Wednesday, July 11, 2007

freeing up bobbins

Superwash merino handspun, 3 ply
300 yd/4 oz

These singles had hung out on the bobbins long enough... I keep looking over at my ever growing fiber stash and thinking I wanted to spin something new, but first had to finish plying this one.


It is looking less yellow in pictures than it is in real life, though that just may be my monitor (I haven't hooked up my lcd yet to the new rig). It reminds me of waterlilies, less like the original roving... more subdued.

It is nice, but with 2 handspun projects on the needles and another rattling around my brain, I know I won't knit it up anytime soon... so I listed it for sale in my etsy shop. Not a big deal if it doesn't sell, harder to put a price on it than it was to list! :) I'll be back friday with know... as well as a contest. A few more pics til then...




(if you're interested in the yarn, i'll pay for shipping-- just put "blog" in the order comments & i'll send you a revised invoice. stitch markers purchased at the same time will also have free shipping.)


  1. very pretty - love the lavender and yellow combo....looking forward to E-Friday!

    i missed getting my book from IK - by the time I got through it was gone!!! :(

  2. That's very pretty! I'm sure it will sell fast.

    Looking forward to Etsy Friday!

  3. Oooooooooooooooh. I *love* the color combo!

