Monday, October 20, 2008

color fiber festival fall 2008

An excellent weekend! How could it not be... it was Color Fiber Festival! :)

i also took way more CFF pics than i could fit here... you can find them here and the flickr color fiber festival group is here if you have some of your own to add. i'd love to see them! :)

Once again held on the Pacific School of Religion campus (many, many kudos to Sara for wrangling and orchestrating this beautiful scene)-- a breathtaking place with lots else going for it.


I didn't take any classes this time around, but instead hit the market and spun with a great circle of fiber lovers. Some market pics:

Tactile Fiber Arts (mid-set up)

I bugged Maia away from setting up her booth to find her Spindlewood stash since Malia has almost converted me... I barely escaped the clutches of a ebony/ebony square whorl. BARELY. I was heading back in to buy it when I realized I was a whole five minutes late-- turned on my heel emptyhanded :)

Handsome Books and...

...Pigeonroof Studios. With lots and lots of stock ;)

Krista's booth had her gorgeous Luminosity Project yarns on display-- they look so great in her pics, but in person?! Amazing. She also hinted at a fiber and yarn club in the nearish future. I'm a brat, I was thinking I'd not say anything til I'd already snagged a spot :) She has a mailing list that I'm sure she'll dish more on when the time comes.

Girl on the Rocks and abmatic

I finally met Karrie! We've been joking the other must not exist since we never seem to be in the same place at the same time :) I was bummed not being able to take her weaving on a hand loom class, but more than made up for it by purchasing a vintage Weave-It from her.


Don't tell anyone but instead of my two front teeth, I've been lusting over a 25" Schacht Flip. Still thinking, but the hand loom has taken the edge off for at least a week. Some things don't change :)

A Verb for Keeping Warm

Another almost falling down experience here as always :) Receiving the second shipment of the aVfKW fiber club a few days back helped... but Kristine had batt rolls! in PURPLE!! (I'm trying to actually whittle down the stash, both yarn and fiber. I am afraid of the 15# of roving I'm expecting from 2 mills in the too-near future. Serious nightmare scenarios about woman living in a shoe, having so much roving she didn't know what to do...)

Ceallach Dyes

A stunning booth. Where Tactile and Verb both use natural dyes-- Ceallach uses a solar dyeing process, the heat of the sun setting the dyes to be fast. Stepping back to think how much energy is used in heating water and that she avoids this while producing beautiful, huge skeins of color is jawdropping.

Flynn Creek Churros

A really neat booth. I had a chance to spin some Navajo Churro locks Maia brought for the class I took at Color in the spring, a dual coated sheep. I especially loved those little boxes of colored roving Flynn Creek had for sale-- I'm big into the natural colored fleece gradation colors right now.

You should be proud-- they had fleeces, and I didn't buy one! :)

Pan's Garden Yarns

Pan's Garden had a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL booth with handspun (true) art yarns. The kind where it's okay to buy them without a project in mind because you just want to admire them and be happy they exist and were made by hand and it feels good to have them near. Really.

For all of the amazing (local! woo!) vendors, my favorite part was the spinners and knitters who came out. Oh, well maybe my favorite was Susan and her og Columbine wheel...


The bobbin on this thing! Size doesn't matter my...


I started here under one tent, before the fog burned off...


...and eventually, another tent and a bunch of spinners and knitters appeared to just sit and be excellent in each other's company. And ogle the wheels and spinning and yarns and purchases and and and... :)


Fun-fun :) A good start to a great day-before-turning a year older*.

That's right, not a brain but still...


Made my wish and didn't share :) No, I don't feel any different! Not about my birthday, anyways.

Til then!

*last day for free shipping in my shop! :)


  1. the candle is stuck in a ___________________.

    ??? what is that? it looks good.

    fiber festival looks like a blast-- i finally scored some tactile fiber arts roving at rhinebeck this weekend and i'm anxious to dig in!

  2. Wow, what a fun looking day! I'm so jealous, all that awesome fibre! Hope you had a great birthday :)

  3. Looks like a fun way to spend your birthday, or any day for that matter. :)

  4. Oh that looked so cool! Thanks for sharing the details. I feel like I shopped vicariously :-)

    I'm currently hankering after a Flip or a Cricket myself, or some sort of folding rigid heddle loom ... I keep running into these funky rigid heddle things from David (or was it Alex?) Xenakis, and I'd love to try them out.

  5. Dude, you need to send me an address at which you can receive a card. 'Cause I got you the *perfect* birthday card. Happy b-day! *hug*

  6. Hooray - we finally met! I am kicking myself for not buying one of those flynn creek multi-color packs. I might have to send her an email. And I did crack and buy a dark brown churro fleece :)

  7. Oh Happy Happy Happy belated Birthday! May you have a most splendiforous year!

    And why, oh why, did I miss that festival?

  8. great post! Wish we had stuff like that here! I bought a Weave It last week at a fraction. Made me happy!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, Honey!!! We're both Libras. Love that. Sorry I missed hanging out at the CFF. I was feeling poorly AND I got a parking ticket. Ack.

    I can't wait to see all the loveliness you will make. Color me jealous!
