Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mailbox knitting

(eta... check out the "random knitting theory" contest over @ Jerry & Maxy's place... :))

Thanks to Eleni's headsup, I was able to stalk Interweave's Hurt Book Sale this year with a "list" in hand and get everything I wanted (notice a trend?)...

The Art of Fair Isle Knitting, Ann Feitelson
Folk Knitting in Estonia, Nancy Bush
The Children's Collection, Alice & Jade Starmore

The books were 50% off retail (I saw only the Weldon's Practical Needlework 10 volume collection for 75% off), you didn't know how "hurt" the books would be and were warned with a 3 week shipping estimate. Mine arrived Tuesday (I wasn't home to greet my UPS man though), so it was only a week from order to shipment arrival-- not bad :)

The sale's not great if you're looking for only one book, when you figure in the shipping (4.95/1st book, 1/each add'tl.) and compare to Amazon. The Feitleson Fair Isle book was 17.48 + 4.95 = 22.43, where Amazon has it for 22.02 + eligible for free shipping. I approached the sale with an eye to the books I wasn't able to find for a good price direct from Amazon, namely Folk Knitting in Estonia & The Children's Collection... I knew I could buy FKiE from Nancy Bush's Wooly West (+ free autograph!) and TCC from Virtual Yarns (the Starmore enterprise), but both purchases thru Interweave's sale were less expensive.

(Grumperina just posted a link where you can get Folk Knitting in Estonia for a good price new; I've been watching the ebay listings for the book & they regularly go over retail... maybe since people don't know you can buy from Nancy Bush herself for the retail price + shipping?)

The books weren't very badly "hurt" at all...


The worst was the Art of Fair Isle, which had a small slit/indentation in the front cover that made an impression on the hardcover inside (the cover isn't torn but just indented), perhaps from a knife opening a box and this was the 1st on top?


The edges of all were slightly scuffed as well, nothing I wouldn't pass over at my local bookstore myself. Interweave has a high bar for its books (pretty cool!), these aren't really badly hurt at all. The Folk Knitting in Estonia book is the 1st edition like Stacey's-- the Juta stockings directions are incomplete (I've been borrowing my library's copy til now), I need to poke around for errata, not sure what else needs updating.

I also received my acid dyes...

One pound of Henry's Attic Kona Lightweight Fingering for thigh high stockings
(+ Sodor aquarium car for scale, this is my favorite of the Thomas the Tank Engine cars)

I went ahead & dyed the entire pound-- just so I wouldn't have to worry about running out. The extra will be good for something! I've decided to go toe up on them, so I can use the lace panel that I really like... I'm going to use the stocking formula Severina referred to in making hers in order to help me see where to place the increases... I like the shaping of her finished stockings quite a bit. (She is also the designer of the Asphyxiation pattern in The AntiCraft's new edition, I love it. Need to learn to crochet. Someday.) I think my alterations will officially take these out of the vintage knitalong category though :)



I like the "pouf" of the yarn once dyed and washed.

And finally (I promise)... finished one toddler Wyvern sock...


20 gm of yarn goes a long way for little feet.

A pic of the new-to-me m1 increase from my last post...


You can see the ridge of lifted sts along the center of the photo and also to the right hand side. Also, another shot of the short row heel from Simple Socks: Plain & Fancy... no wrap and turn, no holes. :)

Off to go wind a monster ball of black yarn...


  1. Oooo, love the Wyvern. Have you knit with the Kona Fingering weight yet? I got a half-lb skein to try it out, and love love love it. Feels very nice while knitting, and washes a dream. So now I have two more pounds on the way - yay me!

  2. But it's not quite black, is it? It's like in the This Is Spinal Tap DVD, when the guys are just jabbering for a while, and they start discussing the black title screen, and they decide "it's like, it's a pastel black, really." Weekend Knitting book from Borders had a big slit on the front cover just like that. And they made me pay full price! I feel gipped. Now I'm contemplating that sale....again...

  3. Nice book score! Shipping is even higher to Europe so no sale for me. But you're right, Amazon has pretty good prices for most things...I think I've just been enabled ;)

  4. You made me order "Folk Knitting in Estonia"! :-P


  5. FKIE errata can be found here:

    Mini-wyverns are looking good ... I really like those colours!

  6. Great score! I got FKIE at the last sale, but was too late to this years. Everything I wanted was already gone, just as well... my debit card is feeling the burn.

  7. I bought the Art of Fair Isle knitting from the hurt book sale as well - one page had some marks on it. Love the Wyvern sock!

  8. The aquarium cars are my favorite too. Mine are blue on the bottom though.
    Anyway, nice dye job...don't you just love acid dyes!

  9. I love the color you dyed. It came out so nice and saturated.

  10. Indigo Bliss, I wish you'd miss me.

  11. We've got some of those Thomas cars, no aquarium ones. Got a Christmas snow globe one that looks like that one, though!

  12. I love the color you chose to dye the Kona fingering! I love how Kona plumps up after dyeing it.

  13. Monster ball of black yarn - bliss! :)

  14. Nice job on the dyeing. Oh, and about the potato heads comment on my blog....Well, you just gotta work with what you have on hand, lol! (We have enough toys for a city full of children, lol!)

  15. Waaah! I missed a sale? I'm doing Wyvern right now and hate the way my short row heel looks. Thanks for the info about it...yours looks great! I knew there was a reason I avoided toe up. I also did the ribbed version and it gives the heel an alien look.

  16. crazy alterations are the name of the game at the Vintage Knitalong! How else would Severina make her Morale Builders with skulls?

  17. I found errata here for FKiE the same place as Dave though there were none on IK's site (probalby due to later editions)

    The HA fingering came out really nice after a wash - looks like it bloomed quite a bit! Still on the fence about getting some thru the co-op.

    Thanks for the stockings link - I bookmarked it in case I get overly ambitious one day! :)

  18. I missed the sale. :( But I guess there's always next year! Looks like you made out great though.

    I love the Kona Fingering Wieght. It plumps up so much after dying. I can't wait to see your stockings.

    Have a good weekend!

  19. HEY, you got MY books ... LOL, you locked me out while ordering shortly into the sale. You must of been one step ahead of me ... you, you "sock lover" you. Congrats!

    BTW, I love that beautiful sock yarn you're using. I have that book... will see if the short heel is the same at the one from OzYarn. No wraps, yippy.

  20. Beautiful rich color you've dyed, can't wait to see the start of your socks. The Wyvern looks great, nice fast work!

  21. Great haul on the books. I love FKiE and just got the Feitelson book this week. Beautiful yarn too!

  22. Score on the books! Looks like I'll have to catch it next time around. :)

    Hey! Did you see this?

    Since I sense the force is strong in you, young jedi, Sock Wars should be right up your alley. lol

  23. OOoh, the Wyvern sock is lovely! The colorway makes me think of thunderstorms. Very nice!

  24. You have a lot of wonderfull things over here :) Youre a very talented knitter, i totally love those Pomatomus... really great choice with the yarn!! =)! A lot of congratulations from Chile :)

  25. great picks on the books!! unfortunately, i did not partake of the sale because we're on a spending freeze :( can't wait to hear about your progress on fair isle socks, mamlukes (from folk socks) are on hold because of tension issues. by the way,love the toddler wyvern's (incidently, what pattern do/did you use for baby socks?)

  26. I think I should be angry at Eleni, even with her heads up I scored not one thing from the hurt book sale. Not that I need more knitting books!
