Friday, February 08, 2008

etsy friday

I love finding new artists and sellers on etsy, but I have to admit that once I find a shop I like, I often go back (mainly cos I add them to my rss reader, and am compelled to look at all of the new lovelies every time they update.) A few sellers I've had the pleasure of repurchasing from recently:

IMG_8653 pound of handmade cold process soap
(beautiful molds, eh?)

I cannot get enough of Frost Fish Cove Soaps' soap. I bought pounds of it pre-holiday and this is all that I have left of what I kept for myself-- I almost had a little panic attack just now realizing that these are the only ones in the cabinet! Like Tory is going to run out of soap, really now. I inflict this soap on my most loved ones, hoping they get that I use it daily too and omg maybe we're connected cosmically somehow cos of it (cue An American Tail themesong)...

...uh, nevermind. Toning back the val, I also picked up my most favorite lotion ever from FrostFishCoveSoaps at the same time...

Supernatural lotion in "wholesome blend" scent, by

This is the cream I reach for after washing dishes, after I tear apart my fingers for dirty habits, before going to bed and before leaving the house on those days I want to smell noticeable. It's thick but doesn't leave a grease feel behind, and Tory makes the lotion in the scent of your choice (mine's Wholesome Blend-- tangerine, vanilla and gingergrass). I'm biased-- someone grabbed my wrist and drank in the smell from the soft skin of my inner arm, declared I smelled like food, edible... it'll ALWAYS be my favorite now :)

Another favorite, just in time for Valentine's Day if you swing that way...

algae/fungus and octopus cards by

I love love love square cards. I don't know why (nonmachinable surcharge postage makes me hot!), but Smack of Jellyfish does them so well. Sarah's branching out from her way awesome "collective noun" cards and these are two in that vein-- "you are the algae to my fungus" (I am SUCH a sucker for mycology references), and "if you were an octopus... I'd grow eight arms to hold you."


Moving on, hard as it is...

Black magic baby batts from

Some of you are thinking, wth are those? And others of you know and are thinking, wth is SHE doing with those? :) (They're super textured, way glitzy glammy over the top fiber batts from Loop.) I am the straightest laced spinner but lately (since purchasing and reading Intertwined) I've been thinking a LOT about branching out spinning-wise from my very serviceable, very utilitarian spinning into something else-- and these will probably be a step in that direction sooner rather than later.

I was haunted by these batts when I saw them, even though I thought they were a bit light weight wise for any project I could think of. Then I remembered my fibercrush on this...

confetti batt by

...confetti batts, black alpaca and sari silk, and realized that the "baby" batts were made from bits of confetti batts (and others) and would coordinate well-- and I couldn't help myself.

Confetti batt and black magic baby batts by

I'm thinking I'll alternate spinning strips of each, enjoying the texture of the batts as I go, and knit the result into a longways crazy scarf. A really crazy scarf :)

Now, for something completely different... This week, instead of sharing my etsy pick of the week from a seller who's purchased from my shop-- I'm sharing a post. Kate's little brother Robbie is "currently engaged in an epic battle with acute myelogenous leukemia" and she's holding a fundraiser in his honor... for every $10 donated in his name, you will be entered in her raffle for yarny goodness. I'll be donating a full set (4 sets of 7 markers each, one for each ring size I carry) of zero stitch markers to the prize pool-- so early and often, yall! :)

Have a good one, I did :)


  1. i keep meaning to try frost fish cove's lotion you talk about since chicago winters are brutal on the skin.

  2. That lotion looks great. I have incredibly dry hands.

  3. I love that confetti roving. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  4. Between etsy and your pimping etsy, I'm doomed!

  5. you are so good to me!


  6. Wholesome Blend sounds yummy! And those cards are too amazing.
