Monday, August 27, 2007

Hanami stole completed

Hanami Stole by Pink Lemon Twist
Henry's Attic Carrera (aka "silk and ivory": 50/50 wool/silk, 2000ypp)
200gm of Carrera, approx. +880yd
US 5 (3.75mm), 24" Addi
8/0 clear glass beads, lined in colonial blue
Started: July 2, 2007
Finished: August 19, 2007
Blocked: August 24, 2007

I was really excited seeing all of the winged mystery stoles lately, loving the asymmetrical turn they took. The dissonance that works was the reason I chose Hanami (or why Hanami chose me); so different from "regular" lace but makes sense as a large piece worn wrapped around and seen as two halves of a whole.


The back transition is organic and elegant-- a simple execution that really makes you want to see the sister pieces.



Yes Virginia, it is giant. The Carrera is a heavier weight yarn than the Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud the pattern was written for, a stash busting effort even though I have about 4 oz left on the cone I knit from (a guess). I think the Carrera was a good choice for me-- having little experience with a large lace piece it wasn't unwieldy or too gossamer, easily tinkable. Unblocked, the piece measured from my wingtip to wingtip (I'm about 5'6, so my love arms stretched is about that; about as accurate as measuring a bed with a bible...) and blocked it submitted into 92" x 18". So like, giant.

It would look breathtaking in a super lightweight yarn, though. (My favorite I've seen so far has been splityarn's-- ebony seasilk!) I really like the basketweave motif, think it'd make a great scarf in a heavier weight yarn.


I used 8/0 beads strung with my 1.0mm steel crochet hook-- the same one I used to fix bent prongs in my camera's media slotty, earning me my level two macgyver knitting badge (check them out from the way bottom of the page, amy turned me onto them). They're almost like a secret detail; the 8/0 beads called for matched the pattern's laceweight, but on this light fingering weight yarn they almost disappear and add little to no weight on the edge. (Better pic of the beads here). My final shawl weight of 200 gm was with the beads, so it may be a bit lighter yarnwise but really not by much.


Other than changing the yarn used, the only other thing different from the pattern as written was the beaded garter stitch bindoff instead of the ruffled edge on the "cherry blossom" half. It isn't even a mod as Melanie's pattern tells you how to do it-- I love the suggestions she offers in her pattern as far as tweaks go.

My blocking job obviously isn't stellar, and I think I'll try to diy some lace blocking wires before my next lace project needs to be held down. (I've heard now that people are using welding rods and floral wire... any other diy suggestions for blocking wire?)


I still am on the fence about this stole *for me.* It is stunning, but a huge departure from my tshirt and jean lifestyle-- even when it turns cold in my neck of the woods it's a black wool coat and overly large and hugely loved malabrigo clapotis with the tshirt and jeans, not lace and beads. The off-white still looks formal, bridal to me-- I thought about dyeing the finished stole when I started, but I just couldn't now. The white's stunning and reminds me of Moca and its mundillo lace, the unspoken ending-up dream.

I love it, I loved making it and I loved that I could (anyone can! it's not a hard pattern, it made lots of sense once i found that home in the rhythm of it)... it may make a stunning gift, I don't know. I do love it though... think I said that already :)


  1. Elegant! Stunning, in fact!

  2. It is absolutely gorgeous. And perhaps you disagree, but I honestly feel that you could work wearing the shawl into a jeans-and-teeshirt combination. Drape it around your neck a few times or maybe fold it in half (if you dare to hide away that beautiful lace) - it would really work very well.

    Beautiful knitting!

  3. wow i think it looks prettier in action (ont he form) rather than in pictures flat. So pretty. A nice accomplishment!

    this is what also keeps me fromt rying any kind of lace. I don't feel like i could successfully wear it. Since i work in jeans and t-shirts and live in them too. I don't know if i could pull it off!

  4. It's beautiful! You love it, you should keep it. I bet you'll find more use for it then you think. Plus, everytime you'd wear it, you'd get to relive how much you love it. How's that for a day brightener?

  5. it is completely gorgeous!

  6. It's wonderful - the circles remind me of the bubbles in champagne.

  7. It's gorgeous! I love it :)
    You should definitely keep it... I'm a jeans and t-shirt person too, but there are rare occasions when I need something really nice to wear :)

  8. It's gorgeous in the white. I think that you really ought to keep it. I agree with earlier posters that it could work with jeans.

  9. Wow, gorgeous!! I have yarn for a Hanami, too, and I can't wait to start it. Yours is fabulous!

  10. It's just beautiful, Aija. I say keep it - it will make you feel good every time you wear it.

  11. It is stunning and you look stunning in it! Bravo!

  12. It's so beautiful! I love it!

  13. Aija, it's so wonderful! I love it giant in the larger yarn, I think it gives the lace some substance. And let me just agree with the other members of the peanut gallery: you can totally wear this stole. With a T-shirt and jeans, with that rare skirt, as a scarf, whatever - you can carry it off without having to change out of your sneakers. Just a touch of class for your womanly-side - and besides, think of the smug look you can wear when you can reply to the inevitable compliments, "Oh yes, thanks, I made it myself..."

  14. that is indeed stunning!!!!!! I love the end with the cherry blossoms....

