Sunday, July 23, 2006

Contest winners :)

Thanks everyone for the well pattern wishes and playing along in my little contest...


Socks That Rock Medium weight in Marbles... PBnJ

Interlacements Merino Worsted in Chairman of the Board... ravensegg

Interlacements Tiny Toes in Stained Glass... penny karma

Holz & Stein 2.5mm ebony dpns... Jerry & Maxy


Thanks again, this was super fun for me!! I had fun with it, any suggestions for another contest? (I have a birthday coming up and want to steal Tara's birthday contest thunder... she was the one who gave me the wonderful shell stitch markers that were pictured in my recent pomo-trekking post. She also has a fab handdyed, *eco-friendly* yarn shoppe online too :)) I do like these choka contests though-- I get a kick out of the couplets hitting my inbox.

Have a great, cool week! :)


  1. I am beside myself with excitement!!! Thank you thank you thank you, Aija!

    Big hugs!!! And lots of fanfare!!!

  2. Yippee!!! Thank you SOOOO much!! I've never worked with STR before! How exciting!

  3. Oh, by the way, HOW do I get in touch with you? (Please excuse my bloggy-ignorance! :D )

  4. Congrats, everyone!! Heh, I can't give you contest ideas because I need contest ideas. LOL

  5. Congrats to the winners! Contest ideas... Well I've got one going on on my blog right now.

  6. Contests are so fun and the best was getting to meet the person who won the yarn I gave away and had on the socks she had made with it... full circle in a great, fibery, bloggy sorta way.

  7. Congrats to the winners!

  8. Congrats to all the winners!

  9. Your existence gives me hope.

  10. Congrats to the winners! It was really fun to find the Choka... thanks for the tip!

  11. Thanks for the good luck wishes!
    I do have a few questions about converting dpn patterns to circular ones, is there any special trick to it?

  12. I'm too sad that I didn't win! (but thanks for mentioning the shop!)

  13. Congratulations to the winners! I'm also sad that I didn't win! I would give it a try once again sooner or later. Use our custom paper writing services for your individual academic purposes!
