Wednesday, March 26, 2008

easter wool

I had such a fun time dyeing eggs with my son this weekend that I couldn't help but break out the acid dyes when we were done. (secret: it was partly to override the smell of boiled eggs! i can't stand the smell of boiled eggs...) I picked superwash merino to dye this time since I love how brightly and fast the colors strike, but went for overall darker values even though Spring has arrived :)

IMG_9145 IMG_9149 IMG_9130
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All available at my etsy shop.

Back with more fiber stuff in a few...

PSA #1. Check your local drugstores for easter egg dyes at 50% off! Nontoxic and safe to use with kids and your standard cookware. Next week my stores go to 75% off... I'm not going nuts like last time. (ha!)

more on my previous easter egg dyeing of yarn here... and a search of this blog and "easter" has some socks knit from easter egg dyed yarn as well. the dye jobs on all have held up well over their lifetimes :)

PSA #2. Bay Area? Article Pract's "yarn tasting" for next month just opened for enrollment-- featuring some yarns from the new book Closely Knit as well as the author (and a free pattern from the book, and discounts, AND good times. :))


  1. Darn you! My order just went in. :)

  2. Those look great! I'm trying hard not to go scoop up the last two you have left. :)

  3. You'll have everyone staring at you again when you go with 200 boxes of Easter egg dye kits! LOL! They'll think, "Gee, Easter MUST be her favorite holiday!"

  4. Do you mean that you can use Easter egg dye to dye fiber?
