Monday, June 18, 2007

stfu: gee, bmp, dy, pom, 224

I have a thing about our wonderful language, how it looks :) That said, can a picture really compare? You tell me!


GEE Magazine, "love for games" (German)
July-August 2007
(with my bmp space invaders sock inside!)

When the editors of GEE asked if they could have some hi-res photos of bmp for their print magazine, I didn't really know if they were serious. Then the mail comes on Saturday...! :)

I took 3 years of high school German, and came away with 1) ich libe dich 2) how to make out in a semidark classroom while everyone else watches home movies of the Rhine and 3) that the boy with blue eyes would never ever notice me *like that* even though we had like, 5 classes a day together. So I have no real clue what the copy means in my mother tongue: "Stricken Von den Socken Die Space Invaders haben es, trotz heftiger Gegenwehr, geschafft, sich auf dem ganzen Erball zu verbreiten: Sogar auf Socken sind sie inzwischen zu finden. Das Strickmuster gibt es unter:," and babelfish is more funny than helpful, but I like it.

[edit: Nadine was kind enough to translate for me in the comments! Thanks Nadine :) "Despite fierce resistance the Space Invaders have managed to take over the planet earth: you can even find them on socks now. The knitting pattern can be found at"]

Recently, a bunch of yall were kind enough to alert me to bmp making the 10 geekiest yarn creations on the web list by threadbanger, too :) I found out before the story hit its tipping point from a post on Alyssa's blog (she has some fun photos of a Cookie A trunk leg show). All of this in addition to the other fun linkage when the pattern was first published, and its heady 224 keycard days all over again :)

(I thought it was fate that this t-shirt was printed today, so its on its way to me too:
from threadless, june 18 2007 printing)

Another fun stfu: Rachel and I were chatting and she mentioned that she heard mention of zero stitch markers on some knitting podcasts and that I should check them out. I don't have a soundcard on my pc, so podcasts are pretty much outfield for me... but what should appear in my mailbox? CD copies of Lime & Violet and Socks in the City! :) I knew the Stash and Burn ladies knew about my freshwater pearl stitch markers from their pre-Stitches West coverage of the Bay Area Knit Coop (hi Nicole!), but its neat to actually be able to hear my very first podcasts! Very cool, Rachel's a f*ing rockstar. :)


The CDs are hanging out with some of Rachel's "scratch art" yarn from her etsy store, Dyeabolical Yarns. She does custom orders if you love this colorway as much as I do. (Another, better pic of the yarn in this etsy post.) I think this hank wants to be a pair of teosinte socks (from knitspot)-- what do you think?

On another note, over the weekend I remembered why I think Cookie should be dipped in bronze like baby shoes:

(okay, so I didn't really forget why.)
Pomatomus in handspun superwash bfl, dyed by Pigeonroof Studios



  1. Here's the translation for you.... Despite fierce resistance the Space Invaters have managed to take over the planet earth: you can even find them on socks now. The knitting pattern can be found at....

    Greetings from Germany, Nadine

  2. How awesome to be in a gamers mag! I think that I need to get hubby a belated father's day gift...that shirt!!

    Can't wait to see the finished socks...I love, love, love that pattern.

  3. Wow, congratulations! That is too cool!
    And the Pomatomus looks as great as I thought it would :)

  4. German!!! I took German for two years and remember little more than "Ich weiB es nicht." Well, I know how to sing this German pop song too. But yay for being in a German gaming mag. That's when you know you've made it. ;) The Pomatomus looks spiffy too. It looks awesome in that colour!

  5. i LOVE, love, love the name "scratch art" for that colorway... i'm going to have to keep an eye on her etsy store. thanks for the tip!

  6. Congrats in getting in the gamers magazine! The new Poms will be so rad -- I love that pattern, one of my faves. I have some STR to make another pair really soon.

  7. w00t! I'm a rockstar, baybee!

    I could totally get behind the Bronze Cookie idea.

  8. Very cool!! Congratulations on being an international sensation!

  9. Oh I love how German sounds! I took a few German classes in college but found out that I am more of a hear and say type instead of book learner. That's so cool that you are in a German magazine... hopefully you'll be in more magazines in different countries and then you can start a collection of different languages! :)

  10. how neat!!!! it's that gamer thing - they are everywhere! i totally thought of you when i saw that threadless shirt!

    the new poms - drool

  11. Sock Pron is now an International Rockstar! Woohoo, go girl!!

  12. wow, that is pretty awesome!! congratulations on getting the cool pic and all in the gamer-magazine!!

  13. Wow, congrats on the magazine article!!

    And that pomatomus looks divine!

  14. Congrats on the magazine! Great recognition for your pattern.

  15. when I showed someone 20 years younger than me your socks from knitty, they were thrilled with the image. I remember playing the game in the arcade (when they still had pinball games that were 5 plays for a quarter). This 20-something ended up being more excited that she found a sock pattern that she wanted her mom to knit for her. I'm glad you've made the magazine! Rockstar status continues!

  16. Congrats!! We're going to have to dip you in bronze soon, too. :)
