Thursday, September 28, 2006

something about a saddle.

Still haven't fixed my pc yet (a combination of baby + open computer = bad and a project below); I'm still on borrowed time but I couldn't stay away :)

Instead of having any boyfriend pics to share (turned the heel, they need the cuff now), I have been furiously working on a little something for the "warm up the dutchicans" project. Kelli and Sarah are throwing a virtual handknit baby shower for Kristi and her 3 (!!!) babies to be, and I just couldn't resist.

(Link to in progress sweater here in case Kristi wants to not see just yet!)

I couldn't resist for a few reasons-- first and obvious, babies! Three!! (something snapped in me when i had my kid, i was never like this before... i mean, kids were cute and all but eh, you know? now, a kid gets within a 100 yards of me and i start squealing and making faces. can't help it, its not that bad of a vice to have except it makes me want to have more of my own.) Also, I recently thought a close female relative of mine was pregnant. She left a message on my answering machine-- call me! its important, big news!... me and my baby brain immediately jumped to the conclusion she was pregnant and I pored over baby patterns for days, waiting for her to call me back; I'd come up with an almost complete plan to swaddle the kid for the first few complacent years in handknits. Well, big news was a new *puppy*, letting the air from my sails just a little bit :)

Finally and selfishly, this was the first pattern I used to knit a sweater for my son, over 2 years ago now. I learned to knit (actually no, Debbie Stoller taught me to knit. if i ever meet her i plan to thank her, what a gift she's given me)... I learned to knit when I was pregnant, intending on making teeny tiny things for the life inside, well at least when he was clothe-able. Big pregnant, I dutifully learned knit and purl, made a garterstitch bookmark, and put knitting away til my son was born. When he (finally) decided he didn't need to be held 8 days a week, I picked it up again and decided he needed a sweater and that this pattern would be perfect. I double stranded some light fingering weight wool (non-machine washable, and i admit now a bit coarse) and pumped out the same sweater in about 3 weeks :) It was an ocean on my son, age 4-6 months then, and didn't fit him til he was 2+.

Anyway, I thought it would be a great trip down memory lane to knit it again and it was... its good to know where you come from and send on some good handknit vibes in the process.

(for the curious-- a link to the pic of that first sweater. it would fit my kid right now, but after i took this pic i held it up to him and asked him to try it on... he shook his head and hands, "nah. no. no baby, thanks." :))


Gearing up for the orange-only month ahead, I made a few purchases for projects I'm wanting to tackle...

Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, 3 in wild orange
for Sherwood, Knitty Fall 2006

I *loved* this pattern when I saw it, like gasping freight train love. (just a little better, or maybe a different category, than eating mac and cheese naked love.) I ordered the cotton fleece from The Lorien Store, which has *the* best pricing on CF I could find online-- regular retail is about 8.50/skein, they sell it for 5.75 and are running a 10% sale on in-stock items. Really an amazing seller, quick and responsive. (The Sheep Shed Studio sells seconds --five times fast!-- of CF for 3.50/skein, only a few colors and i'm not sure what constitutes them as seconds... they're the same place with the cheeeep mill end rovings.)

I rounded out the order with something I've been coveting a while...

Black Louet Gems Pearl (and koigu I had in stash)...

I know I asked months ago if yall thought black and this colorway of koigu would look good together for Eunny's Chuck's Cabled Socks pattern and the majority said no, but I went ahead and ordered it anyway :) I don't have real plans to knit the pattern yet (and its locked away in my cold hard drive!), but I'd like to be able to on a whim. Seeing them together makes me like the black/gold combo even more (my big halfbaked plan is to knit the *cabled* portion in the variegated koigu!)

I hope to get a little more colorwork experience down in October though...

Knit Picks Gloss in Dusk and Pumpkin
(the dusk isn't coming true to color on this borrowed pc, its darker that what i see)
also a new set of 2.5mm dpns-- i like the weight! (but think i'll knit these on circs)

I'm planning on using the Gloss for Cookie's Red Herring pattern from the latest Knitty during October... I'll knit them as mirrors, one blue foot and one orange foot. Just because :)

l to right: Schaefer Anne, Socks That Rock lightweight in Fred Flintstone, Knit Picks Essential in pumpkin

The rest of the lineup... Not sure what will make it, but the Anne will make a great pair of toe-up tiger eye lace socks (eye of the tiger was my favorite song as a kid!), the BMFA socks that rock will be another (::cough::) pair of Pomatomus socks, and the KP Essential will be Cable Net from (yeah, again)-- the latest Knitty.

