Thursday, January 26, 2006

Knitting Olympics...

Yes, I'm going to be one of those! Something about kal's gets my cola flowing.


I didn't think there was any rhyme or reason for me to join, as I pretty much had declared oh-six a sock-only year (unofficially! but that's what's held my attention for more than anything, knitting wise lately...) and I knew I could get a pair of socks done in 16 days np.

But I came across a pattern I had, in Debbie Bliss' Baby Knits Book, from when I first started knitting that is *so* up this challenge's alleyway...

I started knitting once I found out I was pregnant (diligently taught myself via Stitch and Bitch) and kinda put it away once I got down knit and purl. I have one knitted "bookmark" from that time. :)

Once babe was born and sleeping for some decent amount of time, I picked it up again to knit baby stuff-- my first attempt was an itchy garter stitch sweater that I couldn't bear to make babe wear but I couldn't stop knitting, as it took so long to get where I was going! Second was a nicer cardigan (Daisy from Knitty) in doubled-fingering weight handdyed yarn (not superwash, of course!) that was about 2 years too big once done.

Incidentally babe's old enough to fit into it now, and when on it is promptly removed (partly my fault, still haven't attached the buttons to the collar) and thrown to the ground. My favorite is when this flourish is accompanied by "ca-ca!" as its being done.

Yeah, ca-ca.

So aside from scores of baby socks (which have gained more and more appreciation as babe has gotten older and become interested in watching their construction) and oddly shaped and strangely stuffed toys that are promptly lost under everything (like every toy, so I don't feel too bad), babe has no real knitted gear from me... even though *he was the impetus for the fever in the first place.

I did (dutifully) pour over baby sweater patterns looking for the perfect sweater (that would fit), knowing I could probably not bear the expanse of st st (even in baby sizing)... never struck. But I had earmarked a pattern I knew I couldn't touch with my wobbly knits and three handed purls then-- but now! I think I could do it.

Maybe... :)

So here ends the sock-only reign to throw my feet into the olympic fire!

"Cable and Rib Sweater with Hood", from Debbie Bliss' Baby Knits Book

Knit in Knit Picks' Merino Style

Dusk colorway.

Here's hoping for no ca-ca comments from mah peanut's gallery.

1 comment:

  1. Love this pattern - that's the sort of thing I go for! I have 2 boys, 6 and 3, but they don't have a lot of stuff knit by me. The littlest one has hand-me-down knits from the older one. I do have yarn stashed at home to make them both a sweater. One may be my Knitting Olympics project. (or Pomatomus socks)
