Sunday, September 17, 2006

the thing about yarn.

I have this thing about yarn. (I know what you're thinking, you're reading *this* blog and saying to yourself, we all have a thing about yarn! :) I have *that* too, but this one's a little different.) I read where others collect souvenir yarn-- yarn they look at back home and think of rolling waves, arctic hinterlands, tennessee highways... As someone who Goes Nowhere, all of my yarn is souvenir yarn. I could easily tell you not only where I got it from, but what I was thinking when I bought it and even more... I could tell you about that moment in my life. Pawing the stash takes on an archeologic quality; merino hieroglyphics jump out at me as I start new projects.


When I bought this yarn, I really wanted the purple. I didn't buy it because it was too close to my heart... to the one whom the purple would have been perfect for, the one I couldn't knit for any longer. So I went with the blue, and when it arrived all I could think about was the purple not chosen. It didn't go away, the should have been purple echo, and I kept the yarn in the stash away from eyes not wanting to be reminded.

Fast forward to a few days ago, and I saw this pattern I *needed* to knit (Boyfriend Socks, by Alice Bell-- I popped on her blog by way of her Knitty Exchequered pattern) and figured that the yarn had lived in denial purgatory long enough *and* would be perfect for it.

As I went to cast on though, it just kept haunting me, the yarn that should have been purple. So I did as any knitter lacking sense would do-- I overdyed the perfectly good, professionally painted skeins. Purple. :)

(After all that, my camera can't capture purple. Bummer.)

So now its not blue, and its not purple... an in-between not-either. Just like it should be. Reclaiming it feels really good, and so does giving it new associations and a new story instead of the one of loss it had before. Plus, I think its going to make a really rad pair of boyfriend socks! :)


In other news, I was missing knitting socks-- a lot a lot. The stockings don't feel like socks anymore and just feel neverending, and spinning is great but there's nothing like socks. I want to finish these soon, they were supposed to be a quickie pair and they've languished now for more than a month...


Simple Socks, PGR style.

These are following PGR's "formula" from Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy exactly-- my first time using all of her pattern elements (extra rows after working heel before starting cuff ribbing, plain stockinette foot, etc.) Looking good, way bright but fun nonetheless. I even lined up the stripes as best as I could. I have to remember to shoot the sock that inspired these; I have a great vintage pair of non-handknit socks that Mom used to wear and were gifted to me during my teen years that I think you'll get a kick out of.

All these socks don't mean I don't still love spinning, of course :)

(undunked; twist not set yet)

I still have more on the bobbins of this roving and MUCH more to spin up, its fun but I had a heck of a time using the bottom bobbin holders on my Ashford Joy as a "lazy kate" for plying... they didn't spin easily and I kept having to jerk them a bit (and break my singles! ugh!) After a round of swearing I won't subject yall to, I went and wound the remaining singles into center pull balls and plied from them... which would be great except towards the end, they just started tangling and collapsing unto themselves and forced a few more choice words out of me. I think I may follow Theresa's tek and make myself a homemade lazy kate, someday.

Another reason I am working back up to spinning...


Soapy sent me a wonderful RAOK spinning present; a big box full of fiber for me to play with. So unexpected and sweet; I need to pick up more bobbins, I think :)

Speaking of RAOKs... I was thinking about how much easter egg dye I still have and that I probably won't use it-- anyone want some? I probably have 25+ 6-tab paas packs; enough for 2 people to get their easter egg dye on. First 2 who leave a comment and ask for it-- its yours :) I also have an extra copy of Spin It by Lee Raven (I received 2 copies, one from my swap with Heather and another from my mom who heard I was spinning)-- it mainly focuses on fleece prep & spindle spinning (instrux on making a cd spindle too), lmk if you're interested and I'll also send some of the brown sheep roving and superwash merino to play with too, if you want-- everything you need to get hooked like me. First comment again, I'm feeling unimaginative today :)

edit, monday afternoon-- everything's been spoken for :) i'll pop off emails to stariel, beckyboo and jen a little later today; knee deep in cereal, curious george and boyfriend socks at the moment.

Finally, filed under the "am i turning into one of those" department... the new threadless shirt I ordered. Sheep. That's all I have to say.

Threadless tshirt print, "insomnia" (and my affiliate id!) New this week (Sept 11).

I almost want to ask if its too much, but then again I don't want to know.

psst! anne! i haven't dropped off the face of the earth with my wheel attached, yet :) with all this spinning it just feels like i have "nothing" to say, but when i sit down to say anything i get these ginormous posts when i realize i do :) thanks to everyone who was worried, but no worries though! i need to post more often just so i don't have to run on for so long...


