Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Summer Knitty! And a sock lovers contest!!

Yay! Summer Knitty 2006 is out, and I have a pattern in it! Yes, your very own cyclone ranger* and her feet are there, check it out!


(I know I should be all nonchalant, but hey, forgive me... reason will not lead to solution today!)

I've been super lucky not only in having my pattern published by Knitty, but also in winning yarn around the blogosphere left and right and upsidedown, and want to hold one of my own cold beverages to celebrate. Fingertips have memories, so why can't I?

Prizes first, right? Right.
(No neighbors complaining about the noises above now, eh?)

First, a skein of Socks That Rock Mediumweight in Marbles. I love this color, I may order it again soon but for now, hoist up the John B's sail cos, it wants to come home to you!

Blue Moon Fiber Arts STR Medium Weight
380 yd, 5.5 oz
Marbles colorway

Number two, two, two for my family... a honkin 8 oz skein of Merino Worsted Superwash wool from Interlacements. Bang a gong with some worsted socks for you and your loved one(s)! Or a scarf, or a castle and a keep... Pretend its not a cruel summer outside; just dreams daylight and 365 degrees :)

Interlacements Merino Worsted
100% superwash merino
560 yd/8 oz
Chairman of the Board colorway 217

Third, third, third is the word... some of the new Interlacements Tiny Toes yarn. No summer of 69 required, only a rush and a push and these tiny skeins can be yours! They need to be back in the arms of a good friend, help em out and make em yours :)

Interlacements Tiny Toes
100% machine washable merino wool
185 yd/50 gm -- 2 skeins (for yall with 3 feet, sorry!)
Stained Glass colorway, 218

And the coup de grâce.
...Ask me, I won't say no, how could I?

Positively fourth. This one is so very special, like double cherry pie... special to me since every one of you who reads my blog is special. (Really.) Keep on truckin down the page and you'll see what I mean.

July 5 afternoon, edit to add pics:



Holz & Stein double pointed needles, Ebony
direct from deutchland!
set of 5
2.5mm (US 1.5), 18 cm (approx. 7")

Yes. THOSE needles. The ones made of wood from reclaimed musical instruments, aka high quality beautiful black matte ebony wood? The ones Wendy calls her favorite needles for doing fair isle on (okay, on circulars... but this *is* sock pr0n yall!)? The ones that are pretty gosh darn hard to find in the good ol' USofA? Ja y ja y ja. They're in no shape for driving, bring them home to hang out behind your unlocked doors!


"Okay, how can I win??!"
...Captivity required from us a song...

I'm going to go my 21st century digital girl route and recycle my Choka on It contest from last time :) They turned night into day and welcomed us back with open arms and everything (week 12)! For those of you who haven't played before, a cut and paste from my previous contest's post:

" To make the contest something more than a comment cattle call and something kinda fun, go contribute to the world's longest poem at and afterwards, come back here & copy/paste your 2 line couplet you've submitted IN THE COMMENTS TO THIS POST. (Please read about how to contribute to the world's longest poem here first...) No yarn - sock - knitting references required or even encouraged, just your 7-5 that goes with the flow of the poem already in progress. "

Now, I WILL ASK (please, if this is all you read, read this), PLEASE write a couplet that FLOWS from the existing poem. You are *NOT* SUPPOSED TO WRITE YOUR OWN, STANDALONE COUPLET. They're supposed to flow from the previously posted couplet, the last one you'll see above when submitting your own. You're adding to a work in progress, *not* writing your own! And you DON'T have to force knitting into it, kay? (Repetition, the only thing I can do.) Please don't irk me, you won't like me when I'm irked... the words I know are all obscene.

About the needles!

Now, what was I saying about special needles for special peoples? :) First off, I love this blog. I really enjoy it-- writing, interacting, sharing with yall. Everybody who leaves me comments and drop me emails are solar supermen, my wonderwall fo sho. It has unexpectedly become a very big drive behind my knitting and in a way, writing and expression. All of you who read along with my too-long posts are the ones who make it possible, who egg me on and keep me rolling in my 5.0. I read everybody's comments when they come in and really dig them along with everyone who takes the time to write me a little blurb about whatever I may be spouting off about on those demon days. I even keep stock (with a tick tock rhythm) of them thru gmail (gosh darn it, I love me do some google sometimes...). I was reading a few in my comments folder and came up with an idea to thank yall for brightening my day and welcoming me into your community...