Phew. Off to try and finish off the boyfriends (hehe, i'm going to call all socks boyfriend socks! too fun)... I'm still without regular pc access so I'm still slow on getting emails and such back now. Hopefully soon! :)


  1. I've got a couple of skeins of orangey sock yarns I plan on using in October, too. Held them off to knit along with ya!

    I have a friend who found out she's having twins in February! She's still in shock. Don't know what she's having yet, not sure if she'll find the sex(es) out or not. Got a sweater in mind that's cabley, and I'd probably use aran, so it won't matter if they're boy/boy, girl/girl, girl/boy!

    I'm not supposed to be around babies, especially girl babies. Hubby thinks I'll get ideas. I would have loved to have had a daughter, though. (Still love the boys, of course!)

  2. Whew! Beautiful yarn photos. And all in such rich fall colors. Thanks for the posting!

  3. What a wonderful story about the sweater and learning to knit - I'm so touched by the story and so honored that you would think of us-that sweater has so much meaning - that's why handknits are so special compared to picking up some bland, stale, unmemorable sweater from Target.

  4. your trip down memory lane made me smile! I started to knit too when I was pregnant. My first project for the baby was a fair isle cardi with elephants all over it. She will be 3 next month, but hasn't grown into that first cardi yet!

  5. I too began to knit when my first kid was born. I had learned when I was a kid, but it became the obsession then.

    You've got some great projects coming up. I'll be looking forward to the progress.

  6. oh boy! what great October stash enhancement! I love the black and koigu. and mirror Red Herring pattern- awesome!
    love your line up!

  7. Who told you that koigu and black wouldn't look good for eunny socks? crazies. I think it looks great!

  8. Orange is such a great color for Sherwood, which I'm thinking of doing for one of the boys too. I'll wait and see how you like it. :-)

  9. I just started a pair of socks with the Knitpicks essential in pumpkin too! It must be orangey sock month.
    I've been coveting that Gloss yarn but have been trying to hold back, although it's so hard when everyone else in the blog-world seems to have bought some!

  10. Wow, that's alot of orange. I checked out that sale and almost bought a ton of yarn, but had to empty the cart. I couldn't justify any more yarn right now!

    Can't wait to see all the wonderful projects!

  11. so ironic, that you have so many fans ... and yet the one that you truly need is blown.

  12. and what's the story on your man trawlers anyway? or do those get pegged during b-month?

  13. I so love orange!!!! The Louet is great stuff - I can't wait to get more - it is truly great stuff. I think the socks may look pretty neat in that combo....

    How is the gloss? you'll have to let us know what you think! It's handwash only, right?

    So much going on!!! I'm trying to get my sock mojo back after a few false starts. Glad you are back to posting to inspire me!

  14. well orange you deliscious—mmm, yarn porn

  15. Despite being an October chick I've never been huge on orange but the array of orange yarn in this post is great. I don't blame fou for doing more Pomatomus socks. It's a great pattern. (I knit mine in orange - hee!)

  16. Wow, that's alot of orange yarns! Can't wait to follow your progress all month.

    And there's that beautiful koigu again....haunting me. :)

  17. I'm with you on the Sherwood pattern, I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.

    And the Fred Flinstone STR colorway? Gorgeous, I want that yarn like whoa.

  18. You can send that Anne to me if you can't get to it... :)

    I don't gush over babies at all. However, I totally respect anyone carrying THREE babies. Holy crap, that should get you a medal!

  19. Aw, your first sweater is really cute and such a lovely story to go with it. Have fun knitting for the triplets. I'm quite giddy with the thought of all that cute knitting.

    I just wanted to stop by to say a huge thanks for your kind words of support on my blog.

  20. *drool* Lovely yarns.... Got me twitching to dig into my stash and start about 5 new projects... Good luck with your computer!

  21. Beautiful fall colors! I LOVE them reminds me of all the beautiful colors of foliage

  22. I've been dying to knit some of Eunny's sock patterns so I can't wait to see yours in those colors! Maybe you should start them now, perfect for Socktoberfest in Halloweeny colors. :)
