Friday, April 18, 2008

etsy friday

Naturally dyed Polwarth from
(purchased at Article Pract in Oakland, CA)

No, I didn't buy this from A Verb for Keeping Warm's etsy storefront, or even the more robust site... but from my favorite LYS Article Pract :) When xtina told the Article Pract yahoo group she was stocking aVfKW last month, I jetted in and picked these up like, almost immediately. The idea of 2oz putups in fiber has really grown on me-- I often think that spindling spinners may not want 4oz of fiber at one go (assuming it takes longer to spindle spin fiber than wheel spin it and how quickly I get bored of projects the longer I look at them), and also that I need more than 4oz for a larger accessory project but 8oz is almost "too much"... six is the new black ;)

Another perk about article pract's mailing list on yahoo (or, the AP ravelry group for that matter)? Finding out about the staff picks for the month... 20% off select items, and this month includes A Verb for Keeping Warm's polwarth spinning fiber.

How many days left in April? :)

Not enough to finish this, even though I keep reaching for it...
Superwash BFL, 2nd fiber club offering by

I never ever thought I would join a sock or fiber or yarn club-- I think I'm too picky. Honestly though I'm chomping at the bit to re-enroll with Carol's Black Bunny Fiber Club... 8 oz of fiber, everyone gets the same fiber but a different colorway, billing isn't all at once at the beginning but staggered, and I haven't been disappointed even slightly yet. (I'm sure I won't be next month either... Carol gave us a sneak peek of next month's fiber and I'm already stalking the mailman.)

She too has moved her store from etsy to a main storefront at Black Bunny Fibers (but I knew about her fibers thru her etsy store first)... maybe etsy every-other Fridays will soon morph into etsyandindependentstorefront every-other Fridays :)

Carol's graciously offered to open up the fiber club to another second roster of membership, so you can read more if you want in.

And since it feels like an all-fiber day...

Needlefelted wool notecard by

shop is full of paper and fabric delights-- from gocco to save the dates to fabric stitched cards, a really nice range that works together as a whole. I'm really digging the 3D of this card though... I think it'll be one, when received but not yet opened, that will be interest piquing. Even more than usual :)

Were you waiting for my etsy pick of the day? I think it'd make an awesome bsj...

Worsted weight merino by - MiddleEarthKnitter yarns
(Pic by cazza, used with permission)

Cairi's right, it would make a beautiful Clapotis, but I thought of the baby surprise jacket even before I read the description of the yarn :) I am always even more drawn to MiddleEarthKnitter yarns, since they're based in the Scottish Highlands and I admit to thinking that that's just rad in general :)

Have a good one, I did :)


  1. ooooh! love Cairi. Love her yarn. Love the close-up of the yarn.

    her yarn is so squoooshy!

  2. The needlefelted notecard is really funky. That yarn would make a great baby surprise jacket. Nice and colorful!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Nice fiber from AVFKW - whenever I'm at work (at Piedmont Yarn) I have to stop myself from buying a load of it!

  4. Your fiber pictures always make me want to start spinning. Those two look delicious and soft and I really don't need another hobby. :)

  5. Wow that top fibre is YUMMY!! Aija do you know the minor heart attack I just had when I read through and there is me LOL!!! Thanks for the mention it means a lot, and after being without net access for a while its a real treat

    Cairi xx
