Sunday, March 04, 2007

Roving, lit.


When I'm drawn to something, its usually with a great flashpoint and obsessiveness that starts from seemingly out of nowhere and just... goes. Rarely does it outlast itself, I can only point to one recent moment in my life that it has. That said, I was really really drawn to the idea of dyeing the superwash merino top roving this weekend. I have been making up colorways in my mind based on my bookshelf for forever, and some finally hit the ground running with a few favorites.

The Crying of Lot 49.
Its more than the horn for me, this book... its the California highways that shine-- blacktop and yellow divider lines. I'm a California girl, what can I say? This was the one I started with, and was so happy I couldn't stop (til the days got too long.) I kept a repeat of it for myself to spin later :)

Invisible Man.
When you enter one of the first dream sequences, falling... Louis Armstrong singing in the background, "what did I do... to be so black and blue..." You know when people use song lyrics to get something across as their own? I think this is the only time in history it was a good thing. :)

(Lady) Macbeth.
Out out. I really like this one, too-- but Margit found me the second bit of Mars Superwash from her store so I'll be spinning a lot of red and black (8 oz total) for kneehighs soon so I'm letting it go. For now :)

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.
Miss Sissy... reminds me of the long blonde haired friend I still am too chicken to correspond with properly.

Confessions of an English Opium Eater.
Speaks more to my secret madscientist life a few years back, more than anything.

Trout Fishing in America.
For me this book is more than the words inside... I'm always reminded of two things-- one, Mr. S., high school math teacher extraordinaire who lent me his copy and blew my mind. Two, the man I met years later whose aunt was one of the waifs posing with Mr. Brautigan (and who convinced me I was worthy enough to fight my fight and get into Cal)... both are long gone memories and only for the past, but good things nonetheless.

The Active Side of Infinity.
Beauty. That's it :)

I've listed them all in my etsy shop-- who knows if I'll keep dyeing to sell, but it was a fun way to spend a weekend alone with my thoughts. (I've also listed some "mystery" stitch marker sets... what can I say, heady this weekend I guess.)

(speaking of etsy-- what are your favorite shops? i'm asking for a super secret reason :))


  1. I love all the roving AND the fact that they are based on books you love!

    The Crying of Lot 49 - is PERFECT - I love it! The book and the roving ;)

  2. Beautiful, as always! I love the inspiration for the colors!

  3. Oooh, I like those - especially the Opium Eater one. Mmmm....

    Jewelry: emilygems; twisted lily designs; kathryn riechert
    Stationery: heatherjeany
    Soaps n stuff: gudonya
    Fibery goodness: luxe; sunshine yarns; kindred spirits; perchance to knit; yarn pirate; black bunny
    cute/fun/clever things: woolpets; kimberly sun designs; mack

    (And of course, zer0!!)

  4. wow, I don't spin, but your roving all looks absolutely awesome!! Great color combos, and names!

  5. My favorite etsy shop, of course is zero. :)

    I also like FearlessFibers, spindlecatstudio, stickchick, and jcasa.

  6. Roving and books! Together! You are a genius, and they look fantastic.

  7. Beautiful!
    I spent my day today dyeing roving. But that won't stop me from dashing over to your etsy store to have another look!

  8. wow! my eyes got dizzy. what a wild range. its great!

  9. Nice dye jobs.

    Of course, my fave etsy shop is yours. :)

    Yarn Pirate, Fearless Fibers (Even though I only look, I don't think she ships to Canada. She didn't at first, maybe now she does.) Cherry Blossom Fibers

  10. what great names and a great place to take inspiration from!!!! all you'll have to order more roving from the co-op!

    as far as Etsy goes - I have a huge list of favorite shops. Some jewelry, some yarn, some other stuff...what are you looking for in particular?

  11. Favorite etsy store? Well your's of course. Well I know I've bought more at your's than anyone else's and at the moment the other names have slipped my mind, hehe.

    p.s. I don't spin, but some people have been trying to recruit me. I've gotten as far as needle felting with roving tho.

  12. Now I want to dye too!

    I like black bunny fibers and copperpot are on my top fav list right now.

  13. LOVE the roving, so much in fact I went and bought the yellow/black colorway. :)

    Just came by to say congrats on the AMAZING job on the new sock in knitty.....As soon as I get the shawl I'm working on off the needles, I'm in search of the yarn for those socks. I MUST have them. I bow to your design skills.

  14. Thanks for all the pleasure so far of viewing your absolutely exquisite sock designs! I've just recently returned to knitting, now seriously, and I need you to explain how zero markers are different than other knitting markers so that I can justify a purchase of said objects at your Etsy site! By the way, my choka contribution is as follows:

    Sticky fiber webs entwined
    Clasp me with their pron

    Hope you like it!

  15. Love the colors in your roving and the names you've chosen!