  1. Well it looks like your having fun and getting the hang of spinning...

  2. I'd love the Spin It, I've been wanting to learn more about spinning - I'm totally self taught by messing around. ;)

  3. yay for the beautiful socks, especially the bright ones!

  4. Those are fantastic socks. I need them too!

  5. Who knew yarn selection could be so poignant? Thanks for sharing the story of those lovely socks.

  6. Your hand-dyed stripey socks are looking good! So are the new socks. (Yet another pattern to add to my to-do list! Me loves cables!)

    I tried hand-dying a couple of times, but it never worked out. (I think I should have started with solid colors.) I read more about it on various blogs, and I think I've seen much better ways to try it. Trouble is having time to do it! Kids would definitely have to be asleep, but then there's the cats to deal with... Maybe I should just stick to buying it already dyed for me! :)

  7. I love that sock pattern! I'm so glad you linked it.
    I'm glad the blue-purple yarn worked out just how you wanted it, and now it is so personal to you! I'm never aware of any emotions behind my choices of yarn (besides gimme gimme gimme, which I'm not sure qualifies as an emotion).

  8. Darn! Too late for the book.

    The not quite blue or purple yarn is great. In the picture it looks like it's a great, deep color and I love it.

  9. Love the spun yarn! My computer makes it look sort of "raspberry" in color. It looks like you have picked up spinning very quickly.

    I would love to try the easter egg dye, if you could be so kind as to point me in the direction of a "how to." I have never dyed before but I have some Kona Superwash fingering that needs to be something other than cream colored.

    If the easter egg dye offer is still up for grabs, I can be reached at :)

  10. Love the pattern!!!! And that color - can I hear a YUM and a MY!!!

  11. oooh... I like those boyfriend socks! I'll have to try them one of these days. :) also, the shirt. too cute! man, so much spinning going on everywhere these days. I could say that I'm inspired to try it too, but, instead, I will just admire yours. :)

  12. If there's still Easter egg dye up for grabs, I'm interested.

    As a fairly new spinner (spindle only so far, taking a wheel class next month), I already have the Spin It! book (and have made a bunch of CD spindles decorated with photos). But I'd love a chance to try the rovings you're offering.

    E-mail me at: fiber AT folkcatart DOT com

    Crafting Jen

  13. love the story about the blue/purple. way to go to reclaim them and thanks for the BF socks link! (I need to get one, a BF that is, so I can get on with the socks...)
    glad to see you are busy and back in blog land!

  14. Spinning is wonderful, but it is also a big time sucker. Sometimes I sit in front of my wheel for what seems like 20 minutes or so and when I look at the clock, a few hours have passed. Your spinning looks great! And the socks you have started are gorgeous! What an awesome pattern.

  15. Everything looks great. Love the boyfriend socks!

  16. Beautiful spinning! I can't believe how quickly you've become such a talent, must be a natural!

    Lovin' the boyfriend socks. I've had the same problem photographing purple, wonder why.

  17. Holy crap I love those boyfriend socks! It looks absolutely stunning in that color. Seriously, I need to stare at it for a few more minutes. Gorgeous gorgeous.

  18. Gorgeous spinning and socks. I love that shirt. My resolve to not go to threadless and browse is weakening.

  19. Purpley blue? Bluey purple? Either way, it's a beautiful, rich colour -- well done! And thanks for the link to the pattern -- my "to-do" list keeps getting longer and longer and longer .... :-)

  20. Heehee, I decided to check out Threadless after the last time you pimped it, and I couldn't resist placing an order for the sheep counting and the recycling one. I can't wait to get them!

    I love how you have a story behind the yarn. Mine all go like this "And I was in this yarn store / Stitches / Knitting event, and I saw this yarn I had to have. So I bought it." I'm boring that way.

  21. Such beautiful socks and yarn. And what a great way to "fix" the purple/blue yarn dilemma.

  22. I linked over from yarn harlot. Both pairs of socks are turning out quite nicely. I enjoyed the pictures of all the yarn. :-)

  23. Way to reclaim that yarn! And your spinning is coming along quite nicely. :)

  24. Thanks for linking to those boyfriend socks, those are gorgeous. And I love the yarn you made, it's beautiful too!

  25. Great socks and yarn porn as usual! Glad your package arrived. Enjoy! Happy Spinning!

  26. You really have me thinking about getting some new t-shirts, they are really cool looking. The "Boyfriend" sock is beautiful! I will have to figure that one out cuff down sometime.

  27. Gorgeous yarn! I'm so glad you're having fun with it. Sorry your lazy kate's being a (insert expletive here) ;) Let me know if you need straight needles to make your own, I've got some I don't use :)