Its my party and I'll 1999 if I want to-- only those people who have left me a comment previous to this date and leave me a couplet comment in this post will be entered to win the Holz & Stein needles-- a special thank you for everyone who's hung out with me this far. Essentially, yall will be entered into 2 contests-- one for the yarn and one for the needles. You could ostensibly win yarn and needles, but the odds of that are like, math.

And if you're new here and haven't written me a comment before? Don't shed no tears! They can have their diamonds, we'll have our pearls ;) Stick around for joy, oscillate wildly with your hair slicked back and all that jazz... you can still win some rockin yarn just by submitting a couplet.

Sounds good? Good.

Boring details...
1) Winners will be picked at random, so don't sweat the technique. Only those who submit a couplet in the comments will be added to the draw.
2) One entry per person, though you're welcome to keep punching your card and cut loose over there. One comment/couplet is all that's needed if you're a returning commenter in order to win the Holz & Stein needles.
3) I will run the contest til July 23, 2006 so, you have til then to submit your couplet and come back here and post it in the comments to this post.
4) Now if I called you up, do you think you could go spread the word (you'll be free)? Could you blog about my little contest, post about it, use some of that strange magic and tell your friends to come play too-- how many of yall have them? :)

Okay, thats enough begging on bended knee for now.

Have fun, and thanks for making this so fun for me...

rpmFLAP1 rpmSHORT42

*psyched lone ranger isn't cool enough for me!


  1. Look at you with the Knitty pattern! So cool! Many congrats. And I love the pattern!

  2. Congratulations!!! Good for you! Those socks are so beautiful! I love to see the things you make.

    Here's my choka (I was replying to Alpha Duck, lol)

    Oh yes I do enjoy it.
    Nice to see you Duck!

    Thanks for holding this contest - that's so sweet and fun of you!! :D

  3. Congrats! I love rpm and already started knitting it... a few days ago. Heeheehee.

    I was so wishing you'd put some of those Smiths records up for prizes. But I don't even have a record player, so I don't know why.

    Oscillate wildly! Love it!

  4. Love the sock pattern! I have to go look at the rest of Knitty now! Saw yours and didn't even check the rest out yet. Gonna order some STR next week, will have to get some for your pattern.

    I will be back (hopefully) with a few lines for the contest!

  5. Congrats again! I got hubby's approval so I plan on starting on them this week on vacation! Speaking of that, here is my entry pulling off the July 4th theme they had going

    Summer is going quickly
    Start vacation now!

  6. Here's my contribution!

    paraphrase a pair of socks.
    I knit one, purl two

  7. Ooooh! I saw that pattern just now (but didn't look at the name, silly me) and I love it! So great to have a pattern that's well-suited to all the variegated sock yarn I have.

    Here's my couplet:
    "Try not to waste sunny days
    reading blogs inside"
    Never claimed to be a poet ;)

  8. Congrats on the new knitty pattern! It looks great, and yes, I've been looking for something that works with handpainted yarns. Thanks so much. Can't talk now... gotta go knit!

  9. AAAAHHHHHHHH! Awesome pattern! Congratulations on your new pattern in Knitty!

  10. And here's my couplet:

    Some people knit with cotton
    when it's summertime.

  11. CONGRATS! The pattern looks awesome - looking forwrd to giving it a try!

  12. Congrats on the Knitty pattern - the socks looks great!!

    The knitty future's so bright
    we've got to wear shades

  13. What an awesome way to delurk! Enter myself in a sock yarn contest! :)

    My addition to the choka was this:

    Of course, I like to sip tea
    and knit while I blog

    Thanks for having this contest! I'll be sure to comment more now, lol.

  14. Congratulations on the knitty pattern, I can't wait to try it out! Hopefully I'll be back with a couplet for that poem...

  15. I'm not very good at this sorta thing, but here goes:

    Whether I be writing mine
    Or browsing others

    Contest entry! Woo hoo! (I never win anything, but it's fun to play anyways!)

    Keep looking at your pattern! I even e-mail Blue Moon to order some STR!

  16. Hey that is awesome you are in Knitty!! Way. To. Go! I really like the pattern too and will try it out soon. Congratulations!

