Monday, February 06, 2006

River Rapids stalled, swatching for Knitting Olympics...

Sort of a "clean up" post ahead...

I've been knitting less and less of the River Rapids socks and have basically stalled out on them. There isn't a problem with the pattern or the yarn (though I think I may be knitting these on too small of a gauge); the fabric looks great and tight but my hands are killing me. I love knitting 2 socks on 2 circs, even thought its probably not that much faster than knitting one at a time-- but my US 1.5's (2.5mm) are 16" and they're just too short for me. I can't stand them with as many stitches as are on the needles right now... just looking at the uncompleted socks bothers my hands. (I knit with the palm of my hands, and the 16" needle makes me knit solely with fingers.) So I've ordered some 24"-ers and will restart the RR's when they arrive, hopefully in time to finish them before the KOlympics.

I've swatched for the "rib and cable sweater with hood" I'm planning for the KOlympics... Knit Picks says the Merino Style is 5.5 sts = 1" on US 5's, the Bliss pattern calls for gauge of 20 sts = 4" in st st and 24 sts = 4" in patt. So I knit the st st and the gauge was off (6 sts = 1") and the patt was off as well (7 sts = 1"). Promptly started to freak out as I'm wont to do, then figured that blocking may actually be my friend... Blocked swatches and got gauge on both on the pattern's needle size (US 6), so I'm happy. This was my first time blocking anything... I always just "finish" socks and wear them, so this was a tiny miracle for me :) Even though the swatches smell a bit like wet dog!

Besides avoiding the socks, I've played around with the felted bag pattern but nothing to report on it yet. Mainly I've had my nose in sock knitting books... Knitting on the Road, Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy, Knitting Vintage Socks and Sensational Knitted Socks. I haven't had much absorption rate with my toddler's obsession with dvd's lately (rearranging), but they are inspiring... I think I want only Folk Socks and Socks, Socks, Socks to round out my sock knitting library, maybe Simply Socks for inspiration. And a few stitch pattern books (Barbara Walker's Treasuries, Vols I & II; Stitchionary; Mon Tricot 1500 patterns) so I can really use the 4377 out of Sensational Knitted Socks... as soon as I get back from Stitches West, of course!

Which has been another obsession here-- checking out the vendors that'll be at the Market on Knitter's website...
Etc etc. You can see I'm a bit obsessive about the sock yarn... I just want to check out things I haven't tried, and there are quite a few :) My lys is pretty inaccessible to me with a toddler in tow, and their sock selection never grabs me when I'm there. Here's hoping I get grabbed :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the RR socks - they will be beautiful once you finish! Have fun at stitches - I am patiently awating MD this year with a similar "must see" list!
