and not in that nin way, except for you ;) yes you.
I've been working on getting ready for this weekend... every year my dad's side of the family has this huge christmas party, lots of food and a crazy $5 gift swap that was more fun when my cousins were younger (drunk uncles would play, "how soon can we make the kids cry" when making them trade their $5 gifts for something they hated). This was actually the only time I used to see my dad's side of the family, including my dad, every year. I grew up with my mom and sister not 2 hours from them, and not 3 from my dad, but til I graduated high school I didn't see much of them and haven't for the past few years, either. I know them well now and have missed them, but i'm nervous... trying to get things done is how I'm coping with the anticipation/fear.

(unfelted) Fuzzy Feet from Winter Knitty 2002
Started: November 28, 2oo6
Finished: November 29, 2006
Patons SWS (soy wool stripes), Natural Navy color... just over 2 sk
US 10.5 (6.5mm) 16" circular, Susan Bates and Clover dpns, 4
Bigger this time than last, 4" cuff, 48 sts CO & around the foot and definitely longer. I used just over 2 sk, didn't use all of the leftovers from my previous pair. Knitting them as written (not as wide) would use up 2 skeins, not more. This time I worked them til 2" shy of the length (I think they ended up 13.5-14"?) and used flat toe decreases every round (for top/bottom: k1, ssk, k to 3 sts to end of needle, k2tog, k1; skipped the plain round) til 24 sts total, then kitchenered closed. I'm thinking the toes will look more rounded when felted up, we'll see. I'm taking these w/ me this weekend, so dad can felt them and I can have a private, knitter chuckle when he unwraps these giant socks and thinks I've officially lost my mind.
I am packing too (only a day and a half trip, but packing for my toddler is like the ark... 2 of everything so I'm starting early. I need to wrap grandma's afghan, and was trying to figure out exactly how to present the "care" part of it (handwashing, etc). I think I came up with a pretty solution. I bought some stamps from Kaspareks-- they have great customer service and shipped the next day. I've been wanting these for a while, this was a good excuse!

Ho Tai, Dragon with Spinning Wheel (trek, i thought of you when i saw this one), and Unravelled
and printed one of the Lizard Ridge photos, mounted it with photo mounts onto a plain paper card...

and wrote out a little note and care directions inside the card.

I figured this wouldn't get lost like a smaller tag card may, and was a nice compliment to the present. I'm going to do this for all the knit gifts this year, I think-- its easy and feels craftier than I am.
Non-segue before I go, the mailman just dropped this off and its too beautiful not to share...

Lace weight 100% silk from Colourmart UK (ebay), anthracite
Beauty beauty. Cheap cheap too, $15 shipped from the UK. They sell "laceweight" silk (2500 yd/5 oz cone), but will double/triple/4x strand it for you for free (even if you buy just one). I had them double strand this and now it looks to be the lace weight I'm used to seeing-- so about 1,250 yd/5 oz. They're known for their inexpensive cashmere (Cookie posted pics of the sample cards/skeins they sent her, along with a quick review), but this silk is nice. Suggestions for it? I was thinking Sarcelle, or maybe a rectangle from JennyRaye's humongo list of rectangular shawls. (who am i kidding? knit lace? oy...)
Alrite, Sherwood needs a sleeve and a half, and my kid needs more juice... seeyou soon (hopefully with a completed kid's sweater!)
I've been working on getting ready for this weekend... every year my dad's side of the family has this huge christmas party, lots of food and a crazy $5 gift swap that was more fun when my cousins were younger (drunk uncles would play, "how soon can we make the kids cry" when making them trade their $5 gifts for something they hated). This was actually the only time I used to see my dad's side of the family, including my dad, every year. I grew up with my mom and sister not 2 hours from them, and not 3 from my dad, but til I graduated high school I didn't see much of them and haven't for the past few years, either. I know them well now and have missed them, but i'm nervous... trying to get things done is how I'm coping with the anticipation/fear.

(unfelted) Fuzzy Feet from Winter Knitty 2002
Started: November 28, 2oo6
Finished: November 29, 2006
Patons SWS (soy wool stripes), Natural Navy color... just over 2 sk
US 10.5 (6.5mm) 16" circular, Susan Bates and Clover dpns, 4
Bigger this time than last, 4" cuff, 48 sts CO & around the foot and definitely longer. I used just over 2 sk, didn't use all of the leftovers from my previous pair. Knitting them as written (not as wide) would use up 2 skeins, not more. This time I worked them til 2" shy of the length (I think they ended up 13.5-14"?) and used flat toe decreases every round (for top/bottom: k1, ssk, k to 3 sts to end of needle, k2tog, k1; skipped the plain round) til 24 sts total, then kitchenered closed. I'm thinking the toes will look more rounded when felted up, we'll see. I'm taking these w/ me this weekend, so dad can felt them and I can have a private, knitter chuckle when he unwraps these giant socks and thinks I've officially lost my mind.
I am packing too (only a day and a half trip, but packing for my toddler is like the ark... 2 of everything so I'm starting early. I need to wrap grandma's afghan, and was trying to figure out exactly how to present the "care" part of it (handwashing, etc). I think I came up with a pretty solution. I bought some stamps from Kaspareks-- they have great customer service and shipped the next day. I've been wanting these for a while, this was a good excuse!

Ho Tai, Dragon with Spinning Wheel (trek, i thought of you when i saw this one), and Unravelled
and printed one of the Lizard Ridge photos, mounted it with photo mounts onto a plain paper card...

and wrote out a little note and care directions inside the card.

I figured this wouldn't get lost like a smaller tag card may, and was a nice compliment to the present. I'm going to do this for all the knit gifts this year, I think-- its easy and feels craftier than I am.
Non-segue before I go, the mailman just dropped this off and its too beautiful not to share...

Lace weight 100% silk from Colourmart UK (ebay), anthracite
Beauty beauty. Cheap cheap too, $15 shipped from the UK. They sell "laceweight" silk (2500 yd/5 oz cone), but will double/triple/4x strand it for you for free (even if you buy just one). I had them double strand this and now it looks to be the lace weight I'm used to seeing-- so about 1,250 yd/5 oz. They're known for their inexpensive cashmere (Cookie posted pics of the sample cards/skeins they sent her, along with a quick review), but this silk is nice. Suggestions for it? I was thinking Sarcelle, or maybe a rectangle from JennyRaye's humongo list of rectangular shawls. (who am i kidding? knit lace? oy...)
Alrite, Sherwood needs a sleeve and a half, and my kid needs more juice... seeyou soon (hopefully with a completed kid's sweater!)