  17. How cool is that!?! A pattern in Knitty!!!! Woooo Hooooo! Congrats!

  18. oh super duper congratulations on your knitty pattern! and a super duper thank you for providing me with the PERFECT pattern for my Sundara yarn. oh happy day!

    sock on, girlie.

  19. Hee....what fun.

    "I won't write about knitting
    Just to prove a point"

  20. Congrats! I came by after recognizing your name on the Knitty pattern and here you are giving away things!
    Here's my couplet:
    While laughing at the Harlot
    I don't need no sleep
    (it's right after Ruby's, so it does flow!
    Congrats again!

  21. A rush and a push...the song references are a delight and when I saw the Smiths - well, you are just the best!

    Here's my silly couplet - I did not mean for it to be about socks or knitting, but obviously that's all I think about:)

    Two pointed needles do help
    one's sock knitting grow

    Obviously I should have put "four" not "two," but I figure you only use two needles if it's 2 circs or you are kitchenering (yes, that's a verb).

    Love your Knitty pattern - congrats!

  22. Congrats on your pattern, great socks! Love The Smiths, I knew you were a kindred spirit.

    Here's my couplet:

    Don't forget to stash enhance
    Skeins get lonely too

    Great contest!

  23. I came over to tell you congrats on the Knitty pattern - didn't know you were doing the contest thing. And as I SO want to try some Holz und Steins....

    A lonely mailbox
    That is what I have - send yarn.

  24. Congratulations again! (I was so excited to see which socks were yours, I looked at Knitty at work! Oh no!)
    I wrote a couplet in response to trek:

    Send yarn, flowers, or candy
    To brighten the day.

  25. Love the socks -- well done! Wonderful stitch pattern, and I'm very impressed with the range of sizes and the choice of heels and toes. Definitely on my to-do list :-)

    My entry:

    "King Gesar? King Geezer? Wait.
    No king shall pass by."

  26. Gratz on making it into Knitty :) I love the pattern, and can't wait to try it! I have just the yarn, one I dyed myself...

  27. Congratulations on the super cool sock pattern on Knitty.

    The couplet entry before me was:
    "Mongolian Bar-B-Q
    My dinner tonight."

    My entry:
    "And for dessert, cherry pie
    After, I will knit"

  28. I added...

    While, at my fingertips, keys
    to words and wonder

    The previous person was talking about wine and cats, and the focus is supposed to be the Internet, so I was thinking about an evening spent surfing on my laptop while petting my cat :-)

    Congrats on the Knitty pub!

  29. What a fun idea for a contest! Here are my lines:

    "Knitting socks, I surf and read
    Blogs about knitting"

  30. Congrats! I was admiring that pattern and then recognized your name. Woo-hoo!!

    Here's my choka - I was replying to Jennifer/Craftlilly:

    Spying cookies don't taste good
    Clogging computers

  31. Holy crap - those are yours? I printed them off to quickly to look close enough at the designer. Congratulations!

  32. I just wanted to say that I think you are a total hoot. hehehe

    I absolutely love your rpm socks. They are definately on my list of things to do.

  33. Congrats on the Knitty pattern! I love it and have lots of yarn that would look fabulous using it.

    Here's my choka:

    Besides pie, cookies are sweet
    Unless as spyware

  34. Congratulations on having your pattern published - and to go with handpainted yarn, is something I really appreciate.

    Here is my submission. Sorry only loosely related but I read the directions to the site and posted and then saw you said it had to relate more directly. Just got way to excited to see another Smiths fan out there so...

    The Smith's asked, how soon is now?
    I start new pattern.

  35. Congrats on getting your pattern published!

  36. HORRAY! Congrats! Love the pattern it's AWESOME! Great JOB!!
    Contest sounds fun! Never done anything like it!Keep up the great work!

    not sure what to do!
    But doing it!

  37. Muchas congratulations on beautiful pattern. What a fun celebration!

    Thyme grows wylde in my garden
    Time slows to nothing.

  38. Your pattern turned out great! I can't wait to try it.

    Here's my choka, what a great idea!

    Nothing but summer's quiet
    and baby sleeping on my lap.

