, a little fuzz that filled the yarn's low twist out even more. Not quite cold enough to knit up yet, but the beautiful purples and blues are just awesome to admire.

And to bring it about full circle-- I actually spun up another sample of the Rhyme Times fiber sampler (The Bellwether's fiber sampler club).

Rainbow Roving by Crosspatch Creations, "Copper King" 8A
singles spindle spun, plied on a wheel
twist not set, will be fulled/shocked

It wouldn't be interesting news except for what I spun it on.

Forrester Dervish spindle 44.5g/1.57oz
rock maple (upper), purpleheart (lower), maple shaft

Amelia's been out of stock on her Dervish spindles for a while, so when she posted on Ravelry about sneaking some up onto her site, I immediately asked for pics of one I thought I'd want. Amelia sent me pics of several and this one jumped out at me (surprisingly not the one I asked about!)... still, I waited, being a big purchase for a little spindler like me. It haunted me for like a week and finally I decided to buy it for myself for my birthday**-- if not me then who? :)


It is a really fun looking spindle and keeps going, even though like I said, I'm new at this :) I took it with me to the first (of hopefully many!) spinning meetups at Knit One One in Berkeley last week-- if you're interested in getting together monthly to spin at k11 with some locals (everyone's welcome!), keep an eye on this thread in the Bay Area Spinners group on Ravelry. I had a blast-- I don't really like travelling w/ a wheel, but the spindle is freeing.

One more shot, since I can't help myself...


I've been taking it with me to the playground so as my son plays, I stand and spin... cast weird shadows standing on top of the jungle gym.


Til then and soon, can't stand being away. :)

* In the Bay Area? Color: A Fiber Festival is going to be on October 18 (Saturday). Lots of classes, vendors, and fun :) The venue is gorgeous and I had a great time last time taking classes, meeting people and just enjoying not being my normal hermit self. Mark your calendar, sign up for classes, join the Color ravelry group! Not just for spinners, either :)

** I am turning a year older in 2 weeks! In the theme of if not me then who, I'm celebrating with free shipping on all stitch markers (freshwater pearl and semiprecious stone) thru October 20th in my etsy shop :) As always, international shipping's on me as well-- and I've got lots more markers to photograph and upload so please check back throughout :)


  1. Gorgeous spindle! The Dervish is definitely on my list of spindles to buy someday :) Both of the fibres look awesome! I'm so excited to see my next shipment from Black Bunny Fibres.

  2. oh wow! Thanks for sharing all the gorgeous fiber pr0n. Your new spindle looks like so much fun, too.

  3. Jasmin and I are coming to Color! See you and your pretty spindle there!

  4. Now you make me want to spin something! I brought materials to make my own, but I also want a professionally made spindle.

    And the fibers from the clubs you've joined are drool worthy! I love the purple yarn you spun up; so, so pretty!

    I finally broke down and bought some fiber, too; It's called Bayfield Apple, and it's nice and soft and colorful. I'm just scared I'll ruin it since it will be the second time I've touched a spindle. I probably won't get to it until this weekend, when I'll have a chance to give it the attention and concentration I will need. Plus, I want to take a picture of it for my blog before I start working with it, just to have before and after comparison.

    Thank you for sharing the info on A Verb for Keeping Warm! I'm starting to love that store just looking at the stuff you and Lacemaven (I think it's Lacemaven) buy from there. Their yarn looks good!

  5. Oh. My. God(dess). It is all so beautiful!!! :droooool:

  6. loved looking at all your goodies...I understand the fiber hunger :)

  7. Your spinning is so lovely, Aija!!! And your Forrester Dervish is the top.

  8. It looks so much fun. So many fiber.... colors...
