Friday, April 25, 2008

etsy friday

I'm having a hard time accepting it's Friday! Maybe today's etsy friday theme will peek thru and get me dressed and believing :)

Ribs and Seeds sock pattern by Alyson Johnson (, available at
(pic by theyoyo, used w. permission)

As much a knitting funk as I've been in lately, I was seriously enamored of the Ribs and Seeds pattern when I saw it on Alyson's blog... enough to buy it immediately and even knit it. Well, part of one anyways! I used some yarn Alyson had dyed and overdyed, cos I'm trying to create a tear in our temporal universe :)

Knitnpurlzen (or, zen yarn garden) has found a really great designer for their yarns in Alyson-- she has several, all of which are great. Ribs and Seeds speaks to me though, speaks to the purl side loving part of me. It looks great in the semisolid purple I'm using, but would also look really interesting in a non-jarring handpaint (something that isn't too much to obscure the texture, but would let the purl side show off the handpainted beauty.)

Another speaks to me, obvious:

Hand embroidered card by

Tentacles? Hand stitching on a notecard? Typewritten alphabet lesson?

Could it be any better?! :) No, and Tulip + Panda is a great seller to work with-- I saw this card in the sold items (I always look) and asked for a similar one, and yay! She said yes. :) I couldn't help but pick this one up as well...

Hand embroidered card by

How great is it that the envelopes match? And that the cards themselves have so much texture apart from the stitching? :) My new favorite is this one, though... I think it is way awesome.

I always think everything is awesome, but can you blame me when there's stuff like this to be found?

Lamb fingerpuppets by

I have had Cynic the Lamb's etsy feed in my rss reader for ages, and even though I never put my big girl panties on and bought the bat I loveloveloved, I finally have some softie love to quench my ogling and stop me from stalking Maritza's sotosofties blog :)

I'm a dork for thinking the puppets are in love. More for telling you so.

...and because I am incorrigible and use neat and tidy things as a bulwark against the chaos, today's etsy pick of the day is from Alyson's shop where she's begun selling a line of handdyed yarns like this one (and the one I bought before)...

Kentucky Porch Swing-- Superwash merino sport yarn by
(pic by theyoyo, used w. permission)

Love. And I totally don't like green that much.

The base yarn theyoyo is using is high quality, tight twist and totally suitable for socks and the like (I've used it before in several incarnations myself). While she has sport in stock right now, I have it on good authority that she'll be adding sock weight to her lineup soon so add her feed to your reader if you dig her colors and want to be the first in the know :)

Have a good weekend all! If you're in the Bay Area, come out to the Color Fiber Festival in Berkeley on Saturday!! Even if you don't spin (and don't want to take a free drop spindling class!) there will be vendors with yarn and fiber and knitting supplies, weaving on a mini loom classes, and even knitting instruction going on. There's room in all the fiber tastings still available, or just come and hang out with your knitting. See you there!!


  1. I'm going! I'll be the one laying on all of Pigeonroof's SW roving. My friend will have bright magenta hair. :) Perhaps we'll see you!

  2. Whee, thanks for the love :-)

    I'm off to buy awesome cards and softies. (Your Etsy Fridays have probably done as much damage to my wallet as Starbucks, The Loopy Ewe, and the thai food place across town combined. But I don't mind.)

  3. I just received the sport weight I bought from Alyson on Monday (I was seriously eyeing that Kentucky Porch Swing but in the end, went with Heart of Darkness, mmm deep red) and it's SO squishtastic and gorgeous!

  4. Those cards are very, very cool.

  5. Neat stuff! Hand embroidered card, whodda thunk?

    I love that green yarn! I saw it on her blog earlier. I totally love green even though I don't have any green socks. Well, two pairs that have light green in them. Neither pair knit by me, both Sockapalooza gifts. (Got remedy in the stash, though.)

  6. that is totally not far. I was in the bay area this past weekend!!! (I live across the country) grrr.

  7. Great "etsy friday" post. I'm off to check out those fab cards...