  39. Congrats on the pattern! I was going to say more but all your pics have me drooling!

  40. Love the sock pattern! Congrats for having it published in Knitty. Great contest idea. Here is my entry (and the preceding two entries.)

    Thyme grows wylde in my garden
    Time slows to nothing.

    Nothing but summer's quiet
    and baby sleeping on my lap.

    Baby is growing older
    Time is flying fast.

  41. my couplet is

    "And await it shall longer,
    it is bedtime now."

  42. ~Soft light of late afternoon
    Filtered through the leaves~

    I feel so...literary writing a quatrain or a sonnet or a comment.

    Incredible pattern and congratulations! There's a skein of STR in my stash with this pattern's name on it.

    I lurk more than comment. I apologize and will take a moment to type what I'm thinking...

    Thanks for the link to the Choka...I spent a bit of time reading it and reading about it. How cool!

  43. Must. Have. Wool.

    If writing poor prose is the cost, so be it:

    Arise at oh-five-hundred;
    Check email. Addict.

  44. thanks for the choka bump.

  45. Congrats on the publication of your pattern! I was intrigued by it the moment I saw it; I am already debating which part of my stash to use!

    I couldn't resist entering the contest:

    Can't sleep, too busy typing...
    Is this blogworthy?

    Thanks to Trek for cluing me in!

  46. Just found your blog through Knitty. Love the sock pattern!

    Here's my couplet:

    Too sleepy to make much sense,
    Why do I waste time?

    Now I'm going to go and check out the rest of your blog entries and ogle all your finished socks.

  47. Have lurked for a bit...finally said what the hell and added 2 lines! They follow the time theme from 3 or 4 before it plus connected to the comment ahead of me. :)

    Internet connection so slow...
    Knit three rows waiting.

    Couldn't resist a knitting ref...but it's really what I do when waiting for a download to finish or a slow connection.

  48. I loved this entry - so full of the lyric I know so well. Choka-ing was so much fun. Here's my entry.

    Please say the weekend is near,
    I crave knitting time!

    Sadly, it's not terribly imaginative.

  49. I almost forgot to say that I really love the Knitty pattern and I'll definitely add it to my "to do" list.

  50. Congrats on the pattern! I was already eyeing it up, but now that I know it's yours I'll add it to my to knit list!

  51. i am trying to pick which yarn i want to use for your pattern. congrats!

    here's my contest entry:

    fear not, o knitting buddy
    the weekend is nigh

  52. O, great Choka, hear my cry!
    Please let me win yarn!

  53. Congrats! I love the pattern! I'll knit them and lose them to the teenage-girl-blackhole-bedroom-handknitted-sock-eater, but it will be fun while I knit!

    Yarn hiding in many nooks
    Waiting to be socks

  54. Congrats on the pattern and thanks for the contest. That was a lot of fun!

    knitting safe and warm at home
    waiting for the cold

  55. Congrats on the sock pattern publication! They're fabulous. Love 'em.

    I'll be sure to post a link to your contest on my blog. Looks like a fun one!

  56. I love RPM--I have a couple of hanks of STR med and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them!

    and here's my couplet just for fun:

    knit one purl one I just can't stop
    how will it end now?


  57. Oh those needles look extra yummy!! Congratulations on the Knitty Pattern.

    Here is the couplet I submitted:
    White geese swim in clouded ponds,
    birds overhead fly

  58. Great pattern ... congratulations on being published!

    Here's my contribution:

    As days are stitched together
    and life saunters on

  59. indeed, but what does anon
    ye mean, anyway?

    bleargh, a very lame addition to the thing. ah well.

  60. Oop, forgot my URL!

  61. Congrats on the pattern! I love seeing your sockpron!

    Here's my choka:

    Is now the time to move on?
    Leave blue screens behind.

    Your blog is really inspirational -- I love your writing and your knitting.


  62. Blue screens are the one true bane
    Of computer life.

  63. I was sitting here printing out some patterns from the new Knitty, and I saw your comment on my blog. As I was printing "rpm", I thought "Hmm... I wonder if that is the same Aija..." So I popped over here to see, and lo and behold!

    Anyway, I LOVE the pattern, and I am (interestingly enough) thinking of using the CTH for it!

