Saturday, December 02, 2006

save me.

130am, waking up to work on sherwood's neck (decided to reknit it on smaller needles... thanks, i didn't even think of that!)... find this on the couch. and the walls.

sanford, "mr. sketch" scented watercolor marker. blueberry.


i think i'm just going to go back to bed.


  1. OMG! Having a flashback of youngest daughter from about 1989...

    Some day you'll laugh?

    Really. :)

  2. oh no!!! my cowboy was a wanderer.... at least Mr. Skeich is washable.

  3. Oh, I would definitely go back to bed.

  4. I feel for you really I do. What a thing to wake up to at 1 in the morning. Yep, best decision--back to bed.

  5. This took me back to coming home from work one day to find ink all over a table, carpet, and wall - turns out the boys though playing catch with a pen was fun - until it exploded when it hit the wall. I'd definitely go back to bed!

  6. OMG! I am so thankful that my daughters are beyond that now. Sometimes going back to bed is the very best option.

  7. Looking forward to these kind of days ;)

  8. It DOES make for an adorable photo, though!

  9. Dear GOD! Straight to bed with you! (At least the couch will smell nice, like pie. The kid too!)

    I just had my own flashback - right before some fancy dinner party, my mother came into my room to find me with a giant bottle of blue tempera paint - I had decided I wanted blue carpet. I was blue, walls were blue, carpet was blue....Dad walked into the room, took one look, and declared, "I'll be in the car."

  10. I know it's not nice to laugh, but ...

    My oldest son used to do that with ... um ... personal waste. That was Waaaay fun to clean up.

    Sleep well.

  11. Oh No!! Is this what I have to look forward to?! Hee!

  12. Back to bed is the best option. Maybe he will wake up in the night and decide to color the couch with a Tide stain-lifting pen?

    Good luck!

  13. Despite the cleaning up that will have to happen, it's a fantastic picture!

  14. Apparently insomnia runs in the family?

    Neatnik did the same with a BLACK SHARPIE. She got herself, the clothes, the computer, and the dining room chair. Mr Clean Magic Eraser.

  15. OMG!!! Thank goodness he didn't find a permanent marker! I tend to need to keep those Magic Erasers on hand. Someone colored one of the bricks on our fireplace hearth the other day. At least he used pencil, so it came right off.

  16. Ok,. here is what you need to do...turn around, go to bed, sleep like an angel...wake up in the morning, place a frame on his neck and plop him in the living room for "art" as for the couch, well, it will smell so pretty....tell everyone it is a new couch by a fantabulous designer and all items are one of a kind ;)'s all in presentation,presentation,presentation....that has become the household joke here hahaha

  17. Sorry, but this gave me such a chuckle as it reminded me of some "adventures" my boys got in to while I was sleeping. 2 decades later I can laugh and you will too. And you have the perfect revenge...photodocumentation, heehee!
    In the meantime, you are wise to go back to bed;)

  18. Back to bed is a good idea.
    I recall cleaning up a crayon wall painting by my daughter a year or so ago (after a little quiet time and a square of dark chocolate.:P)
    Good luck!

  19. OH NO!! Your having a nightmare right????!!!!!

  20. But he looks so innocent! Someone must have framed him.

  21. that's funny! does it really wash out?

  22. OH MY GOSH! I don't know what else to say!

  23. The photo is PRICELESS. Just focus on how much fun you're going to have giving that photo to his first serious girlfriend. I say let him go at the couch some more, until you come out with an original Jackson Pollack.

    When I was little, my friend and I got bored with our mud pies and starting painting with mud...on the freshly-painted outside wall of the house. My dad hosed off us and the house all at once.

  24. oh me my: hoping you will find some humor in this, one day! Bon courage for the cleaning job!

  25. Um..I would have gone back to bed too! Brings back memories for sure! Good luck!

  26. Future Xmas card photo....

    Uhm, Magic Eraser for the walls...Have no advice for the couch...

  27. I remember finding all kinds of chaos everything from permanent markers on the newly finished hardwood floors to dried Elmer's glue on the tables, sofa and carpet. I still need a glass of wine at the end of the day sometimes.

  28. I would laugh but I know that if I do it will come back to me ten-fold. I feel your pain though! Your Sherwood looks lovely though :)

  29. That reminds me of the day that my friend's 3 yo "painted" her kitchen table liberally with Margarine.. you know...... the kind in the family size tub! She said it was quite a lot of hot soapy water to get he table to be non slip again!

  30. OMG ... brings back memories. At least your's is recorded in pictures and someday you'll look back and laugh.

    I painted my tricycle, our mobile home & myself with yellow oil base paint when I was 3 years old. Mom was 7 months pregnant chasing me around the outside jumping over a 2 foot fence on both ends of the tailer to catch me. When she caught me, she broke down in laughter because she envisioned what the neighbors saw from their windows and I never got a spanking after what I went thru in the cleanup. Poor Mom tho.

    Go back to bed afer you hide the markers!

  31. Oooo... I've found crayon all over everything, but now pen. Have a chocolate.

  32. You knit him a simply stunning sweater and in return he colors your home? Men, pfft.


  33. I am SO glad mine are done with that phase! it brought back some great memories though.....thank-you

  34. My three year old likes to trace the viens in his translucent skin, usually with permanent marker. That is when he is not redecorating furniture. It must have really worn him out!

  35. That photo is awesome! Hopefully you slept like a babe afterwards (as the child appears to be doing...hard work, decorating). Bit of priceless memory for 20 years down the road.

  36. OMG! I think I would've gone back to bed too.

    I'm glad you snapped a picture. In the years to come you will smile when you look at it - even if you can't now.

  37. Ummm... at least Sherwood was spared?!

  38. Oh my goodness! I sooo can feel your pain! My three-year old also has the insomnia-inspired artistic enlightenments. Lately he has taken to peeling his wallpaper off at 2 in the morning. Keeping my fingers crossed that this phase will end soon for all the 3-year olds out there!
    Sherwood looks fantastic BTW!

  39. OH NO! Blueberry of all scents! I know how those things smell - strong!

    Glad you found a solution to Sherwood.

    Hope you went right back to bed!

  40. Wow, does that bring back some memories. My oldest 2, never colored on anything but paper, but the youngest, paper just wasn't a big enough canvas for her. I recommend a large on hand supply of Mr Clean Magic Eraser for you.

  41. Bwahahaha!!! Oh, man. It's a good thing they're so cute.

  42. Thank God it's a watercolor marker and not a Sharpie - you have a chance of getting it off the couch and off the kid! :)

  43. Oh dear! One didn't get on your knitting (at least I hope not).

  44. Oh man! I'm glad it wasn't a permanent marker. Those are hard to cover! I know that from experience. :)

  45. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA! HAHHAHAHAHHAHA! I sure hope that is washable...

  46. LOL!!! Try the magic eraser for the walls. At least it probably smells nice.
    When I was younger, there was a commercial for Glad zipbags that showed how strong they were. They put milk and blueberries in the bag and bashed it on the counter with a baseball bat. Glad zipbags are not strong
    My brother and I explained the stains many years later.

  47. Um...did it come out?

    If yes, then laugh about it now.

    If no, knock back some stiff drinks until it is funny to you!

