Friday, September 07, 2007

etsy friday

Nicole's blogged about this shop before, but I've actually had this etsy purchase under wraps for months til I worked up the courage to send it on to its new home :)

Earthenware tab from

I love Circa Ceramics, for the range of handwork that goes into their products and just how neat they are. They start by screenprinting (or gocco-ing) images and fusing them to brightly colored earthenware or porcelain. They make a range of fired items, like magnets, bowls, coffee cups, and tabs like this one.

What's a tab? What to DO with a tab? Fall in love and let it go? Keep it though you haven't figured it out yet?

Onto the fiber portion of our program... seriously, Ravelry needs to get a fiber stash database going; my yarn stash page is the little white angel on my shoulder when it comes to etsy and yarn.* Until that void's filled I keep getting sucked into buying more (and finding new places to stash it around the house...)

Scoured merino fleece from

Despite the fact I am wrestling with spinning my brown merino fleece I handcarded into rolags (more on that later), I still am interested in handcarding wool. Shunklies had this 3.5oz listing of scoured merino (cleaned of grease and farm grime) and I immediately thought it would be rad to card it with scraps of dyed superwash merino leftover from spinning. There is at the most 2 oz of dyed scraps, and they're all different colors-- once carded the result will look just flecked with color. Can't wait :)

The fleece is very clean of grease, soft with very little vm. And all the way from the UK!

From stateside, a small family Maine farm where they process their own wool...

Merino/silk/sari silk batts from

I really like batts, and I really like when I can get more than 4 oz of fiber at a time. 4 oz just seems too small for me when I'm not spinning for socks... so when I saw that Enchanted Knoll had 4 oz listed but could card more, I pounced and bought 8 oz total. It's 50-48-2 merino-silk-sari silk-- sounds cool, eh?

A closeup:


Still in love, hasn't waned.

Both Enchanted Knoll and Shunklies sell yarn as well as fibers in their shops for those of you who don't spin (yet!) :)

A few more headsups...

* Jolene (blogless!) sent me a link to a NYT article featuring ikea hacking and handmade; etsy snags a mention but it's interesting overall even though i have a bit of an agoraphobic skincrawl happen when thinking about ikea
* Alyson has rounded up a bunch of shops (etsy based and others) that are having sales on fibers and yarn... you may see some on upcoming etsy fridays :)
* Elizabeth (blog?) showed me this awesome broken plate pendant necklace that i fell in with, a mirror too much into my heart right now
* LORiOLA, one of my favorite etsy glass artists, is still having a sale and listing new items daily. i love this orange bone! she's already shipped my order (whoa!) or it would have been added to my collection of her glass jewelry...

and not etsy but...

* Mags Kandis linked the weaving in ends as you knit tutorial i shared a while back in the comments to the latest Knitting Daily post! i'm a dork, a fangrrl but still-- it made me grin :)
edit afternoontime, 9/7: another link from Knitting Daily!
9/10: Sherry W loves it too :)
9/11: so does Lime & Violet's Daily Chum blog, and Yahoo! Bookmarks

Miss you. Wish me courage and luck...

* Don't be bummed if you're not on Ravelry yet! For the super curious I have been trying to keep all of the stash pics hosted in this folder in my flickr stream.


  1. another great installment! You always give me plenty to look at for the next few hours... :)

  2. I love Enchanted Knoll as well.. her batts are so interesting and fun to spin! Bits of this and that put together to make beautiful rustic looking handspun...

  3. Hi - Check out what is now Issue #824 in Ravelry. I submitted that last week as a spinning component to Ravelry, if they wanted to use any of it. See what you think, if you'd change anything. It sure was fun to plan!

  4. whoa deja vu...
    i was just at the Bucktown Arts Festival last weekend and Circa Ceramics was there! I was oggling he tabs, but the bowls are amazing and so are the mugs. oy. I didn't have cash so i had to take a business card. Thanks for showing me their etsy shop!!!

  5. Lots of cool stuff for me to surf while working a boring Friday night... :)

  6. Who me? Ran right over to etsy and grabbed a couple-few bits of fibery goodness from Enchanted Knoll?
    Nah, couldn't have been... :)

  7. No wonder you had all that fiber you could pass along to me! Of course, I still haven't figured out how to use it. But, I will someday.

  8. That fiber is just beautiful :-) Have fun spinning it :-)

  9. I just discovered your etsy fridays - serious shopping pron. I'm in trouble now! Thanks! I love it!

  10. The awesome broken plate necklace, hmmm...something you wish to share or am I reading too much in to it? *grin*

  11. I'm totally keeping a list of all of your favourite fibre shops on etsy :)
    Now that I have a wheel, it's all I want to buy!

  12. Not that I'm important in the blogosphere, but I think it's weird I just linked to your end-knitting tutorial too!

  13. I would love to see Ravelry put up a fiber stash section! Great idea.

    If you like little glass pendants from etsy, I bought a wonderful spinning wheel pendant from etsy seller Squid Glass

  14. Thanks to one of your previous posts, I have become addicted to Frost Fish Cove's soaps. Wonderful stuff.

  15. need a time so i can plan accordingly.