  64. a poem spiraling out of control goes great with spirally sox!
    my couplet:
    Lil Red won't get anything done,
    if the yarn isn't wound

  65. My couplet:

    Winding, spinning, breathing, it
    stretches toward us

  66. Congratulations on the pattern !!
    I printed it out and have it waiting for the perfect yarn !!

  67. Ok, I choka'ed:

    Luckily my foot is snug
    In a handknit sock

  68. Congratulations on getting your pattern published! :) It's a great design & I can't wait to knit it.

    To keep up with my wierd poetry theme, here's my contribution to the choka:

    Other things without thumbs: zebras, goats
    Seals, hippos, emus, snakes, tigers.

  69. Well I seem to be addicted to the Choka site! Have now done 3 or 4 and after reading the Wall of Fame/Shame I'm not sure which would be easier to get onto to but perhaps I'll try for fame :) Yes, I confess I worked a tribute to Frank Zappa & my blog name into couplets! (If the sock fits?) lol

    SOCKS HAVE NO THUMBS ... but zebras & goats have too many syllables :)

  70. I stumbled over here from Knitty and wow! Cool music AND sock yarn?! I'm in heaven.

    Here's my contribution: (it only makes sense when read with the ones above it I guess).

    Like the computer cables.
    My foot's caught again

  71. Here is my contribution;

    Today's topic is Knitty
    Google Knitty now

    Your socks are awesome!

  72. Ooh, that was my favorite pattern in the new knitty. Definitely a pair in my future. Congratulations!

  73. Congrats on the Knitty pattern! I already downloaded it and was looking through the stash for the perfect yarn for it!

  74. Congrats on the pattern! All your socks are great. Here's my choka:

    Fingers fell off? That's just fine
    Make fingerless mitts

  75. and in response to Susan's couplet, mine is:

    or if mitts are not your thing
    surf a new pattern!

    Congrats on the Knitty pattern!


  76. You rock!

    Count me in (7 times or 5?):
    Sock it to me, baby mine
    DPNs divine!

    (yeah, yeah, but this sockiness actually flows!)

  77. I hope you know this will go down on your permanent record. Oh yeah? Here's my contribution. It's Saturday morning. I didn't sleep. I'm a tad snarky.I promise to go back and try to be more poetic later. lol. Anyway, here ya go:

    "Rhyming is against the rules.
    Go back to the start."

  78. Darn! I should read alllll the other comments before I post. If I did that, I would know that there are at least TWO other "beckys" leaving comments. So from now on. I will be beckyboo.

  79. Becky [beckyboo]was just before me on the choka and said:
    "Rhyming is against the rules
    go back to the start."

    and my couplet is:

    "Put a circular spin in
    and surf on home now."

    BTW, congrats on the patttern ... I love it!

  80. My choka:
    I use five doubles for my
    fine fat fast firm hat

  81. congrats on the pattern! I LOVE the socks, fantanstic!!

  82. o duck flying overhead
    gaze on wedding lace?

    congrats aija on the socks!! this post was so fun! can you share the information for purchasing those needles? i am an ebony addict; i knit my KWC shawl on them.

  83. Congratulations on your Knitty pattern! So exciting, although not surprising you have such talent and your socks are always amazing.

  84. Goody for you and your AWESOME published pattern!!!

    You are a contest guru. Here's my attempt at flowing from the previous couplet:

    wireless fibers connect
    winged lovers below

  85. Lovely sock patterns. Now I know what to knit with my STR, besides ribbed socks.

    Here are my three lame couplets. It is quite late and my brain counted 6 as 7 on the first one. My lines got worse as I rambled on too. (sigh) What to do?

    Open up the whole world
    to silent lurkers

    giving voice to emotions
    once expressed in yarn

    now we applaud the efforts
    of unknown knitters

    This looks like a fun contest. I like the "skill test".

  86. I love RPM; what a great sock!

    my choka

    You can google knitting blogs
    no longer unknown

  87. Lovely socks!

    Here's my choka:

    Yet despite this, on my blog
    My socks are unread

  88. Hooray for new socks!

    Unread, resting in the void
    not unloved, but waiting

  89. And...

    Apparently, I can't count
    Back to school I go

  90. Congrats on the Knitty sock pattern, how cool!

  91. Oops forgot to copy my contribution to the choka

    Shopping happily I go
    More knitting time soon

  92. This is pretty cool! I'm a first time visiter, sent here by my friend Becky. Here's my pathethic couplet, following one about ruined ambitions...

