Friday, July 28, 2006

Yarrow ribbed socks in Opal finished

Drunken lightning style socks.


Yarrow ribbed sock from "Knitting Vintage Socks" (Nancy Bush)
Started: June 14, 2006 (?)
Finished: July 26, 2006
Opal Krokodil, colorway #31
2 socks on 2 circular needles, US 1.5 (2.5mm)
76 gm total

Whew. The song that never ends, they just went on and on my friends... I drug this pair out on purpose by whining about it so much. It wasn't that bad, just terribly tedious... and me making it out to be worse dragged it on even more.

I knit them (in part) for reasons rather than having finished socks on my hot little feet-- I wanted to try the Opal yarn, I wanted to try the heel & toe from the pattern that I hadn't tried before.

As for the heel:

German heel...

...which meant stockinette with a purl (garter?) seam down the centre, and a purled 2 st border (" last 3 sts, p2, k1"-- k1 for the flap pick up). I worked a purl border on my STR baby cable rib socks too, I think its a neat detail... need to remember to try it again. It makes the heel seem less wide (this one seemed really wide since it was just stockinette coming off of the rib pattern), and looks neat (prolly would look cooler with a less bold yarn like Dave said way back then.)

The German heel isn't just different for the flap though, its the turn, which to me left a too-holey of a result:


It's not that bad really, I was pulling the fabric in this pic to really show them off. The heel is worked by decreasing 2tog and then turning and slipping the st holding the worked together pair and continuing. Not bad and I'm glad I've tried it, but not really something bangup. I did like the garter border though, and the seam down the centre is neat too :) (forgot to take pics of that!)

The French toe, one word? Weird.


Looks normal, kinda. Something's off though... what could it be?

When in doubt, turn her over. (Sage advice here people!!)


For the moment, ignore the toe-nipple action please :)

The French toe is worked like a flat toe-- like, k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 turn across the top/bottom of the foot. Except the french toe is divided over 3 needles and decreases are done 3x not 2. You've got 6 sts dec every 2 rounds instead of 4, and its decreased down to the point where you draw the yarn thru the x amount of sts you have left. Hence, nipplage.

Anyway. I did think it was weird that the pattern said to stop work 2.5" shy of the toe, since this obviously eats up more sts than a "normal" toe and I generally give myself 2" to work those, but hey! I really wasn't thinking and just wanted these darn things off of the needles so I soldiered on-- too short. I think :) You're supposed to dec to 12 sts and pull yarn thru, I dec'd to 6 so my toes are prolly more pixie-pointy than the sample. I'm not one to avoid kitchenering but if you are, this may be a good toe for you... I kept that weird 3rd "seam" on the bottom of one sock and on the top of the other (^see above), just for kicks.

Total non-segue, cuff is 6" long where pattern called for 8.5". I had 24 gm left over (used 76 total), and a 10.25" foot (heel to tip of point! :))... either could have been easily increased, though maybe not the full 8.5" cuff and 10"+ feet.

As for the Opal? I like it. Not like love, but like, like. :) I like the base yarn a lot (I heard you can buy it undyed from, about $12 USD shipped and 10 for about $81 shipped on sale), I think its just the patterning/color that doesn't grab me. I also heard that USA cats may see rising Opal prices soon at your favorite sock yarn store (and prolly other stores too, but Allison is cool enough to keep a blog for me to read and stay current on so I know ahead of time about SSYC stuff like that and can plan my next shopping attack). SSYC has like a million other things I covet, incl. that handpainted Opal! Now that stuff may snog my opinion totally on its ear...

I do like the Opal enough I've already started a pair of toe-up toddler socks, PGR style, in the 24 gm I have left over from this pair, so I guess that's saying something :)

Previous posts on Yarrow ribbed sock in Opal Krokodil 31:

July 10, 2006
June 23, 2006
June 19, 2006

psst! purrl... if i could knit with my toes, don't you think i'd lambast entertain yall with a photo series and mundane, 50000 word writeup? :)


  1. Great colors! I'm working on a pair of the oak ribbed socks from the same book. Almost to the heel.

  2. Love the yarn and love the socks. I did a heel on my most recent socks that had the same garter border to the heel and I loved it. Very cool.

  3. Beautiful socks! I'm not sure about that toe though. A seam across the bottom of the foot? Sounds uncomfortable.

  4. I could never ever get that particular colorway to pattern the way it is suppose to. Mine just looked weird. Yours look great.

  5. I like the yarrow rib pattern. Thanks for showing the fine details at the toe & heel. Maybe one of these days I'll work up the courage to do a non-short row heel.

  6. I'd say a post from you about knitting with your toes would be anything but mundane :)

    Great socks, of course!

  7. Beautiful socks Aija... That book is one of my favorites...

  8. I love the colors and the pattern. The toe does sound a little weird though.

  9. Hmm... I think I have that colorway in my stash. For some reason it appeals to me more now - thanks!

  10. I like the color, but not crazy for the toe. Nice to try something different, but I tend to stick to the normal toe (4st. decrease one) on every sock I make, no matter what the pattern calls for. I tried the toe where you decrease til you draw up remaining sts (star toe?) on a pair of kids socks once, didn't like it, backed it out, did it my "normal" way.

    Can't wait to see what you make next!

  11. Great color, great socks. But darn you for getting that stupid song stuck in my head (this is the song that never ends....)!!! :)

  12. your camera gives really great close-up—what kind is it?? (i may be shopping for a new one . . .)

  13. Nice colorway! Interesting heel and toes! Can't wait to start some socks from that book!

  14. Beautiful socks - what a great color! Thanks for the closeup pictures - I really need to put this pattern on my list.

  15. Great socks! How do you finish them so quickly?

  16. Great colors! The socks look great

  17. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog! You are a wonderful sock knitter!

  18. Very interesting toe. How does it feel on the foot? Can you feel that extra decrease ridge underfoot?

  19. bring on the presentation! fess up woman! You're double-knitty-dextrous!

  20. This sock has been on my mental "to do" list since I got that book. I'm intrigued by the purl bumps bordering the heel flap. Toe looks interesting and I love the purple colourway.

  21. Ahh ribbing, endless ribbing... :) they do look neat in the flashes of color though.

    I did that same toe on some pair of socks (memory escapes me) and found it a bit too pointy....(and the nipple on the inside wasn't great either) good thing there are lots to choose from!

  22. Hey, love the color of your new socks!

    I ordered some Opal Uni 2005 just last week. I haven't tried Opal before and look forward to giving them a whirl. Like to have variety to pick from too.

  23. if those colors are right on the lower socks, they are truly amazing.

  24. 10 skeins of undyed Opal for $81? Where did I put that credit card...

    The sock looks great! I love the heel.
