Friday, September 21, 2007

not etsy friday

I've been taking a little breather from blogging and meant to come back next Friday... but I had to update with an oversight on my part about my latest choka/etsy contest so here I am :)

Chrysanthemums on Black box bag, sock knitting pouch by

Satomi had offered to donate one of her amazing box pouches for my contest months ago when I first found out my Q socks had been accepted for Fall 2007 Knitty... and I accidentally left it off of my contest post! :(

As yall know, I love love LOVE my Japanese Handmade bags for carrying socks in progress with me, and her new black chrysanthemum print may be my new favorite in her store. If you haven't yet, take a look at her store and check out the new fabrics (and her sold items, since she'll reproduce items for you if they're not listed in her store at the moment). You can also see all of mine here, here and here, and read about it on the contest post.

SO! New prize addition to the contest, if you haven't played already it's time :)

As for me, it's been knitting and spinning but I hate talking about things I don't have pictures of, so I'll be back next (real) etsy friday in full swing :) Miss you!!!!! a set of my zero stitch markers made the HOMEPAGE of etsy a few days ago (yay!! with some backstage drama, but YAY!!) so i'm celebrating with a free shipping sale in my shop from now til monday at 2pm pacstandard (9/24/07). i'm in the process of updating the shipping costs so you don't have to wait for a new invoice; if i miss one or you're too quick just let me know and i'll refund or send you a proper paypal invoice. offer good for domestic *and* international, and i'll be updating/restocking regularly over the weekend with new stitch markers in freshwater pearls, amethyst, garnets and others and even some more row counters.

i also am adding a new ring size to the custom sizing lineup (US 5-6), so you can now choose a ring size for your stitch markers from US 2, US 4, US 6, US 9 and US 13. and as always, ring sizing for your stitch markers is free!

did i say YAY?!


  1. You are evil, woman! I've already placed an order for more stitch markers. *sweet* Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I so enjoy your reading your blog. Always something interesting & unique. Your socks & stitch markers are just wonderful. I "tagged" you my my blog. Check it out at

    Jean La Rue (Pzorkit)
    "I'm a fool for a good yarn"

  3. I love her bags. I bought four already, two for me and two for gifts. They can easily become addictive!

  4. ooh now I have my eye on that bag...I think you need to tell me more and do I need more bags (I am collecting it seems and its all your fault ahaha)

    Your socks are just fab and are top of my to make list, I Love the drawings like that, studied some in art, they are just too cool!
