Friday, May 23, 2008

etsy friday

The themes just keep on coming :)

"Cute Asses for Obama" knitting pattern PDF by
(photo by caffaknitted)
also available as a Ravelry download

I search etsy's handmade listings every few days for "Obama" -- and except for one thing (later!) this is the only thing that has caught me up enough to click the buy now button. (This though... WANT. If only I had eight different people to write to ;))

I prefer Obama items that have a portion of their profits donated to the Obama campaign... I've been spoiled by UpstateKnitter from the Knitters for Barack Obama group on Ravelry who has set up a zazzle shop full of Knitters - Crocheters for Obama swag with the logos she designed and is donating the profits from the use of her images to the campaign.

Knitters - Crocheters for Obama shirts, stickers, bags and gear
(image by UpstateKnitter)

Meanwhile, back on the farm...


Caffaknitted has done the same in offering this sehr adorable PDF-- all of the profits from the sale price of the PDF are being donated to Barack Obama's campaign. Like Caffaknitted says though, any name can be embroidered on the saddle and goodness knows mine will probably stand unadorned for a while since my stitching leaves SO much to be desired :)

One more-- not etsy but ;) Anna Zilboorg (yes, Anna Zilboorg) has written a "yes we can - si se puede" sock pattern that she is giving away for free for *any* donation to the campaign. I can't remember if I posted about it here or just on my tumblelog, but now I'm covered :)

Etsy has me covered for more than handmade goods though-- I've picked up some good commercial items like this...

Knitting Around the World book by Threads Magazine, purchased from

The book is a collection of several Threads articles, including topics on Bohus Stickning, Shetland lace, tams, tvåändsstickning (two-end knitting), and...


...articles by Alice Starmore on Aran and Fair Isle knitting. I know I won't be getting my hands on those books of hers for a while ever, but this was a nice taste.

Thank Ewe has an etsy store full of handpainted yarns and stitch markers as well, if you're curious :)

I think I've also solved my "problem" on the growing stash of dk/worsted handspun that I don't have projects for thanks to etsy...

Rambling Rows Afghan pattern, purchased from

I always kinda thought I'd use it in an afghan, and the Rambling Rows pattern is atthe top of that list now. I have a long way to spinning up a blanket's worth of yarn, but at least I kinda-sorta have a goal for it now :)

Speaking of goals, have a good one! Miss you :)


  1. oooh thanks for the links...just got myself a knitters for obama shirt AND a change purse off etsy! YES!

    we're going to be hanging nat's super huge shepard fairey hope poster he got this weekend!

  2. I love the rambling rows--I have 2 of them going. Yes, I should finish them. But I love your idea of using all those single skeins of handspun.

  3. I just bought my Obama Tee from Zazzle and so pleased that a portion goes to his campaign!

    I plan to post about my recent purchase soon! (and will probably link here to your Obama knitted democratic donkey!)

  4. Love the Obama Ass! LOL! It's too cute!