    Ambitions knit together
    provide warmth to toes

    Looking forward to seeing more of your blog (and your pattern)!

  93. I just popped over because I love your new knitty pattern and always check to see if the designers have even cooler things on their blogs, and I just can't resist writing a couplet since I haven't seen that fabulous site before.

    Here is my choka!

    the light of winter morning
    makes up for the chill

  94. Hi there - I'm not eligible for the needles as I've only just found your blog - by googling for Holz & Stein needles! So you can tell I really want some! Please, please can you tell me where to buy them? Were they from Germany? (I'm in the UK.)

    Here goes with a couplet:

    Round and round, knitting's fine -
    But so much better with Holz and Stein!

    I like your sock pattern too!

  95. Great pattern. Cannot wait to start them.

    Here's my choka contribution:

    The glow of the computer
    brings friendship anew

  96. congratulations on the knitty pattern!!!

  97. Congrats on your Knitty pattern! So exciting! And the socks look really puffy, comfy and soft. You know they're on my to-do list now.

  98. My choka lines:

    full spectrum sunshine crash course
    my virtual bliss explodes

    I really like your socks, I'll see if I have some suitable yarn in the boxes. (We're moving)

  99. "A song to sing off and about,
    driving all alone."

    not about yarn, but it flowes with the choka!

    fantastic yarn! and great pattern!

  100. I loved this post. Very clever! I did two couplets. One in which I reveal that I can either write poetry or count, but not both. The second where I realize my non-counting skills have foiled me again:

    The song fills the air full of
    off-key notes and still I smile

    but then I remember the
    rule 7-5. Shame.

  101. no ducks out riding Hondas
    Hondas in the pond

    Love the choka!!Denise

  102. The ducks are knitting socks now
    Zen surrounds the pond

  103. So much at one's fingertips;
    How to surf AND knit?

    Lisa K.

  104. Okay, so much for the Choka couplet, after lurking for so long, I just have to say congrats on the Knitty pattern. It's fabulous and I've already cast on for these!

    Lisa K.

  105. Here's my Choka--this is fun!

    Who could know the Web would lead
    Here, so creative!

  106. Congratulations on getting your pattern published in Knitty! You must be chuffed to bits. It's a fabulous pattern too!

  107. My Choka couplet:
    I'm nervous to contribute
    But I want the yarn

    Your sock pattern is beautiful - I can't wait to try it.

  108. What a fun contest! My contributions are:
    The day is even better
    If I win some yarn

    I crave yarn stash enhancement
    Via internet

    Congrats on being selected by Knitty. Lovely socks!!!

  109. Hello!
    this was my submission...

    Stash enhancement, Holtz and Stein
    Like crack for knitters

    LOVE your stash photos and your sock pattern! Gonna have to order some of that SEXY HOT sock yarn!

    thanks for the contest!



  110. Love your RPM socks! Thank you for the pattern!

    Here´s my choka:

    Anywhere? To World Wide Web?
    We can all go there.

    Love contests :)

  111. Here's my addition to the choka:

    needles are much better used
    to make lovely socks

    Okay, so it is knitting related, I'm a dork - what can I say?

  112. and to think like Elmer Fudd,
    Wear angora pants.

  113. my first comment on your blog, and all for the love of potential yarn winnings...

    here's my couplet

    angora bun so goofy
    fluff tickles my neck

    (thanks for your comment on my sock post so i could find you!)

  114. Um, I always thought it was cyclone ranger, too...

    Here's my couplet (and I feel like an idjit, but I can't remember if I've commented to you before...I *think* I have, but then, I've got mommy brain, so who freaking knows...)

    sticky papers on big trucks
    rag the president

    I'm CelticCoyote on there & the knittyboards. :)

  115. Congrats on the pattern! that is too cool. I really like it - it's next on my sock needles!

    Here's my chokas (although it's addictive - I may well be back!):

    like the Snuffleufagus,
    furry, elusive,

    time management evades me.
    I blame the Choka.

    Yarn and blogs tempt me at work

    Who needs work? I'd rather read
    Sock Pr0n and knit more.

  116. I could knit here at my desk,
    Hiding yarn in drawer.

    (I didn't try to make a knitting reference; someone before me already had!)

