Friday, July 20, 2007

etsy friday

I predict this will be a gooood day. Woken out of an odd dream at 430am by an *earthquake,* it can't be anything but good, right? :)
[edit, 7/21: i was right, BEST day in a month :) thanks.]

Necklace/pendant made from dyed stingray leather by

Yes, its really made from dead stingray. I was a little, huh? about UNEARTHED's shop when I found it, they make beautiful jewelry pieces from quite exotic leathers, but...? I was a no-kill vegetarian for years, years ago and though I love me some meat now... stingray? I can still feel that viscous underwater slide of stingray skin on my fingertips, the "touch me" displays at the aquarium zoo always being my favorite. I felt okay about this purchase after reading their profile about their leather sourcing, enough to pick up this bumpy beauty. It is so cool, but almost comically large.


Awesome for some dropdead outfits with a lower neckline, but maybe a little too large for me to wear on the outside of a tshirt (my threadless super mario/magritte one today! yay :)) The necklace was included with the pendant, beautiful and a great deal for the set imo.

Transformers Notecards from
(My pics of her cards never turn out well! They look super awesome and crisp.)

Okay... going from way cool thing to holy m-f*er I can't believe how rad these are things. I may have mentioned before that I was quite the tomboy growing up, and I have given a bit of a hint as to my hoarding collector nature, above and beyond the yarn thing. Thinking back, the first thing I ever ever collected were Transformers. My sister and I always received the *same* outfits in different sizes from our family, but the toys were where you could tell us apart. She'd squeal with every My Little Pony and Cabbage Patch doll and accessory... me? It was ALL Transformers, all the time. I wish I still had them, and more than that I wish I could tell you how much (alone) time I spent playing with them. Usually I buy cards at least thinking of the recipient as well as my own aesthetic, but these are all about me :)

They may look familiar, because I never ever can get enough of April's cards... like I said last time, I buy more from April than anyone else on etsy. This is also a case of where you need to look at her flickr stream-- she's listed the Optimus Prime card/prints in her shop, but has a BUNCH of Transformers images she can make into cards just waiting for you in her flickr portfolio.

I love all sorts of cards though, if Transformers aren't your bag (blasphemy!)...

left to right:
bubbles lithograph by
quoth the raven by
fabric "sock" monkey postcard by

The "sock" monkey card by twoquiltingbs is actually a fabric postcard-- the base fabric is a print of the traditional stockinette tweed, with button eyes and a slightly puffy mouth. Not quite like the og sock monkey postcard, but this one can hold more love as its handmade and in the now, as opposed to way back and not :) The bubbles card by baileybowls is a litho print, so nice and textured-- the print is attached to the card. (The bailybowls shop is full of beautiful ceramic pieces). Finally, the raven card is from another of my favorite etsy sellers-- time2cre8. If you've ever purchased from my shop (and, why not? Kelli calls them crack stitch markers :)), you've received a tiny envelope, made from a recycled atlas map with my business card and a gift inside. MaryLou of time2cre8 makes each of those envelopes by hand, and does lots and lots of other great things with paper medium in her shop like the "quoth" card. She's got quote/captioned cards in octopi, platypi... meese... :)

Speaking of plurals...

"Supernatural" whipped shea butter lotion from
(with octopus tag from time2cre8)

Frost Fish Cove Soaps sent me a sample of their "supernatural" lotion with my last (but not final!) soap order and I fell in love. Like I said when I tried out Kristi's *amazing* body butters, I don't really get into buying lotions from etsy because I worry about their textures and scent. With the Frost Fish, their sample was thick and light, felt good and absorbed even better. FF was also able to make the full size into the scent I really liked from their soap-- "wholesome blend" (a sharp, maybe minty, orange). I liked the sample and like the full product... I've never tried anything like handwhipped shea butter as a moisturizer in my life (or even heard of it) and here I've found two awesome shops on etsy making it. :)

The winner of the JapaneseHandmadeEtc box purse? would like to congratulate Alison :) Don't forget Satomi can do custom/reserved box bag listings for you if you see bags in her sold items from her shop that you like more than the ones she has listed. Love all of mine still, packing one for my playdate later today.

If you haven't already, take the time to browse the etsy shop recommendations/links in the contest's comments. I was amazed at some shops I haven't seen, purchased a few things, and my etsy world got a little smaller with all of your headsups. Thanks for playing along with Satomi and me!

...and the Interweave Book Hurt Sale has restocked. They keep adding items and they sell out; Alden Amos' Big Book of Handspinning has been available-not-available-not for the past 2 days. It may be worth it to check back on those that aren't easily purchased thru amazon (since you're paying shipping, it may be less expensive just to buy thru amazon if you're making only one purchase, shipping starts at 4.95 + 1 add'l). Sherry received her IK order (already?! where's my mailman!)... and is also having a shipping sale on her double pointed knitting needle protectors in her etsy shop this upcoming Saturday. Love mine, those are going on the playdate too :)


  1. darn it! the meg swansen book is pictured, but it says it's out of stock (along with tons of other ones I tried!)

  2. Congrats, Alison!!

    I'm loving Kristi's body butter, too. Feels good and moisturizes, yet isn't greasy. Way cool.

  3. i like sherry's dpn holders that i snagged awhile back as well, big fan of keeping my stuff neat and tidy.

    you are brave to buy such a large necklace, i think i'd be way too intimidated to wear something that large, but it is kind of intresting.

  4. beautiful stuff! I'm in love with that necklace and have bookmarked that store. I mean, my birthday IS coming up, right?

  5. The first time you posted about Frost Fish, I had to go check them out. I placed an order, and am hooked. My fiance is hooked too...we LOVE the Wholesome scent, and the Vanilla Mint is another big favorite. Thanks for the info on the buody butter, I'll have to try some.

    We've also got some stuff from April's shop....a few of her robot cards are framed and hanging in the living room. I love them.

  6. Love the Transformers cards. I was a tomboy, too, and I loved Transformers. Saw the new movie last weekend.

  7. Thanks for mentioning the Interweave Hurt Book Sale has restocked! I didn't think they would, so I wouldn't have checked back again.

  8. I LOVE that necklace! I went and ordered the aqua one straight away :) Thanks for the bit - I love your Etsy Friday posts!

  9. Whoa. Stingray leather. It looks so much like very tiny roe.

  10. O My GOSH! Looks at does great item!
    Iam going over to buy body butter for my mom!

    I will be post at Etsy , my hand-made card so you can look and buy for me!

    Also I just post my Knitting video cast so come on over to see!



  11. Bought a set of those Transformers cards for the husbeast. A pack of Star Was ones jumped in my cart too.

  12. Hiya! First time posting, but how could I not when seeing your blog for the first time and all these gorgeous thigns! Good on you for helping the vendors out, and spreading the word on the yummy hand mades :) I've put an order in for the fishie cream - very excited! Look forward to reading the rest of your blgo! Thanks a bunch! =D