  15. I love it too ... it's absolutely gorgeous. I hope you decide to keep it and wear it with pride.

  16. That is truely lovely. I think it is the best lace shawl I've seen. It makes me want to knit one.

    If I were you, I'd keep it and wear it with jeans or sweats. Wahtever - it is really great!

  17. Man, that looks like a lot of work! beautiful results though! Try the wire section of your local home improvement store.....they are bound to have a solid core, plastic coated wire that is suitable for what your looking for.....

  18. Stunning is right! I think it's the perfect amount of elegant to complement a tshirt and jeans.

  19. Oh, that's gorgeous. So elegant. What a treasure knit!

  20. Beautiful job! I like a longer stole because when you wrap it around you, it's not likely to slide off your shoulders. I think you should keep it--if you want a more subtle look you could dye it a darker color.

    For blocking wires, make sure you get a material that won't rust. I hear that stainless steel welding rods work well.

  21. you know, i really did not like this shawl at all when it first came out, but the more finished ones i see, the more i am coming around. i really like yours in white. it's just beautiful.

  22. it's beautiful - absolutely amazing. I think it looks like snow falling.

  23. Keep it. If you love it, you'll regret letting it go. AND IMO it looks perfect with a pair of jeans and a well loved t-shirt.

  24. It looks great. I've been considering this one myself, but I'm not sure either if it is my "style" to wear. However, the light color of your could look stunning up on a darker colored wall.

  25. Your stole turned out beautifully. Don't you just love Melanie's designs? :-)

  26. Beautiful, stunning, wonderful. How many more adjectives can I use? I have always loved this pattern. You could absolutely wear this with jeans. My shawls would never get worn if I wasn't willing to throw them around my neck and call them extra large scarves.

    For DIY blocking wires, try plastic coated electrical wire. It suspect it isn't as easy as blocking wires (I just ordered a blocking kit a few days ago), but it is infinitely easier than pinning it out or blocking with thread.

  27. Oh my gosh, Aija, it's unbelievable. I've had this in my queue for awhile, now I must do it soon!

    (And I think it would look great with a t-shirt and jeans... but hey. I'm biased. :)

    Great, great job!

  28. That's truly gorgeous! And I think it's lovely with jeans and sneakers...

  29. It is gorgeous!! I love it and you wear it well, jeans and all! :)

  30. So pretty! I may have to get mine started sooner rather than later!

  31. Magnificent! Pass the smelling salts...

  32. I love it! Are the beads part of the original pattern, or your own addition?

  33. that is amazing. i've been eyeing that pattern and even have some laceweight in my stash to try with it. i might just have to do it!

    btw-i think that would look great with jeans and a t-shirt!

    thanks for sharing your beautiful work!

  34. i love it! thanks for some great pics too. i haven't quite seen that much detail in any of the FO posts yet.

  35. wow that looks wonderful!!! i love the hanami and yours makes me want to knit it even more! Congrats on such a great job

  36. Beautiful! I'm hoping to start mine next week, but like you I'm not sure how it'll fit into my lifestyle. I'm sure I'll be able to work it in somehow, and you will too! Anything so lovely must be worn :)

  37. Wowee, wowee, wowee.

    I'd say you should give it only if it's going to go to someone who loves it :); not to anyone who says, "It's great," and then jams it in some forgotten mothy drawer :(.

    But hey, who IS the Chinese girl modelling it? Or am I thinking of the wrong part of Asia ... LOL

  38. i think this is a record number of comments for you on something that didn't have a contest associated with it ... you KNOW it has to be good.

    and how many bibles IS a bed, anyway?

  39. I love it! its so pretty, i am also with you though, I love how these look but I am very much a live in my jeans type and stress about when I would wear it, just enjoy it as the piece of knitting art it is and who knows when that special occasion may appear to wear it :)

    oh in my hunt for jean friendly shawl wear I have knit ilga leja's Queen of the waves shawl, it looks good with my jeans, and I am knitting her Earth maiden pattern in colours that will definatly go with my jeans!

  40. I love the shawl and think it's absolutely beautiful. It does look a bit bridal to me in the white, but it could just be the color. I'm a huge proponent of wearing what you knit. If you don't think that you will wear it, then give it away to a worthy recipient.

  41. That turned out truly lovely. I love the way the patterns work together. :) Very Japanese in styling.

  42. WOW! I love that pattern and your version is just gorgeous! Well done!

  43. wow! whether you keep it or not, it is exquisite knitting...congrats on such a beautiful job.

  44. anks for the great pictures of this stole. I was debating making it, I'm sooo not a stole lace person but I really liked the story and the stole is so unique. After seeing yours I downloaded the pattern.

  45. Wow, Aija! This stole is just beautiful. Even if it doesn't seem like it will work into your wardrobe, I think you'd pull this out of the closet more than you think. Nice job:)

  46. Stunning! Now that I'm home from vacation I'm anxious to start my first shawl. I'm a jeans-and-T-shirt gal, too, so I don't know if I'll wear it once I knit it. Wanna try anyways! :)

  47. Beautiful! The Hanami surely beats a wing any day. I wore my Sarcelle as a really pretty scarf last winter - it worked out wonderfully and kept me plenty warm. I'd really never wear the lace otherwise!
