Monday, May 28, 2007

math whiz socks in pigeonroof yarn

I had a really long story about math and love here, but hey! You came for socks, yeah? :)

Math Whiz socks by knitspot
Cashmere, merino & nylon sock yarn from Pigeonroof Studios in "poison"
US 2/2.75mm dpns, 4
Started: 23 May 2007 Seriously... I am such a touch and feel person. My tastes in colors change a lot of the time (more for adding to than subtracting from), but these socks feel so good and just want to be held. I shouldn't go on about a yarn that's not available right now (Krista says it will be back with a higher cashmere content at the end of June), but I can't stop :) Its crazy soft, and one of the rare times that I actually prefer the knit fabric to a skeined yarn. You know what I mean-- stuff sometimes just doesn't have that strokability once knit up-- Koigu (et al.) is smooth and sproing but is almost too slick to love, frictionless like skin in the shower once in socks. This yarn though... its missing the "hardness" of say Socks that Rock and Koigu, even though it has a super great twist. The closest hand-wise that I can compare it to is Henry's Attic Kona DK Superwash (not the fingering)... you know its surface softness? Like that.

And the color? Dude. For you non-pooling cats out there:


It was a tight fit (my favorite kind!) yarnwise with the pattern's looong cuff (7"+)...


...but I made it. Full cuff as written, PGR short row heel, flat toe for a 10"+ foot. Yay! :)

Have a good long weekend if you're in the States... I'm off to spin and play on Ravelry (if you're on already, add me as a friend!)

edit, 5/30-- the book bundle is back to regular price :(
ps! if you didn't know already,
amazon has knitting nature AND last minute knitted gifts bundled together for 10.98 (?!!), and threadless (my favorite place for tshirts) is having a $10 tee sale sitewide, incl. women's and kid's american apparel shirts! happy happy :)


  1. Wow, that is really yummy. And I know just what you mean about the skein vs. knitted love of yarn!

  2. Beautiful sock!

    I'm tempted by a couple of tees on threadless.

  3. Oh, I already picked up Knitting Nature from the last time you mentioned it, which is cool. And I already have LMKG, but otherwise, a supersweet deal. The socks look great and cashmere content, what a treat! I thik I've already added you on Ravelry. I got my invite yesterday and it is such a timesuck, but so fun to me.

  4. OMG, Amazon seems to be having this crazy knitting book sales. Books that normally cost $25 are selling for $5!!!! Thanks for pointing this out to us! Love your socks, btw!

  5. Gorgeous socks, and thanks for the link to the shop. Or maybe no thanks, as I really don't need to be led to temptation.

  6. Thanks for the heads-up on the Amazon deal; I got a book to trade and a book I wanted for half the price of one.

    I am totally jealous of your sock!

  7. Those are gorgeous socks and the colorway is just yummmmmm. I'm off to check out the amazon tip on the books now!

  8. Great socks! The color is gorgeous!

  9. oh no... i just got a sample of poison fingering weight from Krista the other day and now i'm drooling over your sock and eyeing my piggy bank...

  10. Beautiful yarn and beautiful socks!

  11. if it's nearly as soft as Kona - it's pretty darn soft! I love the fact that it doesn't pool - you don't come across that too often!!!!

  12. Um, I may or may not have just ordered a couple Threadless shirts. I'm feeling the need to get my hipster on again.

  13. Your socks look amazing, and the yarn sounds fantastic. I'll have to watch her shop :)

  14. your ps rocks! your socks too!

  15. What gorgeous socks, I love the colours. Cheers for the head-up on the Threadless sale, unfortunately all of my size were sold out on the designs I liked :(

  16. Hi Aija - thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting on it. I am glad to know there is actually someone out there rading what I (occasionally) post!

    You probably know I have been lurking here for a while...

    Your work is beautiful; I have seen some of your socks *in person* and they are fabulous! The giftee was as excited about the artist as they were about the end product. The amount of love and care that went into creating them was quite evident.

    Keep up the good work - how you manage to spin, knit, photograph and wrangle a pre-schooler all at once is beyond me!

  17. Let's have the math and love story, too.

  18. Amazon has the book set up for $32.94 now (I ordered yesterday, and now at 8 a.m. Central, I'm glad I did).

  19. oh they came out great! love that yarn—it really does remind me of manhattan rooftops . . .the texture of those socks is SO squeezable.

  20. THESE are the ones that were the bad bleeders during car washing : (.
