Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Trekking on, singing their song, side by side...

(Looking for the sock yarn and Holz & Stein needle contest?)

It got to do its civic duty in the voting booths a month ago...


but didn't really get out trekking til this weekend.


It didn't like being splashed at Del Valle, but don't feel too bad for our hero...


In N Out makes *everything* better.

While Trekking, Pomatomus, and Holz & Stein ebony dpns* ...(and a sock bag from Trek!)...


all make Aija a very happy girl.

*not the same set i'm giving away in the contest ;)


  1. Ah, you picture the sock bag and link to me and I drool over your dpns - a fair trade?

  2. Hi!
    I must say that this colour is the most wonderful I have ever seen for long time. I am also a lover of Trekking yarn, so much that I bought sockyarn for MANY dollars just to get one skein of this, but I bought colour nr 110!

  3. Oh, another Pomatomus! It looks fantastic, and I love the colourway. What number is it?

  4. Pomatreks! Very nice :-)

  5. Oooooh, pretty! What a nice adventure for your sock:)

  6. Great colorway! I've never tried those DPN, hows about a review on them....

  7. Ooooooooooo.... I love how that yarn looks as Pomatomous! I wanted to do the Trekking thing, but I can't find it around here. Tried eBay, too, but no go. Maybe they'll do it again, and I'll have better luck! :(

    At least my STR for my rpms arrived today! (And I didn't have to pay duty! Bonus!) I have something else I should finish first, but methinks me sees me casting on rpms tonight!

  8. The Trekking looks great in that pattern!

  9. I like how the treking stripes along with the pomo-whatevers. And the shell stitch marker is awesome

  10. Those are Wonderful! LOVE

  11. Ah, the simple pleasures of life! (sock knitting, good dpns, nice yarn...) :D glad your sock had a good time trekking.

  12. I love how those colors are striping with that pattern. Great choice!

    I just wanted to share with you...I finally got my hands on Schaeffer Anne in the red color you have that I was coveting :)

  13. Oooohhh! That looks great!

  14. What a great adventure. And your pics are superb!!!

  15. Very nice - I finished a pair in this colorway, but they don't look anywhere near as nice as yours.

  16. I finished a pair of Trekking socks this week but your's are so nice that I considered frogging mine and Pomatotrekking. I'll just have to get some more of this yarn.

  17. I love the colour of the Trekking you are using. Can you tell me the number?

  18. What a pretty pomatomus - great combination. Good yarn + good pattern + good needles = all round fun knitting.

  19. I have been wanting to get some trekking for a while now, but I promised myself that I would wait to buy some when I go to the beach in a few weeks. You are not helping me to be patient! That sock is beautymus!

  20. by side by side.

    I'm really liking the Pomatomus socks. I just get scared to not to have enough yarn to finish the toes it I do them top down.

  21. Love the trekking color, I bought that color for my friend once and have been meaning to get some for me ever since. It looks great as a Pomatomus.

  22. Gorgeous! I am going to have to do those socks now!

  23. Truly beautiful combination of color and pattern. Wow!

  24. Looks like you're up for a duel with Athena. Funny, even when Arachne won, she lost. That is if you consider growing 4 more appendages, and perpetually weaving, as losing.

    p.s. nice socks (and cute toddler, to boot!).

  25. Wow! those are beautiful, but my Trekking couldn't handle being p-sock after a drinkie at Pat O'Brien's in Nawlins.

  26. I see you decided on a pattern! I love the way it's knitting up - the pattern is not at all lost in the yarn!

    My husband LOVES I&O burgers! Too bad there are none in the East!

  27. Love the sock!

    Glad you stayed cool!

  28. beautiful! i never thought of doing poma with trekking, the colors look fantastic! Adding that to the idea file.... :-)

  29. perfect yarn, perfect pattern, perfect socks. don't you just love it when it all comes together like that?

  30. Pomatomus is perfect for Trekking! Oh how you love to knit socks!! Gosh, I better knit a lot faster to keep up with you.

  31. The Trekking P-socks are gawgeous, dahling!!!!

  32. I love the pomatomus in that trekking. Wow.

  33. Oooh, I just got that color and it looks great in the Pomo pattern. I think I'll do that one next. Thanks for the wonderful pics!

  34. The P-word socks are glorious in the Trekking!

  35. all the choka ads are now for sock stuff.

    worth a click, i say.

  36. I love Pomatomus in that colorway! Would you mind sharing which colorway it is? I am also about to start my rpms, but i have to get my STR first!

  37. Lovely! As usual.

  38. I love the way the wide stripes are working out. It looks like a rainbow!

  39. ARG! i can't resist! the Trekking looks so nice with that pattern. you're gonna make me look like such a sock follower...sigh ;)

  40. I LOVE that Trekking colorway! I did Pomatomus in Trekking as well, except in a pinky/purpley stripe colorway. Mmmmm...trekking.

  41. Oh, I love the P 100! Hmm, might have to make a pair.... The problem is that 100 looks great as so many things, so how to choose?!

  42. Thanks for the comments on my blog. I love the Pom socks in that colorway. I never would have thought of useing Trekking yarn, but am now seriously considering it. Really seriously. No, I must control the urge and do more stach-busting, my closet is starting to overflow!!

  43. Your sock is beautiful! That Trekking is one of my favorites (mine are done in the Classy Slip Up pattern).

  44. Very nice yarn (I'm glad, too, that you're using my stitch markers!)

  45. Wow! Your pomatomus socks look great! Now I want the color you have to make my very own pomatomus. But, I haven't even found any XXL that would be willing to make the trek to my house. Hmmmm, I may have to order some.

  46. I've never tried Trekking yarn, but this is one of the prettiest socks I've ever seen and now I'm drooling and yearning for Trekking!

  47. Hey Aija, go to the Home Despot and get yourself some Tite-Bond II wood glue. I snapped not one or two but three pairs of Brittany birch needles, and I borrowed this stuff from my carpenter. It made an absolutely smooth, seamless join that I just buffed up. In your case you'd have to paint over the join so it didn't look like FrankenNeedle, but that'd be a small inconvenience to have 5 needles again.

  48. Fantastic colour on these great socks!

  49. Wow! I'm falling in love with your incredibly fascinating pair of colorful socks! My Mom is fond of knitting, so I'll share this post with her! Working with the most professed custom essay writers, I'm now running out of time and must leave!
