Friday, May 19, 2006

Knitting mail call, and a teeny contest...

I love my mailman!

I gave him some blue squares for Justin... (click the link! Cynthia needs more squares! :))


...and he gave me...

Schaefer Anne in orange, black, grey, brown... (yay!). Picked up from a stash reduction. I keep hoarding Schaefer Anne and haven't knit a single thing from it yet, but I'm just drawn to it. I think I should actually use it one of these days.

8 balls of Rowan Cork in Delight (orange).

I am *so* thrilled with this... I have been eyeing this yarn on ebay for forever (discontinued yarn), for this...

(Robin Hood Jacket from Adorable Knits for Tots by Zoe Mellor)

but I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for it, and I didn't really think a sub was that great of an idea since the yarn is unique in weight/composition/gauge. I was able to swap for it though, *and* in the color I wanted!! :) Thanks Mandy for a great swap, she made my year with this stuff. I won't be able to knit it up til the next cold season, but there's more than enough yarn there for even the biggest size of the pattern if boogerbear hits a growth spurt. And, did you notice? Orange!!! :)

My poor kid.

And the coup de grâce? Also known as, I am the luckiest blogger around lately?

I won a $20 gift certificate to Knit Picks from Heide! Crazy is as crazy does, she won one of the Lisa Souza sock yarns I gave away in my last contest :)

I love the blog contests... so here's a little, tiny one for yall. The prize?


4 oz, about 560 yards, of Henry's Attic Kona Superwash lightweight fingering yarn that I reviewed in my last post; the half left from what I'll use for my dyeorama buddy. Also, 4 paas easter egg dye packets, and one of those wire eggy bobber things. (I used a wire thing to pull solid skeins from the dye last time I used the easter egg dye on yarn, surprisingly helpful!) This is a new one of course :) You'll just need some white vinegar to dye up a storm! Or, sock yarn!

Told you it was little! :)

So, to win you ask?

Guess what I ordered from Knit Picks with my GC from Heide, of course :) Contest ends when I receive the item(s), most specifically correct guess wins. You can guess quantities, colors, etc. One entry/guess per person-- leave all guesses in the comments of this post please, and no broad/non-descriptive $1 price is right hedge bets ("yarn," "needle," "book," "bag...") please :)

1) I paid for shipping.
2) I bought one item-- one or multiples of the same item. (So, 7 Butterfly Kisses *or* 1 row counter, but not 1 Sparkles *and* 1 Port a Pocket).

Winner is the one who gets the closest, color/quantity etc first... If no one surmises the nose, everyone who hazards a guess will be entered into a random number generator for the prize. Sound fun? (Kinda?)

Happy weekend!


  1. I'll hazard a guess - let's say 5 skeins of Andean Silk in the Pumpkin Patch colorway.

  2. I'm the same way with Schaefer Anne! Except that I FINALLY knit a pair of socks with it. Believe me, the hoarding is worth it.

    Hmm, and the contest... I'll make a boring/lazy guess and say 6 hanks of the Color-Your-Own sock weight.

  3. Pooh--I was going to guess dye since they had it on sale recently, but I can't find it anywhere on the site now.

    Soooooooooo, with your recent interest in dyeing, I will say:
    Dyeing to Knit by Elaine Eskesen because if I had a gc to KP, I think I would go for something I normally wouldn't purchase--a splurge or luxury item.

  4. I love the Anne color! I haven't knit with any yet, or have any in the stash, but I've been eyeing it!

    The orange cork is beautiful! I love orange! I have a bag of a beige color pegged for something later in the fall.

    Hmmm - for the contest....I'll think on that one....

  5. I'm gonna go waaaayyyy out on a limb and say you ordered the sheep doormat!

    You're the same way with Schaefer that I am with Lorna's Laces! I'll have three colors of the Shepherd Sock when I get the two I just bought on eBay. Haven't tried the first color I bought last year yet!

  6. I'm going to guess 6 skeins of Shine Worsted in Sunflower.

    That Schaefer yarn is exquisite. Now I have yet another yarn to lust over.. I'm not so sure that's a good thing!

  7. I'll guess two knowknits knitting on the go sacks to make your sock knitting portable...

    I'm going to have to get a skein of that Anne yarn -- yours is lovely!

  8. I made my clapotis out of Schaefer Anne it is such a lovely yarn to work with! That sweater is so cute!

    For your contest I am going to say
    Dye your own Sock weight yarn. :)

  9. Thats a very cute sweater from Zoe'' book..
    For your contest I'm going to guess 6 sks of Color your own in fingering weight since your on a roll with dying and it's merino!!

  10. No time to guess, so I pass on the contest. Just dropping by to say "hi" and say, I love your squares for Justin. I sent 3 also, but forgot to take a picture 'coz I was in such a hurry to get them in the mail. Oh well, they're on their way. So what did you pick from your MakeOneYarn certificate? Is that what you won also? I just LOVE my winnings. Fun getting fiber in the mail, huh? Happy knitting!

  11. Hmm, 5 skeins of Knitpicks Color Your Own Sock yarn.

  12. No clue. 5 skeins of Paint Your Own laceweight?

  13. So I don't duplicate anyone elses great color your own guess, I'll go with 3-4 skeins of Memories. Do I have to pick an exact colorway? If so, Smores.

    But then you may have splurged on a book or 3 skeins of Shimmer in Maple Leaf - are you doing the Amazing Lace?

    OK, I'm way over my 1 guess limit. :)

  14. That egg dye looks like candy! To think I threw mine away (I just couldn't bear to have the kids make a mess with or eat it.)

    I'm going to say (does shipping figure into the $20?) 4 skeins of Shimmer in Maple Leaf.

  15. a sock story you'll appreciate.

    i was going through canadian security, flying to washington d.c. the shake down is intense -- more than going to northern ireland during the Troubles, more than going into yugoslavia during their civil war, more than flying on september 16, 2001, more than flying during the first gulf war. which is to say: intense.

    for the second time they are examining my shoes and wanding my homemade socks.

    me: "what do you think of my socks?"

    canadian security male: stops, looks kinda surprised. "hey, those are NICE!"

    "right. you're not the first person to use that term to describe them."

    "are they homemade?"

    "yes. they're custom. except there's a trick, and i'm not sure i can tell you this for security reasons." he looks suspicious, and i pull him close. "they're made with extra love."

    he laughs, "are they too warm?"

    i make a web with my fingers to help demonstrate, "no, they're woven, so they're really fun. really nice. but you feel like you're walking on waffles. it's an odd feeling, but not unpleasant. it's great because they remind you that you're loved."

    he smiled, "you have a nice flight."

    and i did.

  16. I love the orange yarn you got :)

    I think you bought 5 skeins of Alpaca Cloud in Tide Pool with your gift certivicate. It looks to be a very nice yarn!

  17. 5 skeins of Memories in Fly Fishing. That's my guess. :)

  18. I know it isn't color your own yarn because, well, they are out. Sooo.....I am going to guess a pair of Addis.

  19. I'll guess and say... Folk Socks. :)

  20. i would guess that you ordered the book one skein by leigh radford with your kp gift certificate
