Monday, June 25, 2007

summer is for spinning

Is it summer yet? Something's in the air, since all I want to do is sit in the sun and be still in front of my wheel, while the little one runs and pedals like a madman.

Handspun, 3-ply superwash merino
"glass semele" roving, dyed in session with other rovings for
14 wpi (sport weight), 110gm

It borders on obscene how much I love this yarn. All at once there's loft, the color that just sings to me, the little things it triggers looking at it. I think 3-ply is going to become a staple in my spinning-- I'm still unhappy with how thin my singles are (working on it), but 3-plying means I can have a somewhat tight twist without the result being hard and losing the wonderful loft of this merino in the process.


I can't help but think this yarn needs to be made into a special pair of socks-- going to let that idea marinate a bit. More pics in the meantime...



Still offline (the 6+ year old pc I built finally gave up the ghost late last week), I started some more superwash merino...

from a previous dye session-- "The Active Side of Infinity"

I have 2/3 of this done, looking forward to plying. Almost exclusively I spin from the fold, and the spots of colors on each side of my index finger give these fun barberpoles in the singles. I think this may quiet the spinning need for now; I may even take a cue from Alyson and sell the finished Infinity skein in my etsy shop when done. (I did list the remaining roving braids there today, too.) We'll see :)

*i've uploaded all of the images to flickr in their original full size, so you can click thru and see the pr0n detail by clicking each pic. i don't know if i'm happy w/ these sizes on the blog though-- don't know if i'll do it again or what.


  1. Do ou have any advice for someone getting reay to buy her first wheel?????? I know nothing about it plan to teach myself, but I want a wheel to get me through it all........I am the mom of 3 young ones so this is a huge investment not to be repeated for a very long time!

  2. I love how sunny cheery that yarn is!

  3. Oh my goodness that yarn is beautiful. Yellow is my favorite color!

  4. I love, love, LOVE that yarn! What a nice color!

  5. The yellow yarn is an inspiration!!

  6. Wow! That inspires me to spin my own glass. Very pretty.

  7. Your yarn is so beautiful! I love the three ply! I must get a wheel. This spindle spinning, although I love it, simply takes too long.

  8. Wow, that yarn is simply amazing. Yes, special socks!

  9. oh man! I love that beutiful yellow/orange roving you spun up! I am desperatley trying to convince my oma to let me use her spinning wheel and teach myself. I think special socks too.

  10. wow! I love your mellow yellow yarn as well. its so lovely. its like your spinning is moving places!

  11. That skein is beautiful!! Is it navajo-plied, or three singles plied together? I love the way it looks.

  12. duh. it occurred to me after a few minutes that i could tell just by looking whether it was plied singles or navajo plied. also, i continue to like the way it looks. :-)

  13. mmmm beautiful colors! I feel the dying itch looking at those beautiful yellows. It looks smooshy!

  14. It's absolutely gorgeous. I have not done a 3 ply yet, just the navajo. When I do, I hope mine is as perfect as yours.

  15. Oh my that yellow is beautiful! It looks like it might have a touch of orange also ... or is that gold? Your spinning is really nice.

  16. that will make some AMAZING socks - the color! wow!!!! that is yellow! what about the Mad Color Weave socks? enough of a texture without the barberpole getting lost....

  17. It's so beautiful, as quite a few others have mentioned. It looks very citrusy and gorgeous. So much depth there. Hey, I wrote you a note on Ravelry (I hope it's you!) about some of your stash you'd like to trade/sell. Thanks! Jen

  18. Yellow is not my color. It just never does much for me...but your yarn is absolutely beautiful. I love it. It's too pretty to knit. I think it needs to sit in clear galss bowl and just "be yarn"

  19. The Semele yarn is sunshine! not like sunshine, or reminiscent of sunshine... it IS. perfect summer yarn! it looks so lofty and smooshy, nice work. i'm excited to see how it knits up!
