Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday yarn porn...

...brought to yall by some very generous knitters. :) I really didn't have anything blogworthy this week, but my mailbox has just been exploding with yarny goodness, so I'm one-offing yarn porn fridays to share my excitement :)

Cookie sent me this jawdropper...


Clouds by
95% merino, 5% cashmere
320 yd/100gm

Totally unexpected. I never thought I'd live up to cashmere, but there you go. And the dvd has me aching to go buy a record player and listen to my vinyl. Or dress up in latex pants and 4" plats. Or something else from my past :)

From Suzanne, for giving her my non-resolution to not stash yarn this year :) ...

(I've wanted a pair of tiny scissors like these for forever... I use kitchen shears when I need to break yarn!)

Sunbeam St. Ives
80% wool, 20% nylon 50gm/200yd

These have me poring over my Nancy Bush sock books... this was one of those yarns she'd used time and time again (that I'd never seen locally and just has me imagining a wonderful pair of Vintage socks). And, uh... orange? Yup. :)

And from Abigail, who has officially lost her mind (or, you could say she celebrated me being her 1,000th comment by sending me these goodies...)


Regia Cotton tip & top, 4079
41% superwash, 34% cotton, 25% nylon

My kid has already taken this ball and dragged it around and "loved" it almost to death. He'll be thrilled with some summer socks in this yarn :)

Fortissima Socka Cotton Color
45% cotton, 42% superwash, 13% nylon

Is it me or would this be great as a pair of Pomatomus? I know, I know... I think everything would be a great pair of Pomatomus.


Socks that Rock, mediumweight in Mist
380 yd/5.5 oz, 100% merino superwash

These... this... yeah. It's taken the place of squeezing honor here on my desk til I figure out what I should make with it (i wonder where my kid gets it from...)

Have a great weekend yall, and thanks again to the generous ladies above :)


  1. What lovely goodies! I have a pair of those scissors I've had since I was in grade five, I think. Love them. I thought a couple of times I'd lost them, but thankfully they manage to resurface (usually from the bottom of my knitting bag). They usually carry them at one of our local dollar stores, but it's not the same as my "sentimental" ones.

  2. Wow! Nice karma stacking there! (No wonder you didn't want in on the contest - and thank goodness, because nothing I have to give away would remotely compare to Socks That Rock!)

  3. Ooooh, wow. All of that, just wow.

    My husband saw your Smiths/Morrissey. He says he's impressed. In fact, if your blog were about your music instead of your knitting, he'd read it.

    You remember that show on Comedy Central, "Beat the Geeks"? My husband could be the Music Geek. EASILY. He did OK against the Movie Geek, too. Also, the Movie Geek graduated from the same high school I did. I'm not sure how cool that makes me (or him), but there ya go.

  4. OMG, i got to run and get a tissue, i have been drooling all over the keyboard...

  5. Wow! Gorgeous yarn and great pictures. I think Cloud is very aptly named.

  6. Some nice yummy yarns there! Hey, you have a knack for those posts dontcha? hehe ;)

  7. Wowee ... it's like Christmas all over again. Wonderful porn shots! Hehe, my crystal ball see lots of socks in your future.

  8. Great goodies! That Fortissima is particularly awesome.

    P.S. There are other patterns out there than PottyMouths. Just saying. ;-)

  9. Wow, that's a lot of yarn love! And those scissors will come in handy - I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses kitchen shears, too!

  10. As soon as I saw the Smith's DVD, Girlfriend in a Coma started playing in my mind. Love the Smiths! Great yarny goodness too.

  11. You lucky girl! I'm absolutely smitten with the Mist str colorway, I've never seen (or really noticed) it before.

  12. Oh man! Excellent yarny goodness! It's so cute that your son inherited your yarn squishing. My little guy has inherited my yarn fondling too!
    I love it!

  13. Lovely! I find myself walking away humming Smiths songs whenever I visit your blog as of late. One of these days I'm going to show up and see that you've knit the cover of The Queen Is Dead in intarsia. Or converted it to a sock pattern! Who doesn't need a pair of Morrissocks?

  14. i keep just missing you ... when you called today, i was with my mom at the movies ("children of men") ... miss you ... thanks for the call.

  15. I have a pair of those scissors that were my Grandmother's, they have a nice little case so I keep them in my purse. Your yarn is pretty. My older son went rummaging in my stash today and plopped a skein of STR medium weight in my lap and said "Socks, please".

  16. That Cookie, always enabling everyone! I'd never heard of the Yarn place until I met Cookie and Kristi and I live in Sunnyvale!

  17. Great yarn acquisitions!

    I imagine you knitting up some of that heavenly softness while watching that Top of the Pops Shoplifters video (makes me want to break out my VHS).

    And the Kitchener Bitch has hit on a glorious idea. :)

  18. I've always been a little frightened of Pomatomus socks but you've inspired me to dig through to stash and see if I have anything that would do that gorgeous pattern justice.

  19. You are going to love those scissors. I just got a pair this fall, and yours look to be the same. Convenience of folding scissors with fantastic sharpness! Now if only I could get my husband to stop blunting them on non-yarn items.

  20. Ummmm...WOW!!
    I love the scissors. Very handy

  21. Latex pants and 4" plats!!!! I want pictures of that!

    I've been out of touch with blog world, but then I stopped by here and what do you know, I recognize that stuff. Completely meant to send it weeks ago but kept forgetting it on trips to the post office. Hope you get the kid hooked on those videos for a proper upbringing, but who knows what kids these days will like. :-)

    I have a pair of those scissors, and they are definitely awesome, but I keep forgetting to bring them with me anywhere. And that STR colorway is fab! Yarnilicious, one might say.

  22. what a wonderful group of goodies! easy way to enhance the stash with minimal effort! the yarny gods sure love you!