  117. Here's mine:

    Angora tickles my nose,
    And so I scratch it.

  118. My fave pattern this Kintty - congrats!

    Get me where I must be now:
    With or without shoes

  119. The pattern and the contest are equally cool. I've Choka'd 3 times. I must stop now! Here's one of them:

    Please say the weekend is near,
    I crave knitting time!

  120. Wow, you are a superwoman author, getting a pattern published on Knitty. I just found you through Trek Along, and love your attitude about blogging inspring knitting and writing. Also glad to get turned onto the Choka process - here's mine:
    A java of another
    sort - iced today please

  121. How fun! Coming off birdsong's...

    A lot of caffine for me
    makes sherry hyper!

  122. Too cool. I love poetry. Unfortunately, the topic had moved to spiders. This is my contribution:

    This mom does not touch spiders,
    better get your Dad.

  123. And my couplet was:

    Rain soaks my yarn and I squeal
    Hurry! Dry it out!

    I liked your sock pattern better than any of the others in Knitty this time - congrats!

  124. What a cool idea for a contest! I found your site via your awesome sock pattern.
    I know I'm late to the party, but here is what I added:
    Poetry, the muse's gift,
    illuminates all

  125. I had to read your post like 4 times before I realized that i can enter even though I have never commented before!

    Here is my couplet
    'heat commands your frizzy hair
    surrender. it's wild'

    And i couldn't help but notice that 'yarn' has been mentioned enough times to show up in the tag cloud :)

  126. I love knitting socks toe-up...I need to get my mind around converting cuff-down patterns to fit my desire to knit this way:)
    My contribution to choka
    "A Pi shawl for all. Round like the sun."

  127. Love the yarn pics and your blog (a little sweet talk can't hurt!) Here's my couplet:
    and then to walk it all off
    in crocs oh so blue

  128. Wow! Congrats to Knitty for getting to publish your feet! (and congrats to you for the cool pattern)

    I've never had (or seen in person) Socks That Rock yarn, so obviously I have to go for it. I did two couplets in response to the two above mine... here's the two from Mock Turtle, and then mine (it's an astronomy/physics joke):

    Mock Turtle:

    Heat so swirly, sun oblate
    Gaseous curve, SOHO

    Dark dead heart of the Turtle
    Shell draws me inside

    ravensegg (that's me):

    Silly for you to maintain
    that Science is All

    It's Turtles all the way down
    so Get Off My Back

  129. Here's my chocka:

    I will go where I want to
    And do what I want

    Thanks for the contest

  130. The Choka topic is currently turtles:
    See a tortoise on its back
    baking in the sun

    Does Sock Pr0n know the reference?

  131. Thanks so much for pointing me towards something so fun!

    My entry:

    Tricky mind games hearts adore
    Compare passive thoughts

    Thanks again!

  132. all this talk of love and games
    makes me yearn for youth

  133. the fountain of youth exists
    follow your instincts

  134. it leads me out to the sea
    water, fish and me

  135. Here's my contribution:

    sitting quietly by the
    warmly glowing box

  136. first, knitting, now, spinning wheel -
    double crack-tastic!

    Now the dust bunnies roam free
    Commingling with wool.

    I spin and knit all day long
    (when no one's looking)

  137. Here's my couplet, in response to the dust bunny one (which was the last one on the poem):

    "They hide behind furniture
    Waiting for their chance..."

  138. Awesome pattern- I'm so making those socks!

    Here's my couplet:

    I thought I might like to, but
    now I don't think so.

    It expresses the self-doubt I sometimes feel when the yarn seems nicer than my skills.

    Greetings from Utah, where it's fairly warm today

  139. My couplet, if it isn't too late on the 23rd to enter (and if it is, well, oh well :)):

    So instead, I am knitting
    at night with my friends

  140. So I misssed out on this contest, since I only read someone's post over at the STR KAL today! Waaah...

    Thought I'd post anyway, since I was so thrilled to see your pattern using STR! Love seeing new patterns that use STR so I don't have to use my own brain to try and figure out what will work!

    Thanks so much for a wonderful pattern which I hope to knit up in the near future!

  141. A/C Man is dead? explains my Intense Heat Dread

    My couplet- random but it FLOWED;)
