Saturday, April 08, 2006

Blue womb, you knew just what I was there for...

Womb completed... :)

Womb from Winter Knitty 2004
Started: March 30, 2004 (completed!)
Finished (stuffed, pipe cleaner-ed, sewn): April 7, 2004
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes, Blue Bonnet
US 7 dpns-Pony Pearls (4.5mm)

If you've ever had the slightest desire to knit Womb, do it! :) Its SO quick... it took me more time to find the pipe cleaners than it did to knit and sew up. I added a single bead to the fimbria, just for fun. Check out Jess Hutchison's finishing tips for sewing the fallopian tubes on-- either in her Unusual Toys for You to Knit and Enjoy book or from the Kate pattern from Winter Knitty 2005.

I've also been working on a project I'm thinking about submitting to Knitty for the Summer 2006 issue... the extremities issue! How rad is that? Forget Spring, I want the Summer issue!!

A pic of the yarn, since I can't share a pic of the progress on the project...

Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock, Mediumweight
Top: Blarney Stone, Bottom: Tigers Eye

Who doesn't have stuffed leopards and toy trains on their dining room tables? And yeah, that's Elmo in the background on my desk. Looks like a daycare threw up in here today.

So I think I'll finish it up today and start a pair of socks... either the Step Above entrelac socks from Knitter's Summer 2004, or maybe the dk version of the Simply Lovely Lace socks from Interweave Knits Spring 2006 (in Cherry Tree Hill Super Glitz). Getting my to-knit-list together for Flash Your Stash 2006 really helped me think about the projects I want to try, but there are so many! I'm also dying to work with some of the new Schaefer Anne, since I already am holding back from ordering more from Little Knits and should try to actually knit it before buying more, but I don't want to knit another Nancy Bush sock right now (I love them, just not right now!)

I know I need to get cracking on Starsky (I haven't done anything with it since the last pic update), perhaps I'll bang out the back and start on a front panel before starting a new sock. Maybe! :)


  1. I see your little one must like Thomas, too! Mine both do. Got a little Mavis kicking around here somewhere.

    Good luck with the Knitty thing! I was half thinking about submitting a sock pattern sometime, but after all I read about the rejections from her on other blogs I haven't pursued it! I don't deal with rejection well.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your socks! You always match yarn/pattern so well. You inspired me to try to match my sock yarns to patterns, but I have nowhere near the amount you do!! But give me time, give me time...

  2. Looking forward to seeing your knitty submission when you can show it and good luck with getting it accepted! As always you take lovely pictures. The most artistically displayed womb I've ever seen! :)

  3. That is so cool! LOVE the blue womb!

    Can't wait to see your pattern for knitty! Good luck!

  4. Love the blue womb! But now that song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day, I just know it!
    Maybe I'll just have to knit one of these, posibbly a Womb with a View! (Ha!)

  5. Too cute! For some reason I thought they were larger than that. Your STR yummy, especially the tigers eye!

    Best of luck w/your knitty submission!
